"Master said, Chen Ge, you have encountered difficulties, do not be upset, because this is your fate, your fate does not end, your heart's answer, one day will not be untied, this is inevitable, Chen Ge, you can only face bravely!"

Little bamboo road.

In fact, Chen's seven lines of conversation have not come true.

Chen Ge is a little ashamed.

"Your fate is stronger than you think. If you encounter her, don't touch her. It will only hurt the people around you. The master has been waiting for Chen Ge to come to him, but he didn't wait for you. At that time, if you tell you secretly, you will surely be contaminated by the Taoist temple, and the result will be retribution. But this predestination is not impossible to crack

"She is not very human, but belongs to some kind of energy group. Although she is strong, she also has her fatal weakness. This weakness is that every time before and after the 15th day of the middle of the year, her breath and fate will be reduced to the maximum extent, from prosperity to decline. This time is the best time for you to deal with her!"

Chen Ge listened, nodded and wrote down these words one by one.

"But even if she is very weak, my inner strength will not hurt her at all!"

Chen Ge asked with a frown.

"Of course, your inner strength has not experienced the baptism of the heavenly way, and the ordinary internal strength does not have the Qi of the heavenly way and the positive Yang. Therefore, even if your internal strength is stronger, it will be useless to her, because her energy is the ability of positive Yin, and the ordinary common way can't do anything about it!"

Xiao Zhu said, "

," as long as Chen Ge, you can find a stone called Tianzhen stone, touch it with your hands, and suck the essence of the sun and moon. As a result, the heavenly stones will help you accomplish the baptism of the heavenly way, your inner strength, so you can complete the distillation! "

The stone?

"Tianshi" is a kind of Lingshi produced by heaven and earth. It is hidden in the mountains, absorbing the essence of the world and growing stronger. It is the strongest atmosphere of Zhengyang. If you get it, you can get through this crisis! "

"But what is the direction of the rock? How do I find it? What's more, I have no ability to look for it. She has come after me immediately. I have no place to escape! "

Chen Ge is distressed.

"The master has already arrived, and has prepared countermeasures for Chen Ge. What I want to say next, Chen Ge, you should keep them in mind."

Xiaozhu said.

Chen Ge nods.

"The reason why you can't escape her lock is that Chen GE's masculinity is different from that of ordinary people. No matter where you go, she can feel it at any time. That's why you can't get rid of her. Therefore, you should hide your masculinity and find Zhentian stone."

"As for the concealment method, you need to find two people with Yin constitution, and get this blood circulation from them. It doesn't need to be much. Each person can take only one drop. One of these two drops of blood is used to hide your Yang Qi to avoid her lock-in. The other is to sense the specific position of Zhentian stone. Yin and Yang collide with each other. If you are close to Zhentian stone, Zhentian stone will reject you! Then you will be able to find the location of the rock

Xiaozhu said it in detail.

"Master ghost, how can you find someone with Yin constitution? What is a blood drop? "

Because once the blood is taken out, it has become dead. Chen Ge is puzzled.

"Huoxuedi is very simple, that is, the person who takes blood willingly gives it to you, and she is willing to help you. Then her blood has vitality and spirituality. If not, it is dead blood, and dead blood is useless!"

"As for where the people with these two constitutions are and where the rock is hidden, the master left four verses from the nine dragon divination. The poem contains these three things hidden in two cities, which must be studied by yourself."

"The Castle Peak enters the courtyard, and the ancient wasteland is full of willows. The success or failure of the military strategists often lies in the fact that the common people of the dynasty are struggling to make a living. "

Little bamboo road.

And these four lines of poetry, of course, can not defeat the literature department of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge murmured in his mouth and thought in his heart.

A moment later, Chen Ge had the answer in his heart.

The Castle Peak enters the courtyard, the ancient desert city, a bend weeping willow revives again. A place called Liucheng is located in the southernmost city.

However, the success or failure of the military strategists made a living for the common people in the dynasty. These two lines of Chen Ge hardly think, because Chen Ge is so familiar, it should refer to Jinling, where he grew up.

Liucheng and Jinling, it seems that the three things they are looking for are in these two cities.

"The master said, because Chen Ge, you are the most Yang physique who has not been baptized by Zhengyang, so if you meet with Yin physique, you will inevitably collide. You don't have to worry about this."

"There are also two jade runes here. One of them can help you hide your Yang Qi temporarily and get rid of her lock-in. However, if you want to get to the place you want to go quickly, this jade Rune can't last forever!"

"If you don't use the Tianzhen stone, the only way you can find the Tianzhen stone is if you can't find the Tianzhen stone! Chen Ge, your time is limited, so you must do it as soon as possible! "Little bamboo road.

With that, Xiaozhu's mouth came out a small box with two jade talismans lying in it.

"Well, I see!"

Chen Ge takes the box out of her mouth.

"You go quickly. If you don't go, it will be too late."

Xiaozhu said again.

Chen Ge walked to the door and then turned around: "by the way, did the master ghost operator tell you where he has moved now? How can I find him? "

Xiaozhu said: "the master said that if there is no fate, there is no need to see you again. If you have a destiny, you will meet again!"

"Wait for Chen Ge. There's another word. The master wants me to tell you!"

"What words?"

"Be careful of the people around you!"

"Be careful of the people around you? What do you mean

Chen Ge asked.

But Xiaozhu's eyes, at the moment, is dim down, obviously, she has no electricity.

Chen Ge also has no time to ask, because at the moment, that sense of locking has become a sense of covering.

She's here!

Chen Ge quickly crushed one of the jade talismans. He could not use the inner strength. He had to run quickly to the back of the mountain and descend from behind.

Soon after, a strong wind blows away.

The windows and doors of the Taoist temple were shaking violently.

It's like being in an environment of irritability.

Not long ago, a young woman has stood in front of the Taoist temple.

She searched hard.

However, it was a big frown:

"it's strange that you can feel his breath clearly just now. Why is it disappearing now

The woman frowned.

It's not Yunqing. Who else can it be

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