"Yes? So you're going to kill me, aren't you? Do you think you have the ability? "

After a pause, Chen Ge looked at Guo Yun word by word, with disdain on his face.

In Chen GE's view, Guo yungen is not his opponent, let alone kill himself, it is impossible to hurt himself.

"Yes, I can't kill you, but I can kill others!"

Guo Yun's tone showed a smirk to preach.

With that, Guo Yun rushed directly to Chen Ge.

Seeing this, Chen Ge immediately drew out his own Xingyuan sword and chopped it toward Guo Yun.

See Guo Yun instantly disappeared in front of Chen Ge.

When Chen Ge reacts, Guo Yun's figure has already disappeared. It seems that Guo Yun has already escaped.

However, Chen Ge also knows that there will be a series of things to happen. The game between Guo Yun and himself is not over, which is the real beginning.

On the way back.

Two people sitting in the car, Chen brother's mood is still very excited.

"Brother Chen, why are you so good?"

Brother Chen looked at Chen Ge with a look of adoration.


Chen Ge is very modest to ask a question.

In Chen GE's view, these are just a few small things that can be solved in minutes. Why bother.

If you change to the original Chen Ge, then maybe Chen Ge will be afraid, will not have this strength.

But now Chen Ge is not the same, dealing with Zhang Hu these people, there is no trace of fear.

"Of course, my God, brother Chen, you can beat more than a dozen people by yourself, and the speed is so fast, I have never seen when you shot!"

Just in front of him, brother Chen just felt a gust of wind blowing by his side.

Then a figure quickly flashed by. In his blink of an eye, he only saw those people brought by Zhang Hu all fell to the ground, and only Chen Ge stood intact.

So this really shocked brother Chen. He felt more and more that Chen Ge was a magical figure and that it was a good decision to follow Chen Ge.

"Well, it's just that they're too weak!"

Chen Ge is very modest response.

"By the way, brother Chen, what exactly do you have in your hand? Why do they want it so much?"

Then Chen Ge was curious again. Looking at the elder brother Chen asked, Chen Ge was really curious about this point.

"Well. This. "

Hearing Chen GE's question, brother Chen is a little hesitant. He doesn't know whether he should tell Chen Ge.

"If it's really inconvenient, I won't force you!"

I didn't hesitate to ask brother Chen to go.

He felt that brother Chen's embarrassment must show that the thing in his hand must be very special, and it must be very different. Otherwise, brother Chen would not be so hesitant and nervous.

"No, brother Chen, it's like this, because this thing in my hand is really special. I'm afraid it will cause you trouble."

Brother Chen quickly looked at Chen Ge and explained.

It's not that brother Chen doesn't want to tell Chen Ge, but that he is afraid of bringing unnecessary trouble to Chen Ge.

In case of any kind of trouble, brother Chen should really blame himself.

Chen Ge was more curious when he heard that.

"I'm more curious when you say that. Come on, don't worry. My strength is beyond your imagination. Maybe I can help you solve and share the trouble. Besides, you will have a lot of risks to bear by yourself, isn't it?"

Chen Ge is also the persuasion of brother Chen.

"Well, since you said that, brother Chen, I'll tell you."

Hearing what Chen Ge said, he was so sincere and concerned about himself that he decided to tell Chen Ge the secret.


Chen Ge also immediately stepped on the brake and stopped the car.

At this time, brother Chen took out a wooden box from his backpack.

There is a spider like pattern on the wooden box.

Then brother Chen opened the wooden box and saw a black bead inside.

"This is the bead!"

Brother Chen handed the wooden box to Chen Ge to preach.

Chen Ge takes over the wooden box and stares at the black beads in it.

Just then, a little red light flashed inside the black beads.

Seeing this red light, Chen Ge looks at brother Chen, and looks at each other at the same time.

That's right. Brother Chen and Chen Ge both saw the red light just now.

"Where did you get this thing?"

After a pause, Chen Ge asked brother Chen."I found it by a stream when we were on a field trip."

Brother Chen immediately replied to Chen Ge.

"But then Zhang Hu and they found out, and then they always wanted me to hand over this thing."

Brother Chen continued to talk.

"Did anything strange happen after you took it back?"

Chen Ge also continued to ask.

As soon as brother Chen heard this, he immediately fell into meditation.

After a long time, brother Chen recalled.

"I remember, I remember one time I happened to come back from the outside. The black bead was red and dazzling. I thought it would explode, but then I calmed down and the red light never appeared again."

Brother Chen told Chen Ge what he had met before.

"Is that the red light we saw together just now?"

"Yes, that's right. It's the red light just now. According to your analysis, what do you think this black bead is?"

Brother Chen looked at Chen Ge curiously and asked.

Chen Ge also slightly shakes his head, in fact, he does not know what this black bead is.

It's just. It's just a little bit. The black bead is full of evil spirits. Chen Ge thinks this thing is definitely not a good thing.

After watching it for a while, Chen Ge closes the wooden box.

Chen Ge returned the wooden box to brother Chen.

"Brother Chen, you should take good care of this thing. When we come back, I'll find a person to have a good look at it. I'll find out the origin of this thing!"

Chen Geyi preached to brother Chen.

Brother Chen also nodded clearly.

"Well, I see, brother Chen, I will take good care of it!"

With that, brother Chen put the wooden box away and put it back in his backpack.

After the conversation, Chen Gecai started the car again to return to the office.

Back to the office.

Zhen Ji has already prepared the equipment and everything for the three men.

"Chen Ge, all the equipment is ready."

Zhen Ji reports to Chen Gehui.

"Well, we'll set out early tomorrow morning!"

Chen Ge looks at Zhen Ji and Chen elder brother and gives an order.

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