Seeing him like this, Yang Xue is also a little uncomfortable.

After all, Yang Xue is still in a vague mood to him now.

On the whole, love is more than hate.

"Wake me up!"

Yang Xue suddenly felt sad and cried and sat beside Chen Ge.

This boy, once gave the world's most beautiful love, the most selfless love, he gave himself his all.

Yang Xue knows all these in her heart.

"Chen Ge, I know you hate me, hate me, and bullied you like they did before, but I can't help it. I don't want to live a life that is looked down upon by others. From childhood to adulthood, what I fear most is that others despise me!"

"I think, let others envy me, worship me, but I have you in my heart, you must not die Chen Ge!"

Yang Xue lies on Chen Ge and cries.

Chen Ge, who was in a coma, frowned slightly at the moment.


All of a sudden, Chen GE's whole body was red.

Closely followed, a burning energy swept over, as if a hot iron, let Yang Xue eat pain, quickly took out his hands.


Yang Xue exclaimed, retreated a few steps and looked at Chen Ge in great shock.

"This What's going on? Why is it so hot? "

Yang Xue was surprised.

But the red awn soon faded away.

Chen GE's face turned pale again.

"Miss Yang, it's time! Let's go. When the shift comes, I'll be in trouble if I want to leave! "

This is, Mo Qiang came, and said with a wretched smile.

"I I see! "

Yang Xue is worried again. She looks at Chen Ge and nods.

"Hum, this man is going to die. It's useless. Miss Yang Xue, you promised me, but you can't break your promise. When your business is over these days, you'll give me something sweet!"

Mo Qiang said and wanted to move on Yang Xue.

"Go out first, master moqiang!"

Yang Xue dodged in a hurry and then walked away quickly.

Mo Qiang touches his chin, the more you look, the more you feel the smell.

"I'm going to take you!" He said.

But did not find, at this moment Chen Ge eyebrow frown deeper.

Time flies.

Blink, three days later.

This morning, the Mo family seems very busy.

Several decades ago, Mo Changkong cheated the Mo family of the Yin nationality. Because of his greed for worldly glory and wealth, Mo Changkong ran to Longjiang and established a force of his own.

In recent years, Mo Hao has become the first Chinese family.

The people of the Mo family also obviously have bigger goals.

That's Nanyang Chen family.

Once the Chen family is annexed, the strength of the whole Mo family will be improved infinitely.

Now, seizing the biggest chip Chen Ge, Mo family up and down more than 300, extremely excited.

They are also preparing to move.

I want to move the Mo family to the south.

"The owner will arrive at Longjiang as soon as possible tomorrow night. I don't know how he will reward us, ha ha ha!"

On this day, the Mo family held a lunch for the whole family.

"How can we reward him? The owner said that this Chen song can be exchanged for at least half of Chen's family. When the time comes, we can take out an area of assets and give it to us!"

"Hehe? Any area? I'm afraid you're looking down on the Chen family. The Chen family's industry is all over the world. A region is worth a country

"In a word, it's a cow."

The crowd talked excitedly.

"It's really strange, second young master. I don't know what's wrong with your dogs today. They don't eat any food. They still bite their chains from time to time. They look panicked. They didn't take them into the mountain three days ago and hit something?"

During the dinner, a steward came over and said to Mo Yu.

"What can be bumped into? Maybe it's ill. Find some veterinarians to have a look!"

Mo Yu sneered.

"No, second young master, two of your dogs have died. I don't know why, so he went mad and froth at last."

At this time, a servant stumbled in again.

The second young master loves to keep a dog. He loves his dog very much. His servant doesn't dare to be careless.

Report in a hurry.

"What? Take me to see it

Mo Yu is in a hurry.

He moved, the whole Mo family, also all with Mo Yu came to the backyard.

In the backyard, there are nearly 100 domestic dogs.

At the moment, these dogs seem to be crazy, struggling in the cage.

And soon, Mo Yu saw it with his own eyes, and he was crazy.

"Go to the vet and see what's wrong with the dogs?"Mo Yu Road.

Looking at their crazy appearance, many Mo family members are also a little frightened at the moment.

How to say, these dogs give people the feeling that something is coming!

Mo's dog is crazy, and even if the veterinarian comes, he has no plan to use it.

In the evening, more than one hundred dogs, half of them, died in a hurry.

"Since they came back from anling, it seems that something is wrong with them. I don't know what's wrong with them!"

A man met Mo Qiang, who was furtive. He said hello to him and said something strange to him today.

"Hello, Mo Qiang, I'm talking to you!"

Looking at Mo Qiang, the man secretly smiles and walks to a room and pats him again.

"Ah? If you die, you'll die. It's just a dog. Maureen, what are you doing here

Mo Qiang takes back his mind and is busy.

"What else can you do? Go to the dungeon to see if Chen Ge is dead or not, and pour him some porridge. The porridge is mixed with Bo scattered. It is estimated that he will not die and wake up as a dementia."

Maureen road.

"OK, then you go quickly, I have something else to talk about later!"

"It's getting dark. What else can I do for you?"

Maureen scratched his head, then looked at Mo Qiang, has gone far.

Mo Qiang went straight to the door of Yang Xue's room.

Rubbing his hands and knocking on the door.

"Who is it?"

Yang Xue opened the door and saw Mo Qiang, whose face was obscene. He couldn't help flashing a touch of disgust in his eyes.

"It's master moqiang!"

Yang Xue light way.

But looking at Yang Xue, Mo Qiang's eyes are straight.

Yang Xue is now wearing a close fitting one-piece short skirt, with hair scattered, very sexy.

"Miss Yang, what I promised you has been done for you. Did you promise me?"

Mo Qiang swallowed his saliva.

Yang Xue frowned, but still pretended: "Oh, you said that, master Mo Qiang, I said, I will remember your kindness in my heart. It's going to be dark. Now the Mojia dogs are crazy, and master Mo Yu is also very anxious. You'd better go and accompany them!"

With that, Yang Xue wanted to close the door.

"Wait, hey, I knew you would say that. I know Miss Yang Xue doesn't like me, but I admire Miss Yang Xue for a long time. I said, I seem to show you Chen Ge. I'm not strong. I have to get the sweetness I want."

Mo Qiang grabs the door.

Yang Xue looked at Mo Qiang with disgust: "young master Mo Qiang, please respect yourself. I represent the dragon family and are the guests of your Mo family."

"Hey, what's the guest of Mo's family? Your dragon family is just a chess piece of Mo's family. So, Miss Yang Xue, I'll take you today!"

With that, Mo Qiang pounced on Yang Xue

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