Until the dead of night, the three returned to sleep in the tent.

The three were sleeping in a tent, just in case.

In the event of any movement or danger, three people can have a look after and help.

But it was a quiet night.

Until the next morning, the three woke up.

As soon as Chen Ge woke up and walked out of the tent, he saw only the wild boar carcass on the edge, and there were many animals gnawing at it.

Some eagles and vultures were gnawing at the carcass of the boar.

Chen Ge sees this, also did not go much tube.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the three men packed up and set off.

The three walked all the way into the woods.

According to the map that Mr. Fan gave himself, he had to walk through the phosphate rock mountain area on foot, which was the completion of the second step.

The phosphate rock mountain area is very vast, which is the feeling that you can't see the edge at a glance.

And the three did not know what kind of danger was waiting for them. They could only take a look at each step.

Not only some animals and plants in the forest, but also the hunters have entered the phosphate rock mountain area, which can be said to be in danger.

After two hours' journey, Chen Ge and the three came to a stream.

The three stopped by the stream for a simple rest and water supplement.

"Chen Ge, how long do we have to go

Zhen Ji sits on a stone and asks Chen Ge.

Chen Ge also slightly shakes his head.

"I don't know. It's not written on Mr. Fan's map. It's just that we have to go out of the phosphate rock mountain area."

Chen Ge didn't know exactly how big the mountain area was. What they could do was to walk out of the mountain area according to the map given by fan.


At this time, an arrow flew past Chen GE's eyes.

Chen GE's three men instantly looked in the direction of the arrow.

A few men in black, armed with bows and crossbows, were standing on the opposite side of them.

"No, it's the hunter!"

Chen Ge saw this, immediately said.

Finish saying, Chen Ge pulls Zhen Ji and Lei lie to leave quickly.

And that group of hunters are also constantly using the bow and crossbow to shoot at Chen Ge three people's direction, the crossbow and arrow fly everywhere at once.

Fortunately, Chen GE's three people reacted and hid in the woods in time to avoid the attack of the hunters.

"Damn it, how can I meet these people here? What a bad luck!"

Lei lie is also a speechless complaining way.

"Ha ha, there are only three of us, but the hunters are divided into many groups, so we can easily meet them!"

Chen Ge also made an explanation to Chao Lei lie.

When there is no movement in the back, and it is confirmed that the hunters have not caught up, Chen gesan can rest assured.

After a sigh of relief, the three continued their journey.

But the three did not dare to walk by the stream, but walked on in the woods.

Walking in the woods is not easy to find out, and even if found, it's easy to get out.

But it's not the same in the open, it's easy to be found, and there's no place to hide, only to be chased.

About half an hour later, they found a family in the mountains.

"Ah, brother Chen, look, there is someone else!"

Lei lie immediately exclaimed at Chen Ge and the two men.

Chen Ge and Zhen Ji also immediately cast their eyes.

The three people showed a surprised expression. They didn't expect that there were people living in the deep woods. It was really amazing and unexpected.

"Let's go and have a look. Maybe we can ask for directions."

After a pause, Chen Ge proposed to them.

With that, the three immediately prepared to walk towards the house of the family.

But before they could take a few steps, the three immediately backed back and hid in the trees again.

Because Chen Ge three people only saw a few hunters first came to the door of the family's house, directly into the house.


After rushing in, there was a scream and scream.

After hearing the sound, Chen Ge and the three looked at each other at the same time.

The three of them know that it seems that these hunters started to kill this family. They are really not human beings.

"Chen Ge, let's help others. The hunter is really too much!"

Zhen Ji at this time really can't see down, immediately look to Chen Ge proposal way.

After listening to Chen Ge, he also nodded without comment.

"Leilie, you hide here and don't move. You can come back after we solve it!"Before leaving, Chen Ge did not forget to tell Lei lie.

Leilie of course is very clever to listen to Chen GE's words, hiding in the trees dare not move.

Then, Chen Ge and Zhen Ji immediately rushed out and rushed to the house.

When they came to the door, they saw a couple who had been killed on the floor of the room, their blood flowing on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ge and Chen Ge are very angry. These hunters are not at all, even worse than animals.


Zhen Ji couldn't help but curse.

"Ah.. Help

At this time, I only heard the girl's scream coming out of the room again. It sounded very desperate.

Zhen Ji and Chen Ge immediately reacted and rushed in.


After Chen Ge went in, he took up his knife and directly cut several hunters' throats with his Xingyuan sword.

Zhen Ji rushed into the room directly.

In the room, a hunter is doing something hard to see to a girl in cloth.

Zhen Ji was so angry that she went straight forward and stabbed the hunter in the back with a knife. Then she stretched out her hand and grabbed the man's hair. She pulled it from the girl's body and threw it on the ground.

Zhen Ji is also a cultivator. Of course, she is more powerful than these hunters. So she has great strength. She can easily pick up the hunter.


Without any hesitation, Zhen Ji directly cut the hunter's throat.

In an instant, the hunter died of breath.

In just one minute, Chen Ge and Chen solved the hunters.

After solving the problem, Zhen Ji went to the girl and sat down.

The girl was frightened and shivering.

Zhen Ji stretched out her hand and gently put it on the girl's body.

Hands just put on, the girl called out madly, subconsciously back.

"Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. We're here to save you. It's OK. It's OK."

Zhen Ji quickly grabbed the girl and put her arms in her arms to comfort her.

After feeling Zhen Ji's pacification, the girl gradually calmed down. Then she began to cry in Zhen Ji's arms. The cry spread all over the house.

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