"Listen to Mr. Mo's meaning, as if what happened in it?"

Chen Jindong pondered for a while and asked.

Mo Weiping nodded:

"it is indeed a suspicious thing happened. To tell the truth, I led the investigation team to follow up the investigation for more than half a year, but I felt ashamed and had no clue, because the sun alliance is so mysterious and powerful that it can't leave any clues!"

"Just when we were distressed, there was a man who helped us secretly. He provided us with some directions and areas for us to look for. So in the past six months, we finally had a harvest!"

"At the beginning, I was still wondering whether this person was sent by Mr. Chen to help us, so I asked!"

"If you really send someone to help me, I'll inform Mr. Mo at the first time. It's strange. Who is helping us secretly?"

Chen Jindong is also strange.

"Although he did not show up, according to my many years' experience, he is definitely a top expert. Even the masters of Mo family who have surpassed Wei Ping are hard to compete with him!"

Chen Jindong said: "this person has never appeared?"

"Well, he has been making suggestions secretly, and he has put the coordinates at the head of my bed. I think I am very alert. Ha ha, but I have never noticed it! In all, he appeared twice before and after! "

Think of the note that was put at the head of my bed half a year ago.

Up to now, Mo Weiping is afraid.

If this person wants to kill himself, doesn't he even know how to die?

Chen Jindong wants to break his head, but he doesn't know who will help the Chen family.

"But Mr. Chen, this is not the point. He helped us secretly. At least for now, he is not hostile to the Chen family. Moreover, we have successfully dug out the clues of the sun alliance. The top priority is to quickly find the place marked on this map. The mysterious man who guides us to find this landscape map must have his main meaning and even the secret of the sun alliance In this mountain forest

Mo Weiping said.

Chen Jindong nodded: "OK, I'm going to call all the children of the Chen family to come here. They're scattered all over the country. They're well-informed. Maybe someone knows where this mountain forest is!"

"This is the best!"

Chen Jindong's one instruction is that the sky big movement, soon, Chen family members gather together.

Chen Jindong enlarged the map and placed it in the center of the hall for the Chen family to observe.

But the results were not satisfactory.

Although the children thought that they had been all over the world, they had learned a lot.

But no one has ever seen such a beautiful mountain jungle.

If it's a deja vu, they will certainly have an impression.

Immediately, Chen Jindong issued an order for his children to search for all the mountains and forests similar to the map.

"Master, it's not good!"

Just then, a servant rushed into the hall.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Jindong frowned.

"Yes It's Mo Changkong. He took a lot of people and went straight to the island. He came to our hall and killed a dozen bodyguards of the Chen family! "

The servant was busy.

"What? Is this Mo Changkong crazy? "

Chen Jindong looks at Mo Weiping in a hurry.

Mo Weiping frowned: "this old boy, did you grasp the handle of your Chen family, otherwise, this is not his style of conduct!"

"Mr. Chen, let him in and see what he wants to do!"

Mo Weiping said again.

"Second elder, what are you doing? Killing so many Chen family members? "

On the edge of the island, Mo Qingwu and her two sisters are relaxing by the sea.

They didn't go to the hall.

However, it happened to see Mo Changkong angry rushed to the scene, killing the four sides.

"It's none of your business. Today, I'm going to wash the Chen family with blood!"

Mo Changkong has a ferocious face and scarlet eyes.

We're going to take people straight in.

"No, Mo Changkong is so crazy. It seems that something has happened. I have to go and see it."

Mo Qingwu said, followed by Mo Changkong.


Mo Qingying shouts.

But sister's figure, has disappeared.

"Oh, there are so many things. Shall I go and have a look?"

Mo Qingying whispered.

Suddenly, Mo Qingying suddenly froze.

Because a dark shadow just swept past in front of him.

"What is it?"

Mo Qingying also frowned, at the moment, also went back to have a look.

"Today I'm going to call the Chen family full of blood debts and blood payments!"

In the hall.

A loud old voice rang out.

The shock made people's ears hum.

Then there was a strong wind.Mo Changkong with a number of experts, has entered the door.

"Mo Changkong, what are you going to do like this?"

Mo Weiping was the first to bear the brunt and stood up.

"Mo Weiping, you'd better not cut in on this matter. The blood debt between me and the Chen family will be settled today."

Mo Changkong clenched his fists.

At the moment, he swept to Chen Jindong coldly.

At this time, Mo Changkong saw the big map behind Chen Jindong.

Eyes, suddenly no trace of a coagulation.

But at the moment, nothing can make him more happy than killing the whole family of Chen!

"Elder Mo, you talk about blood debts. Ha ha, I don't know what blood debts my Chen family has with you?"

Chen Jindong frowned.

"Still pretending to be confused, Chen Jindong. In the past year, I'm Mo Changkong has been able to give you the face of the Chen family, but I never thought that it was because of my soft hand that caused a disaster, which killed more than 300 Mo family members in Longjiang! Destroy my whole Mo family in Longjiang! "

Mo Changkong voice suddenly cold.

"What? Has the Mo family in Longjiang been destroyed? "

Chen Jindong's eyes widened and his face was surprised.

And Mo Weiping's eyelids jumped hard.

Although Mo Changkong does not recognize the Mo family in Longjiang, some people in the Mo family know that the Mo family was created by Mo Changkong in violation of family rules.

Mo Weiping also knows that there are many masters of the same clan as Mo Changkong.

But now, the Mo family in Longjiang has been destroyed?

"Although the Mo family of Longjiang is not the Mo family of our Yin people, there are still many masters. Who on earth will have such great ability to destroy them alive? I'm afraid the Chen family doesn't have this ability?"

Mo Qingwu can't help but be shocked and whispered to his grandfather.

"It's true that a normal elite can't do anything about it. The Chen family really doesn't have this strength!"

Mo Weiping replied.

Then he stood up and said, "two elders, are there some misunderstandings? How could the Chen family wipe out more than 300 of the Mo family? "

"Misunderstanding? You ask Chen Jindong to hand over Chen Jiada and Chen Ge, and you will find out when you ask! Of course, I will not explain to you that today, whoever dares to stop me, I will still kill who! "

Mo Changkong said coldly to Mo Weiping.

"Come on, kill me! None of them will be left

He roared.


A group of subordinates agreed.

Then he rushed to the Chen family

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