The boa constrictor nodded again.

If it didn't happen in front of his eyes, killing Chen Ge would not believe it was true!

This Python is actually older than his ancestors.

"Why don't you kill me? In those days, the old beggar brought you in because he wanted you to be a grave animal. All the people who broke into the ancient tomb must die, didn't they? "

Chen Ge asked curiously.

The python vomited and pointed to the mural just now.

Then he turned his head awkwardly and looked at the coffin.

The mural says that the old man took it to the ancient tomb for ten days.

And it refers to the coffin of longevity.

It seems that the ten days the old man came in had something to do with the longevity coffin.

There is no clue on the mural. The python told himself.

If you want to understand, the answer lies in the coffin of longevity?

"You want me to open the coffin?"

Chen Ge asked tentatively.

The python nodded.

Chen Ge took a deep breath and went to the colorful platform.

The whole platform is made of colorful stones.

And this pair of crystal jade carving general longevity coffin, suspended in the sky on the colorful stone.

Like a beautiful work of art.

It's amazing.

Walking up, close observation, you can vaguely see that there is a dark shadow lying inside the coffin.

It should be the body of the God.

Although can't see clearly, but his outline is reflected.

It is worthy of being a coffin of longevity, and the body can be preserved for thousands of years.

Is this God, will there really be such a God?

Chen Ge suppressed the inner curiosity and pushed the coffin slowly.

After pushing away, the corpse of God in the coffin, now unreservedly showed itself in front of him.

But after seeing the body clearly, Chen GE's eyes became dull.

The heart is in this moment, stopped beating.

"How could it be?"

The next moment, Chen Ge stare big eyes, a touch of nameless shock and terror flooded into the whole body.

It made him tremble.

Because Inside the coffin, you're lying on your own!?

, as like as two peas in a coffin, there is a man who is exactly the same as himself.

He was dressed in gold armor, white robe and long hair.

But with a face, you are yourself!

How could it be?

Chen Ge exclaimed in his heart again, and he stepped back two steps.

He looked at the python again. The python was looking at himself respectfully.

No wonder, python not only does not kill itself, but is very respectful to himself.

It turned out that it regarded itself as the master of the whole palace.

The boa constrictor vomites the letter son, motioned Chen Ge to look at the side of the corpse.

Chen Gecai went to see it.

There was a scroll beside the body.

There is a round jade pendant on it.

The python is letting itself open.

Repressed by surprise, Chen Ge took it up.

Open this scroll. There are some ancient characters on it.

A few days ago, Chen Ge asked Professor Yang about these ancient characters.

Therefore, Chen Ge can understand the content a little bit.

"It should be the life record of this corpse!"

"My wife is mentioned above, and three words of Sun Alliance are mentioned, and human beings are written behind it. The last few words seem to be talking about destruction!"

Effective, Chen Ge can only understand this.

It mentions his wife and the sun alliance. Does it mean that the death of this God has something to do with the sun alliance, and destruction, what kind of destruction?

Will human beings be destroyed?

Chen GE has a big head.

"It doesn't seem to be a suicide note from this body, is it?"

Snake Chen asked.

The python shakes its head.

"I see. This scroll was put in by the old beggar who brought you in?"

Chen Ge asked.

The python nodded.

"Who is this old beggar? Why does he know so many secrets, and he has great powers? "

Chen Ge was really surprised.

The python shook its head again.

"What do you mean? What is the solar League

Chen Ge was sweating.

, especially here as like as two peas, lay here.

Is it difficult to succeed? There is the saying of reincarnation?

There are many doubts.

Besides, the mysterious man who brought himself here should know everything, but who is he?With doubts, Chen Ge picked up the round jade pendant and looked at it.

There are many complicated patterns on it.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Chen Ge looks, these lines seem to move.

At the moment, Chen Ge watched with concentration.

The lines turn faster.

Let Chen Ge have a kind of vertigo feeling.

And it's getting dizzy.

Chen Ge shook his head for a while, suddenly, suddenly felt a black in front of him, and fainted directly.

Chen Ge is still conscious.

He felt his hands and feet cold, but he tried to open his eyes.

It turned out to be a big hole.

The light in the cave is bright.

There is also a stream slowly flowing out.

By the side of the stream, a dark shadow was standing with a negative hand.

"Are you here at last?"

This dark shadow is back to Chen Ge, light way.

"What finally came? Who are you? "

Chen Ge was surprised.

"I've been waiting for you too long!"

He said.

"Always remember that the greater your ability, the more people you need to protect, especially the one you love in your heart. Don't let her down!"

The shadow said again.

Chen as like as two peas, what I am wondering what your excellency says, I want to ask why I am the same as the God of the eternal coffin, and are you the God?

"You'll know!"

The voice of the shadow was very bleak.

"What is the sun alliance? My love seems to have been captured by the sun League, and there is no news of it! "

Chen Ge asked.

"Everyone will die because of it, all!"

Shadow road.

"If you don't want to say anything, you should always tell me how to protect the one I love?"

Chen Ge was surprised.

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, the dizziness in his brain came again.

It's just different.

Now, it seems that a lot of information is pouring into my mind.

I'm about to blow my head out.

Too much information!

Head What a pain!

Chen Ge covered his head and let out a scream, rolling on the ground in pain.

He couldn't tell the southeast, the northwest, and what was going on.

My head is going to explode.

But the shadow is still chattering:

"from now on, you should be careful, especially the people around you! Because I am you, you are me

"I'm finished. Help me!"

But Chen GE's mouth spurts the white foam, in the ground to turn the white eye struggle.


Finally, the information in my mind seems to form a medium, and it explodes.

And Chen GE's blood spurt, also stopped struggling, directly fainted in the past

Tick tock Tick!

I don't know how long after, Chen GE's ear rings the sound of dripping water.

Then I wake up leisurely.

Turning over, I found myself still in this underground palace.

The boa constrictor is looking at himself with concern.

"I'm not dead yet?"

Chen GE has some surprises.

However, his smile then froze, because certain God Chen Ge found that his mind, seems to have some more!

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