As the most promising daughter of the old master of the Fang family, Fang Mengxuan once became the number two figure of the Fang family. For example, the father of the Fang Nan should be given high priority.

It can be imagined that Fang mengheng was intelligent at the beginning.

Therefore, sensitive, although she did not know how her father found out her whereabouts, it was no doubt that the father's people started it.

"Xiaoge, I know that the fangs have complicated internal factions. If my father catches them, I believe my father will not embarrass rose, but I am not sure about the rest of the Fang family!"

"Ha ha, I have been angry with my father for so many years. Although he regretted it, his temper did not change at all. Does this want me to go to the door and apologize to him?"

Fang mengheng said with a bitter smile.

"Aunt Fang, what shall we do next? The rose is on their side, and I'm not sure

Chen Ge shakes his head.

After all, Su Qiang is a member of the Chen family and her cousin.

At the beginning, I also brought rose together. Now, because of so many things happened to rose, how could Chen Ge let go of it.

"In my opinion, Chen Shao, let's break into Fang's house directly and rescue Miss Chen ER!"

The dragon and the tiger said in unison.

"No, Tian Long Di Hu. I know that you two brothers are very good. But with respect to my bluntly speaking, you are not my father's four subordinates, the opponents of the four ghosts in Western Hunan. Moreover, the Fang family's details were comparable to those of the Chen family at that time. We can't say that we can break in and break in!"

Fang mengheng said.

The dragon and the tiger lowered their head.

"Are you going to leave Miss Chen alone?"

The ground tiger was ashamed.

"Of course not. The way is not without it. Three days later, it will be my father's birthday. According to the Convention of the past years, the Fang family meeting will be held at that time. At that time, all the rich businessmen belonging to the Fang family and friends of the Fang family will come to attend! And this may be our chance to save the rose! "

Fang mengheng said.

"Aunt Fang, do you mean that we sneaked into the Fang's meeting that day, create chaos, and then rescue the rose?"

Chen Ge understood.

"Yes, it's true that a lot of people will be used to do chores at the Fang family meeting every year. In order to keep the secret, most of the cooks and personnel from the north or even from abroad are selected to come in. And this is our chance! "

Chen Ge nodded.

Chen GE has understood what aunt Fang meant.

At that time, he took the dragon and ground tiger with him and many other experts mixed in, and then asked Zhu Ming to send someone out to meet him. Although Chen GE's strength is far from enough to fight against the fangs.

But there is no problem creating chaos.

At that time, you can bring the rose out without trace.

"Auntie Fang, how can we get into the ranks of these foreigners?"

Tianlong asked.

"Screening these foreign personnel, the procedure is very strict, they will gather in Qingshi, we have to hurry to Qingshi, when the time comes, I have my own way to let you mix in, I also have some confidants in Fang's family, I will ask them to inquire about the specific whereabouts of rose!"

Fang mengheng arranged the road.

She was very anxious, always worried about the situation of the rose, Fangjia this bottomless hole, once fell into, it is not easy to get out.

It is precisely because of this truth that Fang mengheng is very excited.

However, years of experience still make her mind very clear.


At the same time, Fangjia manor, a secret hall.

"Master, Miss Rose still refuses to see a doctor or eat anything. We really can't persuade her!"

A few old Chinese medicine practitioners came in, and they said respectfully to the old master of the Fang family.

Fang Difeng is nearly 70 years old this year. At the moment, there is a touch of anxiety on his wrinkled face.

"Ah, the girl rose is as stubborn as her mother. By the way, Xiaoxia, the servant of Mengbi, has not been found by her daughter. Let Xiaoxia persuade her In addition, we can't tell anyone about the rose, including Ji Nan. Otherwise, I will let you die without a burial place. Go out

Several old Chinese medicine doctors were so scared that they went out in a hurry.

But Fang Difeng stood up slowly on crutches.

Looking at the wall, my mind is constantly churning over some of these years.

Especially at the beginning, in front of the public hall three high fives, with the most beloved baby daughter Fang mengheng cut off the relationship between father and daughter.

He drove her out of the Fang family.

Although Fang was different at the beginning, she was very strict with her family law, but she drove out that day and regretted that day.

He tried his best to find the dream.

Don't have to let dream come back, just let him know, baby daughter is still alive, live well.

If you are different, you will be satisfied.

However, there has been no news for so many years, which makes Fang different. Originally he was 60 or 70 years old, he should have looked like he was 50 years old, but now he is older than the ordinary people who work every day.I'm afraid that's the punishment for me.

I thought I would never see my daughter until I died.

but as like as two peas, the master suddenly reported that yesterday he found a girl who was the same as justice has long arms.

It's too simple to ask about people or things.

Naturally, it is not difficult to find the location of Fang mengheng and Su Qiang, the granddaughter.

"Mengheng, I know you hate me, but three days later, my father's birthday, I hope you can come back to see me..."

Fang dif erent chanted, his eyes were dim.

And on the other side.

A maid carrying a box pushed the door into a room.

In the room, a girl was sitting on the bed, weeping and weeping.

But after the maid saw the girl, the whole body suddenly trembled, and the box in her hand fell to the ground.

"Ah? How could it be like that! "

The maid was excited.

"is as like as two peas in the first year!"

Yes, seeing this girl immediately reminds the maid of the time when she was following the eldest lady many years ago.

And this girl is Su Qiang.

Su Qiang looked at this kind-hearted maid. Seeing her tears, she asked softly, "are you?"

"Miss Rose, I'm Xiaoxia, the intimate servant of the eldest Miss Fang mengheng!"

Aunt Xia cried.

"Ah? Fang mengheng Is she my mother

Su rose a listen to these three words, is also excited.

, as like as two peas, she cried, nodding her head: "Miss Rose, you are exactly the same as the big lady. She is your mother!"

"It turns out that she is really my mother! Aunt Xia, where is my mother now

Su Qiang cried.

"Miss Rose, don't worry. There are a lot of things in this. I can't tell you clearly for a while. But don't worry. Your mother always remembers you. Your grandfather doesn't know where she is now. I'll take you away and meet your mother when I have a chance."

Aunt Xia touched Su Qiang's head affectionately and looked at her heartache.

"Why don't you let us in, get out of my way!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang out of the door

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