"Li Shao, it was this big brother who saved us!"

Qin Ya slowly came down and said to the boy.

"What Li Shao, Xiao Ya, I have told you how many times, call me Marriott, Li Shao, Li Shao, are all born points!"

Li said.

Qin Ya didn't say anything.

But looking at Chen Ge: "elder brother, don't know your name yet?"

I don't know why, from the first sight of this big brother, Qin Ya's heart has a kind of inexplicable intimacy.

Even this closeness makes Qin ya feel incredible.

For so long, she never had any feelings for any boy.

But, except for him.

It's like seeing a long lost relative.

"Yes, big brother, you saved us today. I don't know your name yet."

And that glasses girl, also is a smile way.

"Forget it, it's a piece of cake!"

Chen Ge pressed the brim of his hat and turned to walk upstairs.

And glasses girl eyes, can't help but flash a touch of disappointment, slightly Du Du mouth.

"Mengxue, who is this boy? Wearing a mask and hat in the daytime, what kind of force is it?"

Li Wanhao said coldly at the moment.

Especially after listening to Shen Mengxue's story, this boy obviously came to a hero to save the beauty.

This is an opportunity that he can't wait for, which makes Li Wanhao anxious.

Jealous and jealous.

"Li Wanhao, how can you say that I and Qin Ya's benefactor?"

Shen Mengxue dissatisfied way.

"It was. When you look at this boy, he is just a pretender!"

Li Wanhao said.

"All right, all right, let's not make any noise. In a word, it's ok if it's OK. You should eat something first. When Pang Gong comes, we'll have to go into the desert."

The head of the old man advised.

We all stopped.

Qin Ya and her team, a full of 20 people, 13 boys, a few girls.

This time, Qin Ya and Shen Mengxue went to the desert for an investigation. They were accompanying reporters.

Li Wanhao is the son of the sponsor boss of this inspection activity.

Powerful and powerful, once again in the exchange activities, fell in love with Qin ya, and then out of control, launched a crazy pursuit of the road.

So when he went into the desert, he came with him.

"Pang Gong grew up in the desert when he was a child. We foreigners can't leave him if we want to enter the desert. It's strange that we haven't come here for a long time."

After the old man sat down, he could not help but communicate with a few of his entourage.

Just as he was talking, camel bells rang outside.

More than twenty camels with carts stopped at the door.

"Let's go!"

The driver was a dark faced old man with a white beard and wrinkles.

Yelled at the door of the hotel.

This time, all the people in the room came out.

It seems that not only a team of 20 people, but also a dozen donkey friends have also rented Pang Gong's car.

They're putting luggage and drinking water on the camel's body.

When everything was ready, the crowd was ready to go.

"Let's go, Xiaoya. You're injured. I've paid more. We and Professor Yang can get on the bus and sit there. We don't have to walk!"

Shen Wanhao hesitated to see Qin ya, and from time to time he took a look in the direction of the second floor.

Suddenly jealous big birth: "Xiaoya, you are not waiting for that pretending to force the boy?"

"I What am I waiting for him? We don't know each other! "

Qin Yadao.

"That's good. Let's go. I'll help you."

"No, Mengxue can help me

When the party is ready, they are heading for the desert.

Chen Ge came out.

To tell you the truth, he really didn't expect to meet Qin ya, who hasn't been seen for more than a year here.

She has already joined the work and has a better temperament than before.

In fact, Chen Ge wants to meet her.

After all, I haven't seen you for more than a year.

But Chen Ge tried a sentence, she did not seem to forget herself.

At that time, already very sorry for her, Chen Ge did not want to delay her, because two people are impossible.

Although Qin Ya's wish is not good to her.

She didn't continue to help her with her sprain. Someone should take good care of her.

With his luggage on his back, Chen Ge is ready to start.

The covenant of holy water is three months away.

So I am very anxious about this trip.

We should not only step into the master, but also look for the coffin of longevity.There can be no more delay.

However, it was not long after I entered the desert.

Chen Ge saw that a large group of people were surrounded in front of him.

And a cordon has been set up.

Several volunteers with red armbands seemed to stop the crowd from going on.

"Why not let in? Does the desert belong to your family

Some donkey friends scolded.

"I'm sorry, a few days ago, several bodies were found in the desert. Their death looks very tragic, so it's very dangerous in the desert. I advise you not to go into the desert these days, because it's not worth your life to play!"

Volunteers said.

"If you want to scare us, we don't know it's the desert of death. We're here for stimulation. We don't need to pay attention to them. Let's go straight in!"

Some donkey friends broke in directly.

Volunteers, do not stop, as the woman said just now, who come here to play, who is not looking for excitement!

"Thank you, little brother. But we are not here to play. We are here with a research mission. Please let our camel team in!"

Professor Yang was there, and now he went up and said.

"If you take the motorcade, it's standard. OK, we won't stop you anyway. I wish you all the best!"

The volunteers let go.

Professor Yang, these people go in.

But also has many traveling friends timid, chose to retreat.

"Well? So you're here, big brother? "

At this time, Shen Mengxue suddenly saw a familiar figure and waved his hand in a hurry.

Chen Ge just nodded and went on.

Qin Ya is always looking at this young man in the car. Why does the more you look at him, the more familiar you feel.

However, he did not have such a strong physique.

"Join our motorcade. Just now someone said that it is dangerous in the desert. There are many donkey friends in our motorcade. There are many people and great strength. Let's go together."

Shen Mengxue sat in the car and asked.

"Hehe, this boy is not a poor man. If there is no camel cart to provide water, he will die of thirst before he reaches the middle of the river."

Li Wanhao sneered.

"Big brother, you'd better enter our motorcade, I'll help you pay for the money!"

Shen Mengxue worried.

Chen Ge shook his head.

Thank you. I don't need it

He said faintly.

"Ha ha, I don't know the sky and the earth are thick. In this desert, if there were no desert of Pang Gong, nine out of ten couldn't get out, so they didn't need to? Don't regret it. Even if someone pays for you, I won't let you join the team! "

While drinking, Pang Gong looks at Chen Ge coldly. In this area, no one dares to say that he does not need him. The old man thinks that he has a strong sense of respect, so he can do it.


He whipped the camel and the convoy sped off.

Shen Mengxue and Qin Ya are both worried, looking at the young people walking silently behind

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