"What's the matter?"

Everyone's around.

At a glance, they were all shocked.

There were two bodies lying on the sand dunes.

By the moonlight, but clearly see that the two bodies have turned into mummies, the whole body shriveled down, as if being sucked dry.

"Ah Ming and ah yuan!"

Someone recognized their clothes and cried.

"How could that happen? It's only half an hour

Although Professor Yang has rich experience, he feels incredible and his scalp is numb.

"It's granny goat. She Here she is

Pang Gong also swallowed his saliva and said in horror.

All of them were even more scared, all nestled together.

"Xiaoya, come to me, I have *!"

Li Wanhao also said in fear.

Pang Gong had already knelt down and began to pray.

Many people follow Pang Gong's example and pray.

"Granny goat, we are just passing by. There is no other meaning. Spare your life!"

They whispered.

Just then.

Chen Ge came slowly and went to see the two bodies: "what kind of goat grandma is just a beast!"

"You You're bullshit! You don't know the sky and the earth. Be careful that Granny goat is the first to kill you

Pang Gong thought that Chen GE's words were not in awe, so he scolded.

"Be careful, Granny goat is the first to kill you!"

At this time, a weak voice, mixed with wind and sand, came.

"Watch out for grandma goat, the first one to kill you!"

The sound continued unawares.

Just like the voice of a child, it is very strange in the night sky.

Professor Yang, they hold their breath even more.

At the moment, all looking behind Chen Ge.

"Big brother, be careful behind you!"

Yang Xue and Shen Mengxue stood up and said at the same time.

Their voice, has also been extremely frightened.

Chen GE has already found her.

At the moment, cold look.

From another heavy sand dune, a hairy monster with green eyes creeping out.

She has a skeleton structure similar to that of a person. At first glance, she looks like a person.

Her tongue, falling to the ground, has rows of barbs hanging upside down.

While learning to speak with others, he crawled towards Chen Ge.

"Granny goat!"

Pang Gong was frightened to kneel down again and kowtow repeatedly.

"I've been looking for you all day and night, and you finally show up again!"

Chen Ge said coldly.

According to Chen GE's speed, to now, certainly not only stay in the middle position.

But not long after stepping into the desert.

Chen Ge found the animal.

If it was in the past, Chen Ge would choose to hide directly and go his own way.

But now it's different. Qin Ya is still behind.

This animal attacks tourists, and ordinary things are hard to deal with.

Afraid of Qin Ya's danger, Chen Ge had to find Qin Ya again.

Naturally, when the beast saw Chen Ge, his eyes became extremely hot.

Green saliva keeps flowing out.

"You go first, I'll deal with her!"

Chen Ge turned to Professor Yang and said to them.

Professor Yang, they nodded.

"Hum, it's just a beast. What should I be afraid of? Don't worry, Xiaoya. I'll protect you and watch me kill it!"

Li took a * out of his pocket, pulled the trigger and fired a shot at the monster.

Naturally, you can't let your rival give you the limelight.

But the monster got a * and it didn't hurt.

Because his skin is too strong.


Li Wanhao is confused.


But the monster was infuriated and rushed at Li Wanhao.

He grabbed Li by the collar and threw him into the sky.

Heavy hit in the sand dunes, Li Wanhao voice a sweet, mouth spray blood.

"What a strength

Professor Yang was so scared that he took the students back.

But the monster obviously main target is Chen Ge, it already felt Chen GE's danger.

Then he pounced on Chen Ge.


Chen Ge kicked out, Rao is a monster with rough skin and thick flesh, but it can't resist Chen GE's half master's inner strength breath now, and he falls on the ground and rolls and screams.Urgent limbs claw on the ground!

"Big brother, you should be careful!"

Qin Ya didn't run. At the moment, she warned nervously.

The monster stares at Qin ya, grabs a handful of sand and throws it at Chen Ge.

A flash of the figure, and then toward Qin ya.

The beast was obviously very clever and knew how to play.

Besides, Chen Ge didn't expect that he would catch Qin ya.

When they react, Qin Ya and Shen Mengxue have been caught by it.


Chen Ge quickly sacrifice to break the army.

A black light flashed across the monster's chest, but the monster was still alive.

To a sand dune in a collision, instant with Qin Ya Shen Mengxue they disappeared.


Chen GE's heart is tight, can't help but blurt out.

But the animal, who could escape from the earth, had already slipped away in the night.

This guy is bloodthirsty. If Xiaoya and her two fall into its hands, there is no way to survive.

"What to do? Has Xiaoya Mengxue been captured? "

The team members cried nervously.

Chen Ge, however, went straight to Pang Gong, who was kneeling on the ground.

Just pick him up.

"I ask you, do you know where the beast's nest is? Where is it often? "

Chen Ge said coldly.

"I I don't know. What are you doing? You're the one who angered granny goat. If she's angry, she's going to kill! "

Pang Gong said.

"Well, kill? Then I'll kill you

"Young man, don't be impatient!"

Professor Yang hurried over to persuade Chen Ge.

Then he asked Pang Gong:

"elder brother, this young man has the ability to kill that monster. You have already seen that. Besides, it has captured our people again. They are two living lives

Professor Yang said.

"If you don't know where it's going to be, please tell us where it's going to be."

"I can say, but You ask him to put me down first! "

Pang Gong looked at the scarlet old songs, and felt a great fear.

Chen Ge frowned and threw him on the ground.

While finishing his clothes, Pang Gong said, "I just heard people say that walking sand must not go to the well head over the wansha ridge. It is a forbidden area. Whoever goes there will be captured and eaten by grandma goat! There, it should be grandma goat's nest! But no one knows where Wan Sha Ling is, and no one has ever seen it alive! "

"Wan Sha Ling?"

But Chen Ge murmured.

Then I looked at my watch and then at the Big Dipper in the night sky.

"I know where it is!"

Look at Chen Ge, quickly toward a direction to run.

On the map given by the mysterious man, the location of wanshaling was marked.

It's not difficult for Chen Ge to follow the map.

"Big brother, wait for us!"

And the tour group, stay in this place has been extremely afraid, only to follow this person's side, can have a sense of security.

They all chase Chen ge

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