Hearing the woman's voice, Chen Ge, who is closing his eyes and cultivating his mind, is stunned slightly.

Take off the towel, look up, found that this woman is not someone else.

It's Fang Huanan.

To tell you the truth, since the last time in southwest province, Chen Ge dressed up as a dumb three and saved Fang's family, Chen Ge had no further contact with them.

The only thing is to settle Yang Xue in southwest province and give the family's southwest industry to Yang Xue.

Count the days. I haven't seen you for a year.

I didn't expect that she could meet Fang Yannan here. Moreover, she seemed to have some changes. Otherwise, how could she be reduced to such a state?

Chen Ge stands up.

"How can it be you, my dear?"

"It's really you Chen Ge. I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Fang's face turned red, and her eyes were full of tears.

With that, Fang Huanan could not help but run to Chen Ge and threw herself into his arms.

It's been so long, there's no news of Chen Ge, and now there are so many changes, when the boy stands in front of himself again.

It seems that all the heavy stones hanging in her heart have been left behind at this moment.

"It's OK, it's OK!"

Chen Ge comforted her.

"Hello, Hello, you two are still in the mood to flirt. What's the matter, Fang Yannan, is this man your little white face raised in southwest province?"

Cloud wave cold channel.

His face was even more ugly. He was angry when he was yelled.

Now, the woman in her heart, unexpectedly, threw herself into this man's arms.

There is a kind of green wave in public.

I can't bear it if I'm a man.

"Damn it, today I'll show you how your little white face died!"

He gnashed his teeth.

Many people around have taken a step back.

Because here in Modao, this Yunshao really dares to kill people.

All of us are afraid of being infected with ourselves, so we have to go far.

"Yunlang, it's our daughter. It's useless. Even grandfather and Dr. Zuo are threatened by you. If you have something to do with me, don't harm my friend!"

After Fang Huanan calmed down, she noticed how ignorant she was to embrace Chen Ge because of her excitement.

This cloud wave is narrow-minded. In this way, Chen Ge is also implicated.

Because, she quickly let go of Chen Ge and explained to yunlang.

"Chen Ge, get out of here

Fang said with her head down.

"It's OK. With me here, he won't do anything to you!"

Looking at Fang Nan, Chen Ge couldn't help shaking her head and smiling.

"I know Chen GE's strength. You are the majority of the Chen family. But in Modao, especially in the cloud family, they will not be afraid of any family. On the contrary, Chen Ge, there are things in the world that you can't imagine. He really dares to kill you. Go away!"

Fang said anxiously.

"Want to go? I'm afraid it's not so easy. I don't care what you are, Chen shaoxinshao. When you get here, you have to bow to my cloud family and catch him for me! "

Yunlang waves his hand.

He had already thought that he would make enough of this little white face, and then kill him.

Seven or eight bodyguards rushed directly to Chen Ge.

"Stand behind me!"

Chen Ge pulls Fang Nan behind her.


And the fists of those people have reached Chen GE's face.

Fang Nan cried out worried.

But did not expect, Chen Ge is very calm like also turned back to Fang Nan smile: "don't be afraid, they can't go to me!"


During the conversation, one man punched Chen Ge in the chest.

Make a dull noise.

Then there was a sharp click.


Then he looked at the first man, covering his fist, his face white and crying out in pain.

Because just now, he tried his best not to hit the human body, but on an iceberg full of water chestnut.

The arm bone cracked, and the hand bone was broken into several pieces.

Ten fingers linked to one heart, this kind of pain can not be tolerated by ordinary people!

Chen Ge watched him shake his head, kick out, this man's knee bone, with a different angle, backward bending, directly flew out.

And the others, a little stunned, came again.

Chen Ge did the same, brushing a few feet, in front of a few people covered the kneecap bone, fell to the ground called into a piece.

Cloud wave sees in the eye, pupil contracts abruptly.

His subordinates are all the experts who are carefully selected, but they are not the opponents of this small white face at all.It's only a dozen seconds. All the dishes are off.

Chen Ge walks towards the cloud wave.

"Just now, you've been yelling, do you want to exercise?" Chen Ge sneered.

"You What do you want? Here But! Ah

Yunlang retreats, but also wants to warn Chen Ge.

But before the voice fell, Chen Ge grabbed the collar with one hand and threw it into the air.

Click! CLICK!

Chen Ge took his arm and let him spin in the air.

Before long, his limbs were cracked and he screamed.

Finally, another throw, cloud less body, fell on the side of the lamp rack.

He couldn't move any more. He just cried in pain.

Everyone was so scared that they didn't dare to speak.

This is less cloud, and this person is more ruthless.

The strength is stronger.

He actually abandoned Yunshao.

Fang Nan also covered her mouth in surprise.

A year and a half ago, Chen Ge was still a thin and weak boy who knew some catching skills.

But now, his skill, has already arrived a kind of terror degree!

And it was just then.

Rows of bodyguards in black came towards this side.

The tourists were frightened by the momentum of these bodyguards in black and dodged one after another.

These bodyguards don't look at the wailing people on the ground.

Straight towards Chen Ge.

"Chen Shao, I have already got in touch with you. Now he has started to prepare all the county records. When the evening comes, he will come over."

Said the bodyguard.

"Good!" Chen Ge nods.

Then he looked at Fang Huanan, who was a little bit of a God: "you girl, I heard from you that Lord Fang and my younger martial brother Zuo Zhongtao were involved. What happened to you?"

Chen Ge asked.

When he saved the Fang family, he went to Jinling to settle accounts with the Mo family. He taught Zuo Zhongtao some medical skills and asked him to help the Fang family as much as possible.

Without a strong enemy, the Fang family, even if it will not recover its strength, should be at the height of the sun.

But now, it has fallen into such a field.

"I I... "

Fang's tears fell down, knowing that she was hard to speak.

Chen Ge took her to her room.

Outside, several of yunlang's friends stood under the lampstand and looked at the cloud wave above more than ten meters. At the moment, his face became more and more pale, and the blood kept flowing out of his mouth.

And slowly some people do not know the state.

Look like you're dying.

Those friends were scared and quickly took out their mobile phones to make a phone call

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