"Are you full of sorrowful people? This, this, this... "

Ming left hall lips tremble, bean big cold sweat from his head to flow down: "how is this possible?"

"Chen Ge is dead, and the Ming family should be established. This is the turning point for my Ming family. How can it be full of people?"

The left Hall of the Ming Dynasty couldn't believe it and slapped the paper heavily on the table.

I don't know why, at the moment, he has no any excitement, and some are just a touch of uneasiness in his heart.

"Ask Jiaqing, what's going on there? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

Ming Zuo Tang said.

But at this time, a touch of green poison fog, appeared in the field of vision.

The young boy, who was preparing to make a phone call, fell to the ground first, foaming at the mouth.

"What's going on?"

People were surprised.

Then more and more people fell to the ground.

The left Hall of the Ming Dynasty was extremely frightened: "this is a thousand year old fog poison!"

Then, the Ming family glared and saw a jar burst in the hall of the Ming family.

Chen Ge, appeared in the courtyard

Ming family, howling!

It's night!

Yang family, the courtyard where Chen Ge is located.

The ancient rain rustles and wakes.

Slowly raised eyes, is to see the side of the room, Chen Ge is sitting there drinking tea.

His figure is thin, but it gives people a great sense of security.

"You saved me again?"

"Not me or who!"

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

"I don't want to owe you any favor, no one!"

Gu Yuxiao sat up from the bed, white face, as if to see Chen Ge, will flash a blush.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do for you? I will do it for you even if I fight for my life. From now on, we are not in debt!"

Ancient rain Xiao road.

Ghost operator words, deeply affect Gu Yuxiao, she fell in love with this person, but this person will not love her.

Gu Yuxiao was so strong in her heart that she would never tolerate such a thing.

But I want to kill Chen Ge, but I don't have this ability.

Even said, when Chen Ge kisses her moment, she actually at the moment already had a kind of different feeling in the heart.

"Really? Then I'll make you my wife, and so will you! "

Chen Ge joked.

"Asshole, who will be your wife?" Gu Yu Xiao Nu Road, eyes seem to contain tears.

"I'm kidding you. I have a wife. Even if you want to treat me as a wife, I won't take it. But in addition, you owe me two favors. Now, you have a chance to return one first. I want to ask you something. You have to tell me!"

Chen Ge put down the tea cup ceremony.

Gu Yuxiao took a deep breath: "what is it?"

"You are here to look for the sea palace, which is a task given to you by your grandparents. You mentioned two people in your dream just now. One is your grandmother and the other is your great grandmother. I want to know what the mission they sent you to the sea palace? I know, it won't be to steal a tomb! "

Chen Ge asked.

This matter is indeed suspicious. Unless it is like the Ming family, otherwise, who will send someone to investigate the sea king palace?

But the ancient rain Xiao Wen speech, is tangled up, seems to be considering this matter, in the end can say.

"It doesn't matter what you said. I can confess to you. I also went to the sea palace to find a dead man."

Chen gedao.

Gu Yuxiao took a look at Chen Ge.

She always keeps her promise, and Chen Ge plans to look for it. It seems that there is no need to hide it from Chen Ge.

"Me too. I'm going to find a corpse and take it back to the ancient home. This is the wish of my grandparents and grandmothers! It's like this body It has a lot to do with a very big secret! It's like this body, it's from outside! "

Ancient rain Xiao road.

"As for the secret, it's no use asking me, because I don't know what it is! That's all I know

"Gujia? Where is your ancient home? "

Chen Ge asked.

Sure enough, it's almost what I guess.

In addition to themselves, there is also a force that seems to be aware of the affairs of these heavenly women who came down from the sky.

Looking for a woman in white is to take her to be buried with the God of heaven, and to confirm what is the secret between her and the God.

And Gu Yuxiao, what is the purpose of bringing her back to the ancient home?

But look at Gu Yuxiao's appearance, also don't seem to be deceive oneself.

If you have a chance, you might as well visit the ancient family.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you where the Gu family is."

Ancient rain Xiao road.

"Well, if you don't tell me, I won't force you either. But I hope that we can all achieve our goal in the end. My fleet will arrive tonight. There has been a tsunami in recent days. I'm afraid you can't live to the sea palace by yourself. If you want, I can take you with you!"Chen Ge said again.

The ancient rain Xiao has no words, which can be regarded as acquiescence.

Is it true, as the ghost operator said, there are some fate, even if they want to escape, but also can not escape.

Do you really fall in love with this person?

Her mind was tangled.

The next day.

Chen's large fleet arrived and Chen Ge set out after boarding.

"Chen Shao, the waves are too big and there is a tsunami again. Shall we continue to set out?"

Chen's bodyguard came up and said.

Chen Ge looked at the map and found that the sea road leading to the sea palace was far away.

Moreover, several hundred years later, it is not known whether the location of Haiwang palace has moved. Chen Ge dare not delay.

"Keep going. Before sunset tonight, we must arrive at Modao island. We need to adjust our progress plan there."

Chen Ge ordered to go on.

This group of fleets came through the special consideration made by the Chen family at a high price.

To adapt to the severe weather at sea.


The bodyguards agreed.

As soon as he saw the vast sea, Chen Ge stood on the deck, and he couldn't help thinking of Su Muhan.

Muhan, where will you be? If you're not dead, what are you doing now?

Chen Ge is holding the guardrail with both hands, and he is struggling.

Because now, all the problems are moving in one direction.

That's the sun League.

Mu Han, the mysterious disappearance of second Uncle Chen Ping'an.

When the gods came, the corpses of the heavenly soldiers that fell from the sky seemed to have traces of the sun alliance.

What kind of organization is this?

It has existed for tens of thousands of years, but no one can uncover its mystery.

and what is as like as two peas? Is there another unknown world in the distant sky?

These things, let Chen GE's head almost big.

However, Chen Ge feels fast, and after solving the matter of the woman in white, I believe it is not far to find Mu Han!

Chen Ge thought.

And Chen GE's worried eyes and side face.

At the moment, I was caught by the ancient rain.

She has been standing aside to watch Chen Ge for a long time. She didn't expect that he was so powerful that he would have weaknesses and sad things.

Gu Yuxiao seems to have found another side of him.

"I'm going to change my dressing, but I don't know which one to use when you give me two pairs!"

The ancient rain whistled softly.

Chen Ge then took back his thoughts and walked into the cabin.

However, a bodyguard standing on the deck is staring at the sea floor with some doubts at the moment.

Because at one moment, he seemed to see a huge object, a very large one, slowly crossing the sea floor.

Rub your eyes again, but you can't see anything.

Is You're wrong?

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