After listening to Chen Ge, he immediately rushed out of the hospital and began to look around.

At this time, a black car quickly passed by Chen Ge and almost hit Chen Ge and brother Chen.

"Hello, can you drive?"

Brother Chen responded and pointed to the black car and scolded loudly.

Chen Ge saw a purple envelope on the ground in front of her eyes, and quickly went to pick it up.

Open it and have a look. There is a sentence on it.

"The game has just begun!"


Chen Ge kneaded the letter paper into a ball and scolded angrily.

He knew that he was a little late. The black car was the key point, and the purple envelope was thrown from the black car.

"Come on, brother Chen, go, catch up with that car!"

Then Chen Ge called out to brother Chen, and immediately rushed to his car.

One foot of the accelerator blows out, the car sped out and chased the road where the black car disappeared.

But unfortunately, even if Chen ge used a very fast speed to catch up with the black car, the black car has already disappeared.

"Brother Chen, what are we going to do now?"

Sitting in the car, brother Chen looked at Chen Ge and asked.

Now everything has become very passive, they are completely led by the nose by the strange man, and no matter what they do, they are a step late.

"Drop by drop!"

At this time, Chen GE's mobile phone rings again.

Chen Ge did not hesitate to connect up, angry toward the strange man on the other end of the phone yelled: "asshole, what do you want? Are you kidding me

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Mr. Chen Ge, it seems that you are not as calm as you think. It is not your style to be so manic?"

Just listen to the other party burst out laughing, and then toward Chen Ge a burst of ridicule.

"Well, don't be complacent. I'll catch you!"

Chen Ge is not willing to show weakness toward the other side cold hum a angry way.

"Well, then I'd like to see if you can catch me. At seven o'clock in the evening, I'll see you there. If you don't come, then this woman will really die!"

The strange man said to Chen Ge again.

With that, the stranger hung up.

Only the sky view of the whole mainland can be seen at night.

Since the other party will be there, it means something will happen.

Chen GE has no choice but to follow his orders.

Time passed quickly, Chen Ge and brother Chen arrived at the sky platform of the moon in the afternoon and sat in the car waiting for the night to come.

At night, seven o'clock sharp.

The sky platform of the bright moon officially opened, many people poured into the roof one after another, and the whole roof was full of people for a time.

Everyone comes here to enjoy the night view. The beautiful night view in the sky can be said to be what everyone yearns for.

But Chen Ge and brother Chen are different. They are here to save people.

After they got out of the car and entered the roof, they immediately searched for the figure of the woman in the roof.

After searching for half a day, neither of them found any clue.

"Brother Chen, that guy won't play us again?"

At this time, brother Chen frowned and looked at Chen Ge and guessed.

Chen Ge did not speak after listening.

After a long time, Chen Ge found a strange place.

"Brother Chen, come with me!"

Chen Ge immediately reminded brother Chen of one sentence, and then took brother Chen to a place to run away.

They ran all the way to a basket.

"There it is!"

Chen Ge raised his head and looked up. He immediately pointed to a basket above and called.

In the basket, there was obviously a woman lying inside and her hair hanging outside.

Don't guess. That woman must be the bank clerk who was rescued.

After leaving the hospital, the bank clerk was recaptured by the strange man.

At this time, a figure appeared on the other side of the rockery, the figure stood on the rockery, as if staring at Chen Ge two people.

"Brother Chen, you save that woman, I'll go after the man!"

Chen Ge said to brother Chen, and then he directly pursued the man on the rockery.

Chen Ge believes that the figure must be the strange man.

Soon Chen Ge caught up with the strange man.

"Stop for me

Chen Ge angrily roared at the strange man.

I saw the strange man immediately stopped, slowly turned to look at Chen Ge."Mr. Chen Ge, we finally meet!"

The strange man greets Chen Ge with a very cold voice.

"Who the hell are you?"

Chen Ge stares at him and asks.

"Ha ha, I'm just a dead man!"

Only the strange man answered.

With that, the strange man would take off his clothes and hats on his head and show his real face.

Chen Ge a look, suddenly slightly surprised.

I didn't expect that this strange man had no face at all. It was a plain face. He didn't even have facial features. It can be said that he was very penetrating.

If ordinary people see this scene, I'm afraid it's the rhythm of the past.

"You are not a man!"

Chen Ge looks at the strange man in front of him.

"Oh, I'm not a human being at all. Are you not half human and half ghost? I'm a long dead man, just a drowned one!"

The strange man sneered.

"What do you mean? Then why did you come to me? "

Chen Ge looked at him and asked.

"My name is Guo Yun. I was drowned in a river three years ago, and the person who drowned me was no one else. It was the chairman of the fire ghost king group, the fire ghost king. But I thought that the fire ghost king was killed by you in the end, so I didn't like it, so I came to you."

Guo Yun stares at Chen Ge and preaches.

Hearing this, Chen Ge suddenly understood that this guy was looking for himself because of the fire ghost king.

"Then you should thank me. It is I who killed the fire ghost king, and I will avenge you!"

Chen Ge is Chao Guoyun said.

"Ha ha!"

Guo Yun is a sneer again.

"No, the fire ghost king should die in my hands. I don't allow anyone to rush in front of me to kill the fire ghost king. No one is allowed to do it!"

Then Guo Yun roared and roared angrily toward Chen Ge.

Chen Ge can see how much hatred Guo Yun has for the fire ghost king. The fire ghost king is dead, and Guo Yun still refuses to let him go.

"What do you want? The fire ghost king is dead

Chen Ge asked.

"He died, and you are still alive. You killed him, so you should be responsible for his death. If I want to kill you, it means killing the fire ghost king!"

Only listen to Guo Yun's cold sermon to Chen Ge.

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