Gu Yuxiao suddenly good envy, envy Chen Ge love of the woman.

"So, granny, you caught the woman in white first, just to lead him to come and take the initiative to look for us?"

Ancient rain Xiao road.

"Yes, because only in this way is the safest. As long as she can bring him here, grandma can catch him and trap him. However, after a thousand calculations, she never thought that he could escape several times. She thought that feng'er would succeed this time, but she still let him escape!"

"Grandma, you caught him for the sake of his jiuzhuanyuan God. Is jiuzhuanyuan God hidden in his body? Do you want to kill Chen Ge

Gu Yuxiao asked.

Gu Yuehong shook her head slightly: "as you said, we only need to turn the yuan God nine times. As for him, we can kill him or not. It depends on himself."


Gu Yuxiao knelt down.

"Grandma, Yuxiao, please don't kill Chen Ge. He's a good man. Besides, you don't have to kill him. Why do you want his life?"

Gu Yuehong pondered for a long time:

"grandma has her own decision on this matter. At most, I promise you that unless he resists, otherwise, I will save his life!"

See grandma let go, Gu Yuxiao don't mind more happy, as if the heart of a big stone finally fell to the ground.

"Get up, my silly granddaughter

Gu Yuehong shakes her head and smiles bitterly.

"Grandma, since many people don't know this secret, how do you know it? I think, that can certainly have a lot of enemies, no reason, he reincarnated, will let people easily find themselves? "

Gu Yuxiao asked curiously.

"Yuxiao, it's true that grandma loves you so much. If the wind can save you half as wisely as you, you are right. He is the ancient god, and his deeds are almost flawless. However, there is no perfect thing in the world. He can hide a secret for a long time, even for tens of thousands of years. But as long as people who have a heart keep looking for it, they will always grasp this flaw, It is precisely because of this that Chen Ge found it, and the reason why we found it is that 40 years ago, a mean and vicious villain told us that he wanted to exchange this as a condition for our ancient home's ancient artifact, the ghost flower mother compass. "

"In fact, I want to tell us the news, let us hand over the compass, and then kill the whole ancient family. Ha ha, this villain, with this trick, almost died here!"

"No wonder you said that forty years ago, we had an enemy seeking revenge, and you told the hermits to search for the man's whereabouts! It's such a thing

"Yes, now you understand almost all these things, and the fact has shown that it is not only our side who knows Chen GE's identity, but also many forces have learned about his life experience and have begun to make moves. Now Chen GE's accomplishments are progressing rapidly and multiplying with the day. It is not his special constitution at all, but someone who deliberately tampers with him It's released some of his potential, and not much. The amount of release, if you want to compare it, is that in the long ocean, like scooping a spoon of sea water with a spoon, taking out a grain of sand and dust in the endless desert! "

"But only in this way, this Chen song has been so terrible. Let's not say that he has fully exploited his potential. Even if we develop as much sea water as a cup of tea, we, in front of him, are mole ants. If he lifts his feet, we may not know how to be killed by him! At that time, our ancient family will no longer have the chance to rise, but tragedy and disaster. So, you can understand why we and jiuluomen are so afraid of him? "

"What's more, grandma has been secretly observing him before. Before, he was weak in temperament and helpless. I don't know when he started. He grew up faster and faster. Do you believe it or not, even after such a few days, you will obviously feel that he has changed and changed again You have to be more and more ignorant

"That's exactly what grandma has been worried about. It's like a dangerous signal to warn us again!"

The red moon looks solemn.

Gu Yuxiao is also some startled to drop the chin, the moment wooden nod.

"What about our old family, grandma? What's the origin of the ancient family? And, you said, some of the great masters of ancient times escaped. Where did they escape? "

Gu Yuxiao also opened the door of the new world today.

"There are those who have fled everywhere, even those who have been living on earth, but most of them have entered a place called boundary region, where the aura is relatively abundant."

"Boundary, where is the boundary? Are you out of the earth? "

Gu Yuxiao asked curiously.

Gu Yuehong shakes her head: "no, the boundary is also the earth. It just exists in a space crack of the earth! And very few people can successfully break through the gap. Those who enter are hard to come out, and those outside are also hard to get in! "

"As for our ancient family, tens of thousands of years ago, our ancestors discovered miracles left over from ancient times by accident, and obtained some inheritance. They have been handed down to this day, making our ancient family one of the top families on earth.""I seem to understand a little bit!"

Gu Yuxiao nodded vaguely.

"Well, now that you know all about it, I believe you won't stop grandma from doing what she wants to do. After all, things have come to this stage. Even if we don't deal with Chen Ge in the future, Chen Ge will not spare our ancient family. Moreover, after getting on this boat, the ancient family has already had such a crisis. I believe, you will not be left undone like this The love of fruit has been so overwhelming that hundreds of lives of the whole ancient family have been ignored? "

Gu Yuehong said sadly.

"In fact, grandma, according to what I know about Chen Ge, he is not such a ruthless person at all, and he has not been in a standstill. As long as we tell him clearly, maybe we can make peace."

"Ha ha, you are wrong. You don't know him at all, especially now he is! Well, you don't need to say much. Go out. You should be honest and stay at home. Don't let Grandma distract you

Gu Yuehong waved her hand.

Gu Yuxiao also wanted to say something more. Seeing that her grandmother was not willing to continue to say more, she retreated.

The door of the chamber closed again.

"You're wrong. You shouldn't tell her about us. It may cost your baby granddaughter her life. She has fallen in love with Chen Ge. Women are always stupid in love! She could ruin our plan! "

And at this time, in the chamber of secrets, sounded an ethereal voice.

"My granddaughter, I understand that although she has never been in love, I told her these things to let her understand the interests and help her again. Otherwise, I am really not sure whether this ignorant silly girl will really do something stupid and destroy our plan! So, I told her about Chen GE's life experience, let her understand the gap between her and Chen Ge, let her die! "

"It's you. You've got us. If at the end of the day, you promise to give us the old family's dishonour, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

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