"Where is it?"

Long Shaoyun asked the driver. Now his face was pale.

"Long Shao, I don't know where I am? We dare not drive on the main road now. It's all Chen GE's people. We have been found out by them! But look at the surrounding environment, it looks like a wilderness area! "

The driver's legs were shaking with fear.

Even though they were running in time.

But unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, on the main road between Shuchuan and Qingshi, Chen GE's motorcade chased and blocked.

With the night approaching.

The driver is also an expert.

It's hard to get around it.

But, almost lost.

"Asshole! What are you for! Asshole

Long Shaoyun roared wildly. It is far away from the urban area, surrounded by a gloomy area. If you want to infiltrate more people, there will be more infiltrating people.

At this time, a fast motor sound, through the cold night wind into the two people's ears.

Then you see the back, the lights are flashing.

I don't know how many cars have caught up.

On the other side, there are cars catching up.

"Run, run!"

Long Shaoyun cried.

At the moment, I quickly took out my mobile phone and called my mother.

"Shaoyun, are you driving? Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. Remember to come back

"Mother! Help me, help me! I'm stuck in Qingshi

"Son, what are you talking about? Is the signal bad? Why can't I hear you clearly?"

The woman over the phone said.

"Mother! Can you hear me? Come and help me! Help me

"Hello, Hello, Hello!"

Long Shaoyun called a few times, but there was no sound.

Pick up a mobile phone to see, the mobile phone signal has been blocked.

"Long Shao, or stop. It's dark in front of us, and we're not familiar with the road conditions."

The driver did.

Now, even if you want to run, you can't run away.

"Stop farting, if I fall into Chen GE's hands this time, I can still have good! Keep going ahead, reopen the road, and meet our people

The driver slammed on the gas.


All of a sudden, the car body shook.

And then there's the intense shaking.

When the dragon cloud starts to react quickly.


The driver and long Shaoyun all screamed in horror.

But the scream, as they fell, became more and more blurred.

Until there's a bang, there's a big bang.

Deep down, a burst of fire burst out.

All the voices are silent.

By this time, the team has arrived.

Under the light, people finally see clearly, is a cliff!


It's late at night.

"Master, I'm always nervous. Just now Shaoyun called me. I heard his tone very nervous. He seemed to be scared by something. Do you think he's OK in Shuchuan?"

Said a beautiful woman.

"Well, what can I do for you! You can rest assured that there is situ's family in Sichuan. "

Said a middle-aged man with a cold eyebrow.

"But Shaoyun's phone has been blocked. As you know, Shaoyun has offended many people in the past two years!"

The beautiful woman worried.

"Well, I'll call the situ family later and ask them. Even though I have offended many people, I've always been interested in my dragon family. Who dares to touch my dragon family? Hum, the Chens are arrogant now, but sooner or later I will let them pay the price of bleeding! "

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, then picked up the phone and called the situ family.

I talked on the phone for a long time.

I can see that the middle-aged people's face is getting whiter and whiter.

"What? Brother Lao situ, I'll send someone over now

The middle-aged man was pale and stood up in a hurry and said, "news has come from situ's house. Shaoyun is missing in Sichuan."


"What about that?"

"I'll send someone to Shuchuan at once, and let the second one take them."

Middle aged people are also nervous.

"But the second one..."

"I can't get away from the boss. There must be a family member to shake this matter. The second one can go. I'll let uncle Xiong follow him!"

The middle-aged man ordered.

That's what the beautiful woman nodded.


Cliff scene.

Chen GE has arrived by helicopter.The cliff is too deep. According to the report of his subordinates, we can't find a complete body, let alone people.

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

It's really a natural evil that can live. If you do it yourself, you can't live, and you will destroy yourself!

And it was just then.

Chen GE's mobile phone suddenly rings.

Take it up and have a look. It's from the ground tiger.

Su Qiang over there, naturally want to leave a special protection, this person is the land tiger.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Chen Shao, Miss Su has recovered, but she has a slight concussion, which is not a big problem! And... "

At this point, the ground tiger's voice is much weaker.

"What else?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Chen Shao, I'm really sorry. I've been watching Miss Su all the time. But just now, four strange doctors came to the hospital. I was suspicious and didn't let them get close! But these men started all of a sudden. I didn't beat four of them. Miss Su, they robbed them

The ground tiger said it.

"What? Even you were hurt? "

The sweat of Chen GE's forehead.

"Wait till I go to the hospital, you send someone to look for it immediately!"

Rose if anything happens again, he can really feel guilty dead.

At the same time, Chen Ge felt that it was not an easy task for her father to let her find aunt Fang.

At the moment, I rushed back to the hospital.

"Aunt Fang just went out to eat porridge just now, and she was able to survive. The faces of these people are very strange. Their weapons are short blades. I feel that they have received very strict combat training, and all of them are masters!"

In the hospital, the ground tiger said the whole story with shame.

And the ground tiger body, also wrapped in bandages.

Let's Tianlong face is also a tight.

"What about hospital monitoring?"

Chen Ge paced back and forth and asked.

"It has been retrieved. I checked the driving records of several streets one after another, and finally they disappeared in a mountain."

The ground tiger said.

Chen Ge patted the ground tiger on the shoulder, "my sister said, it's very rare that you can compete with your brothers. And those who have such four masters must be big families. Undoubtedly, land tigers, can you see their schools? To find out which family they came from? "

"Xiaoge, you don't have to check. I know who the four are? I also know who took the rose

At this time, aunt Fang stood up and said with tears in her eyes.

Chen Ge is also a hindsight.

Yes, in Sichuan, it should be the Fang family.

Because Chen Ge did not expose himself, and also did not fight with the Fang family for the time being.

The Fang family has been hidden, so Chen Ge didn't think about it.

But now, it's only the Fang family!

"If I guess well, the four of them should be my father's four bodyguards! My father has found me

Fang mengheng said.

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