"The power of dragon and elephant?"

And Mo Canglong's eyelids beat hard.

Step back in a row.

It is taking advantage of this gap, Chen DIANCANG yelled: "Xiaoge, let's go!"

The helicopter started off quickly.

Even though Chen Ge didn't give up, his grandfather used all his strength for himself.

If he stayed for a long time, he would have wasted his grandfather's efforts.

Now, we got on the helicopter.

And Mo Canglong wants to chase.

But Chen DIANCANG is still entangled.

"Chen DIANCANG, you are more ruthless. You even use your power of dragon and elephant to give birth to my xuanjing power. Although I can't kill you, you will also be severely damaged. The covenant of holy water will come in three months. I'm afraid you will not live long."

Facing the violence of Chen DIANCANG.

Mo Canglong has no way.

After all, the power of the dragon is not underestimated.

Especially now, Mo Canglong and Chen DIANCANG are too worthless.

If Chen Ge is to run away, his further thinking will be due to failure.

Beat back Chen DIANCANG.

Mo Canglong chases after the helicopter.


Chen DIANCANG spit blood, kneeling on one knee, still unable to catch up, just looking at the direction of the helicopter worried.

"I'm flying high, little hall master. He shouldn't come after me! I can't make it! "

The man who drives the plane.

"Well, I don't know what happened to my grandfather. At first, I thought my grandfather was more than enough to deal with Mo Canglong, but I didn't expect that the magic weapon in Mo Canglong's hand was so powerful!"

Chen Ge is worried about it.

"Don't worry, the Lord is very powerful. Even if Mo Canglong's magic weapons are powerful, he can't help him. He is now trying to make you master of Shaodian. As long as we can escape, we won't let the Lord distract us!"

Said the bodyguard.

Suddenly, the helicopter shuddered.

It's like something down there, grabbing the bottom of the helicopter.

Then, a figure appeared on the side of the helicopter.

It's Cang mo.

"Baby, want to run?"

Mo Canglong gave a cold smile.

Then a wrist shock, a flash of white light.


The helicopter trembled.

Fall straight down.

Boom! Boom!

The fire was blazing and the rocks were flying.

It's a mess on the ground.

The driver is dead.

Chen Ge was also hurt.

However, he has become a master of the half realm, and his body has long been different from ordinary people.

At present, one hand to support the ground, slowly stood up.

"Why do you want to escape? Come with me. Before the covenant of holy water comes, I will go further!"

Mo Canglong stood aside, smiling faintly.

"No way!"

Chen Ge bit his teeth and tried his best.


With a sound, the short blade is shot out in the dark.

Hit Mo Canglong in the chest.

However, Mo Canglong reacted quickly and clamped his two fingers.

"Put the hidden weapon, baby, you are too young!"

He smiles bitterly.

And Chen Ge, is the heart sink to the bottom.

Originally, I thought that I still had a chance to live. Even if I was going to die, I would go to the holy water agreement before I died.

Did not expect, just today, will be caught by this Mo Canglong.

Instead of being caught by him and suffering from his torture, it's better to commit suicide and get rid of it now!

Chen GE's eyes flashed a obliteration, is about to wave himself.


Miso, miso

The short blade, which was held in the hand of Mo Canglong, made a sound of sword chanting.

And began to shake.

Chen Ge was stunned.

Mo Canglong was even more surprised. He tried to clamp the short blade.

However, the originally black and shiny short blade suddenly flashed a red light on it.

In an instant, it was as if it had just been extracted from the furnace.


The hot feeling made Mo Canglong scream.

I can't help but loosen the short blade.

The short blade flew back to Chen GE's hands.

"Magic weapon! This is a magic weapon

Mo Canglong exclaimed.

The eyes were hot.

"I can't believe that besides the sun chart, your Chen family still has such magic tools. How powerful they are. If I can control this magic weapon, I will be like a tiger with wings. I will be invincible and shine in the covenant of holy water."

He thought to himself, as if he were mad.

Chen Ge is a little bit staggering back."With the help of heaven, I not only controlled the xuanjing, but also found Chen Ge with special constitution. With this magic weapon, I will be invincible!"

He came towards Chen Ge with his fine hair twinkling.


Suddenly, he froze.

His left arm began to shake.

The green tendons on the top become red and protrude directly, like earthworms lying on it.

Even his face turned purple.

There was a touch of pain on his face.

"In return?"

Chen Ge a look at the opportunity.

Quickly hit the magic weapon again.


Mo Canglong, who was in pain, used Xuan mirror to resist back.


Chen Ge did not stop at all.

Taking advantage of Mo Canglong's reverse bite, he quickly ran away.

"Stinky boy, no matter you go to the ends of the earth, I will catch you. Magic weapon, special constitution, I'm sure to get it!"

Mo Canglong can't act, but he stares at Chen GE's back and roars.

Chen Ge did not stop all the way, shuttling in the mountains.

He does not know where he is now and how far away from the northwest desert.

In short, it is to see the northwest, that is, to run all the way.

In the blink of an eye, three days and two nights passed.

Chen Ge ran to a stream.

He was so thirsty that he stopped to drink.

"It seems that I didn't choose you wrong. The aura of your body is now fully displayed!"

Chen Ge took out the black short blade that he carried with him.

Can't help rejoicing.

"Well? What is this? "

Chen Ge suddenly found that the short blade is a little different from before, because there are some strange lines and fonts on both sides of the short blade.

"Break the army!"

It is written in traditional Chinese characters on one side.

"Is that your name? Breaking the army is really overbearing

Chen Ge thought.

On the other side, there are some subtle patterns.

Under Chen GE's observation, he found that these patterns seemed to speak.

Small shadows were active on it.

It's like repeating a few movements.

"Can't it be that as soon as I came into contact with Mo Canglong's magic weapon, the army broke through. It seems to be demonstrating how to use it!"

Chen Ge carefully understood.

There are four movements in the shadow above.

What makes Chen Ge strange is.

Among them, only one action is aimed at this method of breaking the army.

As for the other three moves, they are more like the use of the long sword.

The more Chen Ge sees it, the more empathetic he is.

Gradually, Chen Ge imagined himself as a black shadow on the short blade.

The power will trigger on the short blade.

Miso, miso!

The short blade kept singing.

Then, Chen song suddenly hit.

The sound of tearing air makes hair tingle.

Where the short blade passes, big stones and huge trees burst open one after another, and the power seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

The short blade hits the target and returns quickly.

This time Chen Ge didn't hold it, but used the idea to control the short blade to make a second attack.

In this way, it seems to live and become Chen GE's helper.

You can wander around looking for flaws in your opponent.

It turns out that This is the real use of breaking the army

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