Kongming island.

Although it's winter.

But it's freezing here. It snowed for three days and three nights.

Cold weather, for the entire island, covered with a layer of silver.

On the island, in front of a cave.

But there are many people in black standing respectfully.

And they are all high-level people in the soul hall.

"Calculate the time, it's almost done!"

Winbur communicated with several leaders.

In the middle of the conversation.

A touch of snow stirred up and fell on the faces of the people.


Boom! Boom!

The heavy stone gate opened slowly.

Everyone looked.

That is to see, the old and the young came out.

"Welcome the Lord to leave the pass!"

They all stood in silence.

Chen DIANCANG laughed: "well, go and prepare some banquets. Today, I will go up and down the hall of my soul. If I am not drunk, I will not return."

Obviously, he was in a good mood.

Wenbo, nodding at the same time, is also the eyes stopped in Chen GE's body.

Today's Chen Ge is not the same as it was half a year ago.

His clothes were torn and his upper body was naked.

The whole upper body is full of explosive muscles.

His hair was unkempt and his face was full of whiskers.

But Weinberg's eyes were fierce, for he found that if snowflakes fell on their skin, they would melt quickly.

However, falling on Chen Ge, but no change.

Winbur's eyelids gave a sharp jump.

He himself was the Chen family, and he followed Chen DIANCANG very early.

Chen DIANCANG was released from purgatory when he remembered clearly.

But this time Chen Song, actually gave Wen Bo different feeling.

Feeling He's better than he was.

In particular, the eyes, not angry since the prestige, with a strong cold kill intention.

Wenbo had a cold feeling on his back.

"Xiaoge, after you wash, come here!"

Chen DIANCANG patted Chen Ge on the shoulder.


Chen Ge nodded and left.

Where they passed, the head of the soul hall all hung his head.

In the spacious bathroom, the heat is steaming.

One side, a dozen girls, big and small, are busy around.

Chen GE's eyes are slightly closed and his arms are horizontal.

A few girls are pinching the shoulder bones for Chen Ge, cutting their hair and shaving!

I shaved off my beard.

A few girls just found that the young hall master was so beautiful, and the man's breath on his body made several girls blush.

After washing, the girls brought a hair dryer to help Chen Ge dry her body and wrapped her bathrobe.

"Shao Dian Lord, the clothes are ready. It's your suit!"

A girl said shyly.

"Well, go down!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

Chen Ge changed his clothes and took a long breath.

Half a year's pain, half a year's suffering, today, finally passed.

When I was finishing my tie.

"Master, I'll help you!"

There was a soft voice in my ear.

A white jade hand gently extended over.

Slightly on the body of Chen Ge.

And Chen Ge, turning around, looked at this charming woman in dress.

She squeezed her chin gently.

And women, what do they want to wait for urgently? Once they are favored by the master of Shaodian, their status in the soul hall will be improved unprecedentedly.

Among all the beauties, she stands out.

"Get out of here!"

What she didn't expect was that the master of the temple was colder than she imagined.

In particular, a rolling word, so that the woman was suddenly struck by lightning, the whole body shudder.

"Yes! Little hall master

The woman stepped back in confusion

The banquet in the soul hall lasted three days.

This morning.

The whole staff gathered in the island square.

"Xiaoge, now you have successfully completed purgatory, and the effect is much higher than what grandfather expected. However, although your mind is still self-control, it is extremely unstable. If you want to make the best of the dragon and elephant power, unless you drink the spirit blood of the spirit fox, it can help you control your mind. This time, I will let Wenbo stay with you to help you!"

"I know, grandfather, when will you go back and have a look, my father is also worried about you!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

Chen DIANCANG nodded: "when the time is right, I will go back naturally!"He patted Chen Ge on the shoulder again.

Chen DIANCANG has high expectations for Chen Ge.

More than 30 large black helicopters have been launched at the base.

"Take care, grandfather. We're going!"

Chen Ge looks at his grandfather deeply.

Then he turned around.

Wenbo, together with 300 masters on the island, followed Chen Ge.


The helicopter took off and went straight south from the north.

The night was getting deeper.

At the moment, the outskirts of the Tiancheng triangle.

A embarrassed girl, is holding a file bag desperately running.

She was pale with scars on her body.

But obviously the file bag is very important, more important than her life.

And behind her, there are more than a dozen cars driving slowly after her.

The men poked their heads out of the window and flashed their flashlights at the woman.

"Ha ha, run, run, I'll catch you soon!"

The people were shouting and excited.

The woman ran and fell.

She bit her teeth and got up to run.

"Catch up, catch up!"

A car came up to her and flashed a flashlight into her eyes.

"I tell you, run quickly. If we catch you by Wentao, you will be finished, ha ha!"

"Yes, our young master is very animal!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Obviously, they were playing with the little girl.

Finally, after falling down again, the girl couldn't get up again.

She tore open the folder desperately, trying to eat some of the files in it with her mouth.

"Damn it, dead woman, we're not going to kill you!"

And Wentao with people jumped out of the car, quickly stopped, a big mouth on the girls hit seven meat eight vegetarian.

Pick up the file bag.

Wen Tao gave a cold smile: "tut Tut, it's a pity to die so beautiful. Brothers, take her back. Ben Shao is going to have meat tonight! I'll give it to you when I'm done! "

Ha ha, ha ha

And the woman, ruthlessly looked at the eye Wentao, and then took out a short blade from her arms.

I want to kill myself.

But he was knocked out by Wen Tao.

"Want to die? Ha ha, I will not let you die. I will torture you to death, ha ha! "

Wen Tao grinned grimly.

When the woman left tears of despair.


Suddenly, the sound of a helicopter came from the horizon.

More than 30 frames fell slowly and surrounded Wen Tao and others.

"What's the situation?"

Wen Tao was shocked.

Wait until the helicopter lands.

On the car, down a lot of people in black, are cold looking at them.

"My friend, which side are you from? I don't think I've seen it. My father is Vincent from heaven

Wen Tao saw that the group had extraordinary momentum and was busy at the moment.

At this time, the door of a helicopter in the middle was opened by one of his men.

Wen Tao saw it.

Inside the cabin, a man in a suit is sitting on top of the light tasting red wine.

But after seeing it clearly, the woman cried excitedly:

"you are back at last, sir!"

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