"Hey, little brother!"

Lu Han waved his hand to Lu Han.

"It's you..."

The young man who came in laughed and put down his luggage bag.

It happened that there was an empty table next to Lu Han, so the youth sat down.

"Fate, I had a very opportunistic chat on the train just now. I wanted to ask you for micro signals."

Lu Han said.

"Well, Xiaohan, when people come to eat, don't bother them!"

Lu Han's sister Lu Xue gently stepped on Lu Han's foot, reminding him.

"It's Xiaohan. What micro signals do you want?"

Lu Chao is also Tao.

And Chen Ge looked at the scene in front of him, just shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

Just now on the train, Chen Ge met the third sister and brother of the Lu family.

There was also a minor accident.

That's the two sisters of the Lu family, sitting right opposite to each other.

Next to him, there was an old man in his seventies and eighties. He slept on the window all the way.

So the man named Lu Chao wanted to change seats with Chen Ge.

It was nothing.

But Lu Chao directly threw a thousand yuan to Chen Ge and asked Chen Ge to sit aside.

If you are good-natured, Chen Ge will certainly change.

At present, Lu Chao is ignored.

If it wasn't for Lu Han's persuasion, they almost had a conflict.

In the back, Lu Han chats with Chen Ge. Over the past year, Chen GE has traveled from south to north. He is no longer only known about Ping'an County and Jinling City.

As soon as they chatted, Lu Han was fascinated.

On the contrary, Lu Xue, the biggest of the three, is somewhat cold.

I didn't say a word to Chen Ge.

So, there is a scene in front of us.

"Where are you going? To study or work in Longjiang? "

Lu Han asked again.


Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Ao, I'd like to recommend a place for you. There's a place called Baina villa in Longjiang. There's too much fun in it. You can play golf and horse racing!"

Lu Han said.

"Is that a place that ordinary people can go? Don't worry about it and have a meal

Lu Xue doesn't like Chen Ge at all, he said at the moment.

Obviously, the background and identity of the three are different.

Lu Xueba, born with a noble heart, belongs to the most ungrounded of the three.

Lu Xue, who is used to high-end people, naturally doesn't like Chen Ge. He is not even qualified to be a friend.

"All right."

Lu Han did not speak.

Chen Ge ordered an egg fried rice and ate it leisurely beside him.

The three people of the Lu family ate very little.

I packed up and was ready to go.

"Hey, I live in Lujia manor in Longjiang. If I have a chance to play with me, my name is Lu Han!"

Before leaving, Lu Han said softly to Chen Ge.

Then she was pulled away by Lu Xue.

"This little girl, how simple

Chen Ge laughed bitterly.

He must not be in the mood to go to Lu Han's house.

Rare these days can avoid the atmosphere of gratitude and resentment, Chen Ge can not be relaxed.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Ge really visited several tourist attractions in Longjiang.

In the evening of that day, it was getting dark, and Chen Ge remembered that it was time to find a place to live.

"What are you doing?"

A hutongkou.

Several drunken youths, pulling a woman, are heading for a dead end.

"Why, play, of course, come on!"

Three young men, pulling the woman into the alley.

The woman struggled desperately.

Suddenly I looked up and saw a young man coming.

She shoved the punk away.

He ran over and took the young man's arm.

"Honey, they're all over me

The woman cried.

He pinched the young man's arm to show his cooperation.


And the three little thugs, immediately look at each other, a face of hostility to the passing youth.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not her husband!"

The youth, however, waved his hand in a hurry and fear.

The woman's eyes suddenly rolled.

I'll go. Is there anyone who advises me?

And the three gangsters laughed: "ha ha ha, little beauty, very smart. I'll teach you a good lesson later."

The three gangsters were about to jump forward.


And the youth suddenly pointed at the back and yelled."Never again!"

The three gangsters squatted on the ground with their heads in their arms and looked back.

Take advantage of this, "run!"

The young man took the girl and turned and left.

Three punks are chasing after.

At the moment, the girl is almost unable to run.

The youth just saw a manhole cover.

Pull the girl to run over, a little force on the foot, the well cover will be tilted up, and then lightly to the back of a kick.


A sound, high-speed rotation of the manhole cover fly out, the three small thugs are all smashed down.

The girl didn't see this scene at all.

"I'm not going to move."

Come to a park.

The girl was breathing heavily, her hands on her knees.

Youth is not Chen Ge.

Chen Ge mentioned his satchel and took a look at the beauty.

Because she was bent over and wearing a short skirt uniform, at the moment, the large white Chen Ge in front of her was almost at a glance.

In a moment, there is a feeling that the eyes don't know where to put.

But the woman, also just noticed, hastily tightened own neckline.

Her pretty face was also scarlet.

She said with an embarrassed smile, "thank you so much, little brother. If it wasn't for you, what might have happened tonight?"

"You're welcome!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

Finish saying, want to go.

Women, however, seem to be reluctant.

"Wait a minute, brother. I haven't finished yet. I said you are my husband. You can play with me. Why do you wave your hand and say no?"

The woman is quite a little angry.

Girls, especially those with superior looks, value others' opinions on themselves.

Just now Chen Ge gave her the feeling that she was afraid of becoming her wife.

Let the girl's heart a little unhappy.

"I have a girlfriend! Besides, if you don't pretend to be your husband, you can be saved as well

"Well, you think I will Ah

The girl pouted, trying to find some face for herself.

When I walk, I suddenly feel a pain in my ankle.

"Hiss My foot seems to be sprained

Chen Ge shook his head, squatted down and said, "where did you sprain? Let me take a look at it for you! "

"Don't you see, you don't have a girlfriend, so as not to let your girlfriend misunderstand you!"

Women's road.

"Then you go back by yourself."

Chen Ge finished, the bag left.

"Lying trough, Hello, Hello, Hello, do you know how to be merciful! At least you have to take me to the hospital

Chen took a breath.

Turn back and put the woman down.

And then raise her ankles.

Find the right position and twist it gently.


The girl is panicking. What is he going to do.

All of a sudden, I felt that my sprain had healed.

"Is that all right? It's getting dark. I suggest you go home as soon as possible. "

"Wait a second!"

The girl stopped Chen Ge again.

"What happened?"

"I haven't thank you so much for helping me. How about I treat you to dinner?"

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