"Don't worry, as long as you help me catch Chen Ge, I will be fully capable of shuttling back and forth between the realm and the real world, and holding your ancient family as the largest force in the realm. These are not problems! Besides, I don't know the details? Ha ha, Chen Ge accidentally let me out. This is the God's thanks for my being banned for ten thousand years. Ha ha! "

Suddenly, the piece of jade on Ruyi, suddenly flashed a touch of black.

The black awn whirled in the air, and then condensed into a virtual figure.

It can be seen clearly that this virtual image is like a young man with a pair of sword eyebrows and a hooked nose, and his eyes are full of evil ideas from time to time.

Who would have thought that he looked like a young man, but in fact, he had existed for tens of thousands of years.

"King Jiuluo, I can tell you clearly. Now, I have some regrets. I was entangled by you and was forced to agree to cooperate with you. This may be the cause of the destruction of our ancient home. What I said to Yuxiao just now is true. Chen Ge is so terrible and he has made great progress."

A very complicated look flashed through the red eyes of the ancient moon.

"But you are not the same as the king of Jiuluo. With this mantra, you control a lot of people and become your puppets. I am just one of them. If things don't work out, you can continue to exist. Find a way to return to your realm to be your master. It's easy for you to retreat, but it's hard for us to leave the whole body. You know what we are facing! ”

Gu Yuehong connects with the road.

"Hahaha, you are too worried. Maybe I told you too much. Chen GE's background scared you. In fact, he is not so terrible now. In my eyes, he is just like a mole ant. Besides, you have no way to go back. Chen GE has already remembered you. Therefore, what we need to do now is to follow the plan Rowing

"What's more, you are also greedy for longevity. I have promised you that I will take your family to the boundary and occupy a place. Then, at least you will live a thousand years. This condition, you make any sacrifice is worth it! Isn't it? "

King Jiuluo laughed.

"So, I didn't want to shrink back. I've decided that if necessary, I'll catch him myself!"

The sound of the red moon suddenly became bleak and cold.

"In those years, when the boundary was in turmoil, the eighth life of jiuzhuan Yuanshen broke through the boundary and came to the earth. In order to get the jiuzhuan Yuanshen, I followed him, but I underestimated the power of the boundary. I was killed by the thunder, and my soul was trapped by the array. From then on, I left my family far away. It was me who was really worried!"

"I've been waiting for thousands of years for this opportunity. If I want to succeed, I can't do without your help, so you can rest assured

King Jiuluo said again.

"Well, I hope our day of success will come as soon as possible."

Gu Yuehong nodded.

"Do you really think you can deal with him? I have told you many times to cherish your own life and cherish that you have not completely disappeared. Don't mess with him, because you will not be his opponent, and your plot will not succeed! "

At this time, a beautiful voice like Oriole sounded.

This timbre, refreshing, the beauty of the voice, people like a spring breeze.

On the coffin of longevity, a woman in white stood up in the air.

She's so beautiful. It's like a fairy.

Let's nine Luo king, both eyes are a bit dazed.

"Are you willing to give up at last?" Jiuluo Wangdao.

"I came out just to give you some warning. In a word, you have no hatred, just because of the greed in your heart. This is the conflict between you, and the result of the conflict is disaster."

White dress woman red lips slightly open, light said.

"If you can't deal with the disaster, you're sure to join hands with us? You can't help looking down on me, Jiuluo. I can promise you that in a few days, I will let your heart forever adore me. Kneel down in front of me, I will let his nose and tears flow out. Please forgive me and let him go back to be his young master. Ha ha ha

There was a touch of jealousy on the king's face.

Just as a woman in white admires God forever, so does the king of Jiuluo.

However, her heart, only he, he put Buddha is her only, is her obsession, more like the world apart from that person, no other man can enter her eyes.

Envy burns in the heart.

"What's more, when I get the nine turn spirit, I will be the master. At that time, I will let you become my woman, the woman at the top of the world!"

The woman in white shook her head helplessly. Her figure faded away and returned to the coffin of longevity.

"What do you mean? Didn't you hear me Roared the king of Jiuluo.Gu Yuehong looks with her hands on her back.

"I think her meaning is clear already!" Said Gu Yuehong.

"What do you mean?"

"How can a woman who has seen an eagle like a locust on the ground?"

Gu Yuehong said subconsciously.

"Asshole, what are you talking about?"

King Jiuluo was full of anger.

And Gu Yuehong this just reacts to come over, oneself seem to have let out the mouth, the idea in oneself heart said out.

"King Jiuluo, I was wrong!"

Gu Yuehong apologizes in a hurry.

"Hum, go and do your business. Now, my king has sealed her with the array. I want her to see it with her own eyes. I will finish everything I said just now."

Finish saying, nine Luo King turns into black awn, dissipate in jade Ruyi.

Let's go back to Chen Ge.

However, Chen Ge had cured Su Ruoxi's mother's illness, and took Su Ruoxi to send shuixia's sister and brother back.

According to rebar, it will be at least until midnight tonight to perform the soul summoning method.

I can't wait.

"Shuishui, the snake hole you mentioned is in the nearby mountain. Do you remember where that location is?"

Chen Ge suddenly remembered the snake hole where the water got the magic power.

There seems to be a lot of information recorded in the snake cave.

And these are exactly what Chen Ge wants to know.

Let Chen Ge understand through Gu Jia.

Just to look for mu Han and his second uncle is like looking for his own way to death.

To understand the world and understand more things must be part of this road in the future.

"You said that, of course, I remember that some time ago, I also went several times, I will take you to brother!"

Water nods.

"Wait, snake hole? What snake hole

Su Ruoxi was listening, some in the clouds.

"Take me, and I'd like to meet you too!" She said curiously.


While several people were standing in the courtyard chatting, suddenly came a sound of tables and bowls falling to the ground.

Follow closely, it is a scream of shuixia.

"Well? What's the matter? "

The water was taken aback.

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