Chen Ge swam in with them.

Although the opening of the hole is narrow, it is like a gourd shape.

After swimming in, I found that it was another world.

Until Chen Ge, they came to a different cave.

Chen Ge was surprised to find that the cave was full of ghost flowers.

Around, pollen overflows.

"Hold your breath

Chen Ge told them.

Chen Ge looked at the instrument panel. On it, the figure of the old woman had disappeared, and it was here that she disappeared.

She must be in there.

The old woman is very cunning. If she is careless, she will be attacked.

At this time, Gu Yuxiao and Tiecheng both felt uncomfortable at the same time.

Comparatively speaking, the pollen at the entrance of the sea cave is more dense.

Even Chen GE's deliberate control is not able to resist the strong spiritual impact of ghost flower.

That old woman must be playing tricks!

Soon, Tiecheng and Gu Yuxiao fell into a coma.

And in the face of a powerful spiritual shock.


Chen Ge finally did not hold back, feeling the space in all directions, all distorted.

On the eve of his coma, he saw an ugly and strange face in front of him

Dark, unconscious.

I don't know how long it took Chen Ge to wake up.

This kind of stimulation to the brain and spirit is just as painful as the memory of some skills and martial arts skills of the God.

They were still at the bottom of the sea. If they had not avoided the rocks, they would have drowned now.

And Tiecheng, pale and in a severe coma.

Chen Ge endured a headache and went to look for Gu Yuxiao.

But then I found out.

Is the ancient rain Xiao gone?

What's going on?

Chen Ge shouldered the iron city and couldn't help waking up.

Quickly in the corridor back and forth looking, but there is no trace of the ancient rain Xiao!

She's not in trouble, is she?

In my heart, Chen Yinge reproached herself.

But this is not the time for hesitation.

Because he is still alive, the sea king palace is in front of you. Maybe the ancient rain Xiao drifted into the Yong cave in front of you.

With this hope, Chen Ge woke up Tiecheng.

The two men moved on.

I don't know how long I swam in this corridor.


All of a sudden, the huge waves surged around, as if there was a huge force in the crazy suction of Chen Ge towards the inside.

Tiecheng looks at Chen Ge, indicating that it is the undercurrent under the sea, but this huge force is too great. Although Chen Ge is flexible underwater, he uses strength to resist it.

However, it can not resist.

Two people's bodies, crazy toward a more and more narrow hole.

"Bone shrinking skill!"

The space is getting smaller and smaller, from the original height of one person to the height of only four or five-year-old babies now, and the hole is still shrinking.

Chen Ge reminds Tiecheng.

Both of them performed bone contraction at the same time.

Adapt to this environment.

If not, Rao is Chen Ge such terrible body, will also be squeezed into a pool of flesh mud by this corridor.


Finally, the suction came to an end.

Two people are inertia, throw into this space.

To Chen GE's surprise.

Here, there is no sea water. It is a dry space completely.

And Tiecheng was seriously injured, and Chen Ge pulled him up.

"Sir, I'm useless!"

Iron city weak road.

"It's OK, because we It seems to have arrived at the sea palace! "

Chen Ge patted him on the shoulder, and then his eyes had been stunned, looking at everything in front of him in surprise.

Iron city is also turned around, looking at this space, is a big mouth.

Because in front of me, it is an incomparably splendid palace.

It's like a dragon palace under the sea.

Chen Ge is a little silly.

In the middle of the palace, there is a huge platform, which is five or six meters up. There is a crystal coffin hanging on it.

It's also the coffin of longevity!

Chen Ge wondered.

It turned out that the white woman was buried here in a coffin after the separation from the gods.

From then on, they were in different places.

But we can't see each other forever.

What does that old beggar want?

"Sir, there are murals all around. It seems that there are stories about these things!"

At this time, Tiecheng pointed to the murals around and said.Chen Ge glanced at the longevity coffin of the woman in white, and then glanced at the murals around her.

Like the desert underground palace, this palace is also full of murals.

Chen Ge glanced at the story of the woman in white.

What's more, the following murals can't be called murals any more. They are all abstract words.

I don't know these songs. It's very different from the text of the mural seen before.

As for the murals, most of them are about the burial process and the origin of the female corpse.

I know all these Chen songs.

"Dong language?"

And iron city at the moment after seeing the murals, and came to these stone walls here.

"What is the Dongzu language?"

Chen Ge looks at iron city.

"Sir, Dongzu is an ancient tribe. This is their exclusive writing. In my family, I have a collection of animal skin cave clan documents. When I was a child, my grandmother forced me to learn the meaning of these characters!"

Tiecheng road.

Chen GE's eyebrows could not help but slightly raised: "so you can understand?"

Iron City roughly glanced at: "at most understand five or six points, the other have to rely on guessing!"

He scratched his head.

"It's better than I can't understand it. Take a look at the words on it. What do they say?"

Chen Ge patted him on the shoulder.

Tiecheng looks at it very seriously.

After a cup of tea.

He just said, "the content mentioned above is too abstruse, as if telling a prophecy..."

"And also mentioned a sentence many times..."

Tiecheng scratched his head and pointed to these sentences and read them word by word:

"this sentence means that flowers bloom into two, each of which is a world, and the answer you want is in one of them!"

"Two flowers, one world?"

Chen gedao.

"Yes, yes, sir, that's what it means!"

Tiecheng is busy nodding.

Again, that strange old woman also said, and Chen Ge with the idea of detection, the old woman is not here at all.

Did she leave while we were in a coma?

There is no reason, the outside of that suction so strong, they can not go against the current, not to mention her.

Of course, that's not the point.

A flower a world is a ghost flower. How to understand this sentence?

Chen Ge frowned: "what else does it say? Where do you see it as a prophecy? "

"Sir, because the text seems to say that after ten thousand years, someone will come here to take away the immortal and take her to reunite with her lover who has been lost for thousands of years. At the same time, the person will find his answer, but the answer seems far away, but it is very close... "

Tiecheng said that the specific text, you can see, he also very difficult to translate.

But Tiecheng still said: "because he has the key to take away the coffin of longevity Key, only he can really open the coffin of longevity


"Well, the meaning of these words, should be something like keys!" Tiecheng said.

Chen Ge thought for a while: "can it be that this thing?"

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