"To Here it is

The old man's heart is bleeding, but there is no way.

"Come on, take the map of the palace of the sea!"

He waved.

Soon, the map of Haiwang palace came.

"And the herbs I gave you tonight, too!"

Chen Ge said again.


The old master said bitterly.

However, he blackmailed him with 2 billion of these herbs, but he robbed them of everything in the Ming family.

All the Ming family members are full of resentment, but dare not speak.

Chen Ge took these things, turned around and left.

"Son of a bitch, who are you? Go to hell

Suddenly, a young man of the Ming family jumped out.

He pulled out a piece of * and pulled the trigger to the back of Chen GE's head.


But Chen Ge didn't fall to the ground when the gun rang.

Because Chen Ge changed hands and directly caught the bullet.


Everyone was shocked again.

The young boy's eyes were wide open and his face was incredible.

Then, I saw Chen GE's wrist shake slightly.


A disgusting noise came out.

Blood splashed everywhere, that young man's head, already burst open!

The Ming family was frightened and frightened.

Chen Ge didn't speak, so he went on.

Those masters did not dare to move their hands in the air.

Chen Ge goes to one of the middle-aged masters and looks at his palm.

Just now, he should have wanted to chop the palm on his head from the side.

"Is this iron sand palm?"

Chen Ge asked curiously.

"Yes! Master

"How long have you been practicing? What is the effect? " Chen Ge asked.

"After 20 years of hard training, you can crack through hard rocks!"

The master was sweating and swallowed his saliva.

"Not bad!"

Chen Ge showed a touch of appreciation. After patting him on the shoulder, he left


As soon as Chen Ge left, everyone took a long breath.

And the old man, even more tears, sat down on the ground.


Pearl is also very scared.


The old man slapped his favorite granddaughter in the face.

"What you have done has helped us to understand our family and provoked such an existence! What's more, he has a good reason and a good reason! "

Cried the old man.

"No wonder, master ghost, three years ago, our Ming family was robbed."


As for Chen Ge, he went back to the Yang family on foot.

Now we have the map leading to the sea king palace. When the family team comes, we can start.

The story of the woman in white and the general of the ancient tomb, I believe it will solve these mysteries!

There is also the legendary ghost operator master. When I see you tomorrow, Chen Ge will have to see if he is really like the legendary god!

Chen Ge was excited.


But heard, the roadside jungle, sounded a weak voice.

Like a woman.


Chen Ge couldn't help frowning.

And then he moved on.

Sure enough, there was a woman lying in the forest, dressed in black.

And the abdomen, like a very serious injury, blood flow.

To Chen GE's surprise, her face.

Her skin was white and her face was beautiful.

Now slightly closed eyes, looks a little more elegant.

Standard Oriental beauty face.

"You Are you all right? "

Chen Ge asked.

She's in a coma because she tried too much blood.

If you drag on like this, something will happen. Fortunately, you met me!

Chen Ge picked her up and went straight to the Yang family.

The next morning.

Gu Yuxiao slowly opened his eyes, between the breath, lingering a smell of medicine, and into the eye, as if in a luxurious room.


Only when Gu Yuxiao wanted to sit up slowly, did he find his body

His upper body, has been changed into a pajamas, and the abdominal wound, has also been bandaged.

And the thighs, they're all in new clothes.

Girls are very sensitive to these things.

In particular, the ancient rain has been very traditional.She pulled herself to her feet, opened the door, and into her eyes was a courtyard.

A young man was looking in the courtyard.

One side of the hanger, drying their clothes.

"Are you awake?"

The young man said as he drank tea and looked at a drawing.

"Did you change my clothes?"

The ancient rain Xiao coldly looked at Chen Ge and bit her lips.


Chen Ge nodded.

"Then you! Who let me touch me

The ancient rain is bleak and the eyes are cold.

"If you don't touch you, you'll die! You were lucky to meet me last night. You had only half your life left at that time

Chen gedao.

"What's on me, and what's next to me..."

"How to heal you if you don't change it!"

Chen gedao.

"Son of a bitch!"

After that, I feel the wind blowing down.

A flowerpot has already been thrown over.

Chen Ge reached for it.

"I've just made tea. Can you stop for a while?"

Chen Ge is speechless.

Although this woman looks beautiful, and LAN elder sister is no different, but her temper is too hot.

Just then, the outside door of Chen GE's side is opened.

Several maids came in one after another.

"Mr. Yang, please go to the front hall to discuss business."

Said some of the servants.

Where Chen Ge lives, it is naturally arranged by Yang Wei. There is no one to disturb him.

Chen Ge said that I know.

Then the maid looked at the woman and said:

"Oh, sister, how did you get out of bed? We bandaged the wound for you, and we can't move yet!"

Said the maids.

"You did it for me. What about my clothes?"

Ancient rain Xiao asked.

"Of course, we changed it for you, sir. You came back!"

Said the maid.

So I'm wrong about him!

Ancient rain Xiao heart in the road, can not help but glance at Chen Ge.

"It's not you. Why do you admit it?"

"I didn't admit it. You thought it was!" Chen Ge smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

"You help her change the medicine again, remember, the effect of this medicine can't be more than three hours, the purpose is to make her wound healed, the abdomen will not leave a scar!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, sir."

Then Chen Ge nodded and laughed at Gu Yuxiao and left directly.

"Why do I have an inexplicable sense of intimacy when I see this man? Is it because he saved my life?"

Looking at the back of Chen GE's leaving, Gu Yuxiao can't help but feel the secret way.

"Sister, you are so beautiful. You are the most beautiful girl we have ever seen in the world!"

Several maids sincerely envy way.

Gu Yuxiao nodded slightly, and a blush flashed on her pretty face: "thank you for your praise! Thank you, too, for saving me! "

"By the way, sister, how did you get hurt? Last night you had a very serious injury, and the doctor said that your abdominal injury did not seem to be an ordinary blade wound

Several maids helped her in and asked in surprise

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