
Yu Jinfei is nervous.

"I saw Chen Ge!"

Said the tulip.


Su Hong and Yu Jinfei stare at the same time.

"What are you afraid of?"

Su Hong asked.

"Because Because... "

Wait for tulip to talk.

Now, on the stage, Vincent, as the host of tonight's event, has stepped up.

"Be quiet, everyone!"

He raised his hand.

The whole auditorium of the hotel was silent.

"Today, it's my day for Vincent to come back. First of all, thank you for your support. I've been away for half a year, and a lot of things have happened. Fortunately, as of tonight, all the things have passed. Moreover, the territory of my Vinson group has been expanded by half compared with that of half a year. I will rely on your support in the future."

Vincent is on stage, although the language is friendly.

But his fierce eyes were sweeping in front of the crowd.

No one in the hall dared to look at him.

And that's what Vincent wants tonight.

From today on, Tiancheng has only one group, that is Vinson group.

He wants everyone to submit to him.

See the effect achieved.

With a faint smile, he patted his hands and saw several men coming out from the side hall with more than a dozen beautiful women.

"Ha ha, they are all the intimate maids of general manager Chen of Tianlong Group. They look very attractive. Ha ha ha, but I, Vincent, are not people who don't know how to share. With this dinner party, I'll hold an auction ceremony. Which one do you like and make a bid?"

Vincent laughs.

"This Vincent is so cruel that he makes Tianlong Group in a mess, and puts out the maid of general manager Chen for auction. His heart is really cruel!"

"Yes, Tianlong Group is the leader and pays attention to morality and morality. But this Vincent is an inhuman animal. This is good. From now on, we have to be prepared to be exploited by him again!"

Under the stage, some rich businessmen saw that Vincent had done too much, and they could not help but discuss in a low voice.

"It's said that the Wei family, who made friends with Mr. Chen, was directly forcibly occupied by Vincent and drove the Wei family out. It's too insecure to follow such a person!"

And humanity.

But they all dare to be angry and dare not speak up.

"Ha ha, let's start bidding now..."

Vincent snapped his finger.

But all of a sudden, the hall lights were turned off in half.

It's dark.

Subsequently, a video appeared directly on the large screen of the auditorium.

"What's the situation? What happened to the staff? Do you want to die

The housekeeper suddenly scolded.

The audience looked at each other.

"Spare me, don't kill me..."

Just when people were puzzled, the video on the stage suddenly began to play.

Look at the picture clearly, everyone is quiet.

Because we all recognize that Wen Shao is kneeling and crying in the video.

"You can talk to my father about it, it's none of my business!"

In the picture, Wen Shao cried.

"Xiao Tao!"

And Vincent's eyes widened in an instant.

Clench your fists.

At the moment, Wentao didn't want to see the picture.

But it seems to have been hit by something. At the moment, the blood spurted wildly, and he lay on the ground.

But still struggling.

Until someone came up and poured it all over him.

A little bit of Mars is approaching, and with a bang, it explodes.

Around the sound, all is Wen Tao's scream.


At the scene, some people trembled with fear and vomited directly.


There are also women, hysterically covering their heads and screaming.

The picture stops abruptly.

And the lights are back on.

"Who! Who is it? "

Vincent roared and clapped, the table in front of him was smashed, and the muscles on his face twitched.

However, there are still a lot of rich businessmen, who are secretly glad to see this scene, thinking that people are doing the sky watching, not not not reporting. Before the time has come, Vincent's Retribution has come.

Yu's mother and daughter are also dependent on each other.

I was scared to death just now.

"I didn't expect it to be so busy!"

Just then, the door of the auditorium opened and a voice rang out.

Then I saw Chen Ge and his party come out directly.

"Mr. Chen!"

Many forces in the lobby are already attached to Chen Ge.All stood up in astonishment.

"Chen Ge?"

But Yu Jinfei is careful of her dirty and banging. She looks at Chen Ge in dismay.

It's been six months since I saw him. I still remember half a year ago, Chen Ge exposed his identity as the leader of Tianlong Group.

I was beaten in the face.

Also really hate Chen Ge, hate him to ignore himself, even the end of the words also did not.

Later, hearing the news of Chen GE's disappearance, Yu Jinfei was secretly happy.

I thought, finally, the person who let himself have a shadow is gone.

But just now, when her sister said that he was back, Yu Jinfei began to be nervous. Until now, seeing Chen Ge, who was very different from that of half a year ago, she felt a sense of complexity in her heart.

"Are you the one named Chen of Tianlong? It seems that he is really a yellow haired boy, my son. You killed him? "

Vincent bit his teeth and his eyes were completely red, bloodthirsty red.

"Not bad!"

Chen Ge nodded, and his momentum rose abruptly.

"Then you dare to come to the door, OK, today we have new enemies and old accounts together. Today, I want you to live or die!"

Vincent roared.

His arms were stunned and clattered.

The coat I was wearing was shattered.

Show the violent muscles, like a meat tank.

Wen Tao is his only son. He loves him more and is ready to be his successor.

Can witness the son was burned alive, has let Vincent crazy, completely become a madman.

During the conversation, he was already flying towards Chen Ge.

"Stay away from me!"

"Vincent has gone completely mad. Be careful of accidental injury!"

All the people fell to pieces.

Back to one side.

The next moment.

Vincent iron fist has arrived in front of Chen Ge.


A sound.

Then all the people were shocked.

Because, such a powerful punch, Mr. Chen, actually understated on the grasp.

Vincent tried to struggle, but he couldn't.

"You are wrong again and again!" Chen Ge spoke faintly, and his eyes suddenly showed a touch of red.

It looks like a demon.

Chen GE's men all looked at each other and stepped back for a walk.

But it was also the strong killing intention that made Vincent's back cold, and his momentum went down for the most part.

It's like you have to shudder and bow in front of a maniac.

"First of all, you shouldn't think of my group!"

"Second, not to touch my brother!"

With that, Chen Ge put his hands on both shoulders of Vincent, who was trembling.

"Third, we should not insult my people in front of me!"

The last word, Chen Ge bite concentrated.

Suddenly, his hands burst into force, grabbed Vincent's shoulders on both sides and pulled them out.


Then came the disgusting tearing sound.


Seeing the scene, most of the people were shocked and collapsed. The screams of panic seemed to have broken all the wine glasses around.

There are a lot of ladies who have fainted on the spot

Cruel! devil!!!

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