Listening to the girl's cry, Zhen Ji felt extremely distressed. Chen Ge also took a look, but shook her head and walked out.

Chen Ge waves to Lei lie who is not far away.

After getting the signal, leilie ran quickly to the door of the house.

When he saw such a bloody background, Lei lie could not bear it any longer. He rushed out and vomited wildly. This was the first time he saw a person die in front of him. It really shocked him.

Chen Ge didn't blame him. He knew it was the first time Lei lie saw such a picture. It was normal. He would get used to it. After all, Lei lie would have to experience it later. Let him get used to it earlier.

After a long time, Lei Lei gradually eased up. Chen Ge and Lei lie dealt with the body and buried the girl's parents separately.

"Brother Chen.".. These people are no longer human! "

Lei lie stood at the door of the house and scolded angrily.

Chen Ge stood in place, did not say a word, the expression is incomparably dignified.

These hunters really have no human feelings. They should have done such a terrible thing.

Lei lie himself has made a decision in his heart, and he has decided that he must make great efforts to become a practitioner.

At this time, Chen Ge is out.

Only two souls appeared in front of Chen Ge.

"You two, I know that you died at the hands of these people. You can go at ease. I will punish them well for you, so that they will never be born again."

Chen Ge looked at the sermons of these two souls.

Yes, these two souls are the soul of the girl's parents. After they died, the soul had left the body and appeared in front of Chen Ge.

Hearing Chen GE's words, the two souls did not say anything, and then disappeared in front of Chen Ge.

The reason why Chen Ge says this is that she doesn't want the girl's parents to become fierce ghosts, or let them go a little more at ease.

Later, Chen Ge drew out his own Xingyuan sword.

Then Chen Ge recited another mantra.

"Soul swallowing method!"

Chen Ge recited this mantra is called soul swallowing method.

Soul swallowing method: Chen Ge is specially used to deal with the soul. It directly destroys the souls of some villains, so that their souls can be completely destroyed and never be reborn again. It is used for punishment.

Chen Ge seldom used this method, but today he has to use it. He wants to punish these dead hunters. Even if they die, they can't die peacefully. Only in this way can they be worthy of the girl's parents who died.

Once the soul swallowing method is read, all the souls of those hunters are absorbed into a white light.


Chen Ge vigorously waved out the star Yuan sword in his hand, and directly scattered the white light.

When the light regiment is broken, it means that all the souls of these hunters have been broken up, that is, they are gone.

In the end, it was a serious punishment for them.

Looking at what Chen GE has done, Lei lie, standing behind him, can see clearly. He thinks it's really amazing. He is also very excited. He decides that he must become a monk as powerful as Chen Ge.

After finishing all the follow-up work, Chen Ge returned to the house again.

At this time, the girl has completely calmed down the mood, but the girl is very calm, refused to say a word, the whole person is completely scared silly that kind of feeling.

"Chen Ge, help her!"

Seeing Chen Ge coming, Zhen Ji asks Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge, of course, he understood what Zhen Ji meant.

"Are you sure you want me to do that?"

Chen Ge looks at Zhen Ji and asks.

Zhen Ji subconsciously looked at the girl in her arms, then closed her eyes and then nodded her head.

"In the future, I don't want to live with her in despair."

Zhen Ji stares at Chen Ge seriously and says that she wants to help the girl.

"Well, listen to you!"

Chen Ge also chose to listen to Zhen Ji's proposal.

Lei lie on one side is curious and confused. He can't understand the conversation between Chen Ge and Zhen Ji.

After saying that, Chen Ge went to the girl's side and put his hand on the girl's forehead.

Gently, I saw a light spot on the girl's forehead.

Then, the light began to revolve around the girl's head, faster and faster, until the light finally disappeared.

"Brother Chen, this.. What does that mean? "

Lei lie doesn't understand.

"You brother Chen, this is to erase her memory, let her completely forget what happened today, just like a new person."Zhen Ji explains to Lei lie.

After listening to Lei lie, he immediately showed surprise. He didn't expect to have such ability to eliminate memory.

"But it will shorten the life span of girls. It is not known how much it will be reduced."

Then I only heard Zhen Ji tell it again.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is opposite to each other.

Although Chen Ge is for the girl to eliminate this painful memory, but also to reduce the girl's life span, everything is to pay the corresponding price.

But this is also good, can let the girl's subsequent life no longer live in pain.

After a long time, the girl came to herself.

After waking up, the girl looks at Zhen Ji.

"You.".. Who are you? "

The girl looked at Chen Ge in doubt and asked.

"You just fainted. We saved you!"

Zhen Ji smiles at the girl and explains.

"Ah? Well, I'm not impressed at all! "

The girl said with surprise on her face that she didn't remember everything at all. She had no memory at all.

"It's great that you're OK. What's your name?"

Zhen Ji is also relieved, and then asked the girl with a smile.

The girl frowned and fell into meditation.

After thinking for a long time, the girl couldn't remember her name.

The girl shook her head slightly.

"I don't know my name. I can't remember anything."

The girl looked at Chen GE's three preaching with distress on her face.

Chen Ge is looking at Zhen Ji.

They know that's what happens when they lose their memory.

"Don't you remember where this is?"

Zhen Ji asked the girl again.

The girl shook her head again.

"I don't remember. I have no impression at all!"

The girl is very direct answer, without a bit of hesitation, it means that she has really forgotten everything, but also forgot her own name.

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