Wang Wen, Liang Meng and their several are all facing the cloud top villa on the screen to be deeply attracted!

"Is there such a villa in Jinling? Wenwen, why haven't I heard of it

Hou Xiaoxia said in surprise.

Wang Wen also nodded: "I am the first time to see you. However, I seem to have heard that our Jinling Yunding villa is said to be worth nearly one billion yuan."


Hou Xiaoxia bit her lip: "what a local tyrant this must be!"

"This is the Yunding villa in Jinling. As you can see, the purpose of organizing this party is to make it clear. Hong county has outstanding people and beautiful scenery! Our group plans to build a Yunding villa in Hongxian County! "

Mr. Guo said.

As soon as this was said, there was an uproar.

"If Hong county can also appear such a spectacular cloud top villa, it is really powerful ah!"

"I don't know how much, but it must be more than five or six billion!"

Said the crowd.

Mr. Guo said with a smile: "it's embarrassing to say that. In fact, we intend to take a close-up photo of the spectacular place of Yunding villa in Jinling, but unfortunately, it's not easy to get close to it! Therefore, we have selected several angles for multi-directional shooting. You can have a look first! "

Mr. Guo is also a marketing expert.

First of all, this kind of villa can only be bought by powerful families, and the most powerful propaganda channel is also the childe of these powerful families.

Their word of mouth will certainly bring great public opinion and popularity to the upcoming project of Yunding villa in Hongxian county.

This is also the biggest purpose of President Guo's party today.

Guo always looked at people's surprised expression, in the heart is still very satisfied.

Now it's on the top of another front main image.

From this position, to the cloud top, is a long step, layer by layer.

And it's a little surprising.

This picture is taken with people.

At the foot of the mountain, there are many luxury cars.

Two teams of bodyguards stand by.

This kind of scene, is absolutely only in the movie when those aristocratic families appear.

And Hou Xiaoxia is obviously concerned about this kind of cool cloud top villa.

More carefully look at the characters in the picture.

Because the bodyguards in black on both sides are looking at a young man who is walking slowly towards the cloud top.

Unfortunately, because of the shooting angle, what I saw was only the back of the young man.

Obviously, this is what general manager Guo originally took for Lin Yiyi's birthday.

"Who is this young man?"

"Also need to ask, this pomp, must be the owner of Yunding villa!"

"Tut Tut, this is life, life should be like this, too enviable!"

The crowd praised each other.

And Hou Xiaoxia in the gaze after a while, can't help but is a Leng.


However, Hou Xiaoxia seems to be quite afraid, and did not say anything.

But at this time, Wang Wen pulled Hou Xiaoxia's arm: "Xiaoxia Xiaoxia, look, the one in the middle looks more like Chen Ge? Did you find out? "

"Ah? How can it be him? At best, it's just like him. How can Chen Ge afford such an expensive villa? "

Hou Xiaoxia said.

Really, Hou Xiaoxia has no psychological preparation at all. What if this person is Chen Ge? It is estimated that I will die, ha ha, but it is impossible!

"No, I really do! I'll ask Chen Ge! "

Wang Wen has some inexplicable excitement.

Now I look back and look at Chen Ge.

Hou Xiaoxia also looked at Chen Ge.

However, the two girls were surprised at the same time: "huh? What about Chen Ge? "

"He was here just now. Where did he go?"

Hou Xiaoxia said.

"Hum, I know. It must be Chen Ge who is very restrained here, so I just hide out. In the end, I'm still afraid!"

Hou Xiaoxia seems to have found a vent point, said directly.

Wang Wen just shook her head helplessly.

She would like to call Chen Ge and ask where Chen Ge went, but when she saw Liang Meng's green face, she didn't make the call.

Let's talk about Chen Ge.

Yes, when Mr. Guo said something about Jinling cloud villa.

Chen Ge knew what the theme of Mr. Guo's party was today.

It's embarrassing to stay here.

It's not good to be recognized.

Especially in front of Hou Xiaoxia.So Chen Ge came out ahead of time.

After all, I was looking at Wang Wen's face to play.

There's a lot to stay for, obviously.

I'm ready to go back to my room.

At this time, Chen Ge received a phone call from a subordinate.

"Chen Shao, it's our fault. We had already found out the whereabouts of the maid, so we rushed to go, but in the end At last, the old servant was taken away ahead of time

Now that there is a clue, his subordinates follow suit and find that maid is not a problem.

But let Chen Ge did not expect is, although he has been extremely cautious, get the news the first time sent his subordinates, but still be a step ahead of others!

Let Chen GE's heart hate.

"Who picked it up?" Chen Ge asked.

"At present, we are still investigating, but it has been confirmed that besides us, there is a group of people who are scrambling with us to find the maid!"

"I see. I will send more staff quickly. You should investigate as soon as possible."

Some of Chen GE's big heads hung up.

I don't know what's going on. I'm looking for someone to be in such trouble!

"Chen Ge?"

And just when Chen Ge was ready to go upstairs.

Behind him, a girl called out to himself.

There was something unexpected about the sound.

Looking back, Chen Ge was surprised.

Because there are a lot of people in the lobby of the hotel.

They are all the same kind of bodyguards in black with sunglasses and extraordinary momentum.

More than 30 people at least.

If not to see that group of people in the two girls, Chen Ge thought it was not his subordinates to!

These two girls are not others, it is Fang Yannan and Fang Yi!

"It's you!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

If I remember well, this should be the second time I have seen Fang's such a big show!

Chen Ge was also sensitive.

There's no reason. Fang Yannan and Fang Yi love to study so much, and they don't give up a class. How come today, such a big pageant rushed to Hong county.

But Chen Ge soon learned something.

Yes, Fang Yannan and Fang Yi are Fang family members.

And so is Fang mengheng.

The group of people who came to find the whereabouts of Fang mengheng's maid should be Fang Yannan!

"I didn't expect to see you here. What are you doing in Hong county?"

Fang Yi asked.

But soon, Fang Yi frowned and looked at each other with Fang Huanan, and immediately looked up and down at Chen Ge.

And by the eyes of two girls, Chen Ge a little hairy.

What's the situation? You're showing up? It can't be true?

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