"Third miss, you are really not allowed to enter. This is specially ordered by the master!"

Outside, a bodyguard said to a girl about 20 years old.

"Well, I can't imagine that Fang's family also has places where Fang qian can't go in. The elder sister and the second sister don't like me. Now even my grandfather doesn't like me? The more you don't let me in, I have to go in and have a look! Get out of my way

Fang Qian pushed open the bodyguard, then twisted open the door and rushed in.

This room is decorated with incomparable luxury.

Most of the furnishings inside are antique styles of European aristocrats in the 1960s, which can be regarded as the most luxurious aristocratic room in addition to grandfather's room.

When she's OK, Fang Qian always likes to come in and have a look. Like most of Fang's family members, she is proud to be able to live here.

It's said that this is the room where my aunt used to live.

Fang Qian, who had been lonely in the Fang family, was in a bad mood. In addition, she heard that the room was occupied by someone else.

I just want to see it.

She was not allowed in.

After you rush in.

Scared inside Su Qiang and aunt Xia a jump.

"Are you? You look familiar. Who are you

After that, Su Qianqiang is scared.

"My name is Su Qiang!"

"Su Qiang? I've never seen you at Fang's house? "

Fang Qian looks Su Qiang up and down.

Aunt Xia did not expect that Fang Qian would break in.

"You are the third miss, aren't you? Miss Rose was ordered by the master to live here, and she needs to be healed..."

"Well, I know. Although I don't know why grandfather let you live here, there must be his reason Well, you go out first. I have something to tell Miss Rose! "

Fang Qian said.

Aunt Xia looked at Su Qiang, and Su Qiang nodded to Aunt Xia.

Then she went out.

Fang Qian quickly closed the door.

Happily, he turned his head and said, "I have one thing I want to ask you for help. Can you lend me this room for one night? Will you change to my room? "

Fang Qian, I want to sleep in this room for a long time.

Su Qiang doesn't know how to answer her. To tell the truth, she is looking forward to Chen GE's coming to save herself and go out with aunt Xia, and then go to her family for reunion.

So I don't have much energy for people and things here.

At present, Su Qiang didn't speak.

"What do you mean, we can't change rooms?"

Fang Qian pinched her waist airway.

At this time, the bodyguard opened the door and came in.

"Third young lady, the master ordered me to take you to see him now!"

The bodyguard said coldly.


Fang Qian looked at Su Qiang angrily, and then looked at the bodyguard.


A slap in the face of the bodyguard.

"You dare to call my report, wait for me!"

Finish saying that, after glancing at Su Qiang, he left angrily

"Qian'er, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Fang Yannan and Fang Yi came to the room.

However, Fang Qian did not speak and went away angry.

Seeing that Fang Qian came out of her former aunt's room, Fang Huanan asked the bodyguard faintly:

"is there anyone in aunt's room?"

"Yes! Miss

"Who is it?"

"The master has told me not to speak to the public. Don't ask your subordinates any more!"

Said the bodyguard.

Fang took a deep breath and looked at her aunt's room, frowning slightly.

These days, grandfather seems to have something to hide from himself.

Only half of my aunt's investigation was done, and she ordered that she should not be allowed to investigate.

From childhood to adulthood, Fang Nu hated this kind of half understood thing.

So today, she wanted to visit aunt Fang Yi's room for some useful clues.

Can never let others touch the aunt's room, who will live in it?

"Dear girl, let's sneak over and have a look."

Fang Yi couldn't help but wonder.

"Don't mess around. Let's leave first. It's going to be my grandfather's birthday party soon. I don't want to make my grandfather angry."

Fang Nan left with curiosity.


Two days later.

Qingshi, a directly monopolized hotel.

"Xiao Chen, have you bought all the materials you want to buy? After a while, you can order it again for me. We are going to decorate the ceremony this evening. We must have all the materials. If we miss tomorrow's event, we can't afford it!"A lady in her thirties said to a young man named Xiao Chen.

"OK, director Li, I see!"

Said the youth.

"What's more, the group of chefs from Nanyang will cook a snack. The star group is really hard to serve. If you want to play cards at such a late night, you can send them one by one!"

"No problem!"

This young man, of course, is Chen Ge.

Aunt Fang is aunt Fang. She has a wide range of ways.

Chen Ge, Tian Long Di Hu and their several, very smoothly just two days ago mixed into the team.

Fang family birthday party.

According to the annual convention.

We need to invite famous kitchen god and famous female stars from all over the country, as well as etiquette team.

Naturally, the pomp is unprecedented.

So during this trip, Chen Ge had a lot of people in their whole brigade.

Supper was quickly made in the kitchen.

After talking to the director Li, Chen Ge took the night snack and went to send things to the famous stars.

Inside, seven or eight female stars, divided into two tables, are playing mahjong.

"Your supper!"

Chen Ge said.

There are many young stars in it. Chen GE has seen them on TV.

"Oh! Where is this little brother from? He looks good. Come here and let my sister feel it

"Pooh, you've won too much happiness. Be careful to frighten this little brother!"

Another female star joked.

"Why? I won't eat him again! Ha ha ha

Playing mahjong, the winner is naturally happy, the loser is naturally impatient.

And Chen Ge gives a female singer an evening snack.

She didn't pay attention to it. She just hit the night snack on the ground, and the oil splashed on her calf.

"Ah? What the hell do you do? "

He yelled at Chen Ge directly.

Paralyzed, I really want to buckle your face!

Chen Ge was angry at the sight of the female singer's virtue.

But now for the sake of the overall situation, Chen Ge did not do that.

I was dumb.

Later, Chen Ge took the supper and went into another room.

"Well, put it here for us! Thank you very much

There were only two people in the room, the etiquette staff of the stars next door.

They're all girls about their own age.

At the moment, both of them are absorbed in the mirror to remove makeup.

So he pointed to one side and let Chen Ge put it there.

But Chen Ge stood in place, carefully staring at one of the girls for a long time, and finally recognized the girl.

Sleeping trough! It's not going to happen, is it?

Chen Ge was shocked.

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