The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 912: 昊天圣焰

In addition to the strong deities of the gods, many of the sacred powers of the Tianhe Yaozu also demanded to participate in the war.

Shi Mu counts the number of people, and there are hundreds of people.

"The patriarchs, this incident is urgent, I am just waiting for the first troops to go to support. The battle with the heavens will be time-consuming, and the follow-up will require the patriarchs to return to their respective stars and mobilize the forces to assemble the army as soon as possible. Going to the battlefield. As for the collection and deployment of the resources for follow-up preparations, they are mainly responsible for the flying mouse family." Shi Mu said.

"Be sure to follow the squad of the squad!" A group of patriarchs answered in unison.

This series of arrangements is well organized.

After all the arrangements were made, the people, led by the elders, came to a valley in the middle and west side of the Mitian giant.

At the mouth of the valley, there is a golden gate tower that is more than a hundred feet wide. There is a huge plaque on it, with two red characters "ship port" written on it.

There is a light golden light curtain floating in the doorway, which is like a wave of water.

I saw the elders coming under the doorway, and took a diamond-shaped token and turned it into the void.

The diamond-shaped token flashed and flew straight out, falling into the golden light curtain.

There was a ray of light in the golden light curtain, and a huge mouth was opened from it.

The crowd immediately entered the vast and vast square with the elders coming in from that way.

I saw the square, neatly arranged more than a hundred huge warships.

Shi Muguang swept away, and the heart could not help but be a little surprised.

The warships displayed here are not the same as those he has seen before. Apart from a small part of the shuttle shape, there are still many round battleships. The size is smaller than the shuttle-shaped warship. It looks like It's like a huge Frisbee.

Above these circular warships, there is a golden pillar standing in the middle, engraved with all kinds of weird runes, and there are also various strange lines engraved around it, which seems to be a circular array.

Around it is a circle of bridges on which the soldiers can be deployed, and outside the bridge there is a round tubular long column that is closely distributed around the warship.

The tubular long columns are engraved with various red-red flame patterns, and a circle of golden dark lines is drawn around them, which looks very strange.

"Wow, stone, you are still seeing the round battleship for the first time." Cai Er could not help but exclaim.

"The big elders, this battleship form is very strange, I have never seen it before." Shi Muguang looked at the battleship up and down a lot, and felt very novel, said.

"Those shuttle warships survived thousands of years ago, and those round warships were later rebuilt. The reason for this shape is to be able to fight back more powerfully when it falls into the siege of heaven. You don't have to look at their odd shapes, but the fighting power is far more than the ordinary warships." The elder explained.

"It turns out. I don't know why. I always feel that these round warships seem to have a very strange atmosphere." Shi Mu nodded and said.

"Yes, these warships are made of special materials. The metal deposits used are only owned by this spirit blue star. This is one of the reasons why we chose this place as a place to stay. The strength of the warships built with this metal is It is twice the size of an ordinary warship. With the guardianship method of the warship, even if it falls into the enemy's array, it can support for a long time. If it can be used well, it will be able to play its intended role in the war." The elder said.

"I don't know who is ingenious, actually designed such a battleship?" Fang Wei also curiously asked.

"The designer of this kind of warship is Bai Gong. In that year, he also chose Linglan Star as a reserve for my family. But at that time, many things had not been implemented yet," said the Great Elder, sighing. .

"White Gong..." Shi Mu listened, not whispering to himself.

After half an hour, Shi Mu and the powerful gods came to the golden door.

Facing the more than 5,000 fully armed Mitian giant warriors standing outside, and the hundreds of demon strongmen, they screamed: "Board!"

Under one command, thousands of lights illuminate, like a colored meteor, flying toward the battleship.

After about half an hour, about five round battleships, in the huge roar, soared, breaking through the thick clouds, and leaping straight out of the giant scorpion, toward the dark sky outside the spirit blue star. Fly out.

On the huge stone pillar in the middle of each battleship, all the runes were lit up, and the golden light radiated from it surrounded the entire warship.

Each of the five warships contained more than a thousand Yi and Yao warriors, commanded by several powerful gods, and familiarized with each formation on the battleship.

Shi Mu stood on the middle of a warship bridge, his eyes gazed to the depths of the Xinghai, and the color was shrunk on his shoulders.


A few days later.

Five warships ran smoothly in the sky, and there was no vibration in the moment.

In a spacious and gorgeous room in the battleship, Shi Mu stood by the window and could see the situation outside clearly.

On the table in the room, some fine snacks and fruits were placed on it.

At this moment, Cai Er stood on the table and was enjoying her meal.

Shi Mu did not have the kind of big nerves of Cai Er, looking at the starry sky outside, and looked very dignified.

The Tianfeng tribes are not good, and may even have been defeated by Tianting.

Although he did not like the Tianfeng tribe because of Zhong Xiu's sake, he also understood that it is almost impossible to fight against the heavens alone. They must join forces with the Tianfeng tribe.

There will be a few people in the Twelve Gods sent to the Tianhe Star Field. Now I don’t know, only the Nangongjing is a good person, and I might be able to do it with it. If there are other gods, it’s really dangerous. It is.

Shi Mu shook his head, took back his gaze and went to sit down.

"Right, almost forgot this thing!" Shi Mu turned his hand and took out a piece of cyan jade.

The jade slips are filled with a small, sly word, which was the essay he got from the statue of the red monkey.

Soon after the swear words entered his mind, they dissipated on their own, but fortunately, Shi Mu rushed to write a copy.

There are too many things in these days, and I almost forgot about it.

"Come on!" He shouted.

"The patriarch!" The door of the room was pushed open, and a giant scorpion came in and respectfully bowed.

"Go and ask the elders to come over." Shi Mu commanded.

Among the alliances, only the elders have a wide range of knowledge, and this kind of essay may be human.

After a while, the elders appeared outside the door.

"I have seen the patriarch." The elders took a gift.

"At this moment, I meet in private, and the elders don't have to be so many gifts." Shi Mu waved his hand and said.

The elders still look very respectful and don't relax.

Shi Mu’s heart smiled and did not tangled on this issue.

"The elders are well-informed. Please come over and have something to let you see." Shi Mu handed the jade to the elder.

The elders took a glimpse and immediately took over the jade, and the gods explored it.

"Oh, this is...the ancient gods!" The elders scorned in the mouth.

"You mean, this kind of swearing text, called the ancient gods?" Shi Mu heard a joy.

"It should not be wrong. This kind of special text that was passed down between monks in the ancient times was not widely spread in ancient times. I also learned a ruin with the patriarch of Baiji a long time ago. It happened to be learned. It’s just barely understandable.” The elders said slightly.

Shi Mu nodded and waved to the elders to continue to read the contents of Yu Jianli.

The elder seems to be slow to see because he is not familiar with this kind of god, but his face gradually shows a look of surprise and joy.

In Shimu’s eyes, what is the precious content of the gods?

For a while, the elders only read the contents of Yu Jianli.

"The patriarch, where did you come from?" The elder asked with joy.

Shi Mu did not hide, and said the origin of this god.

"I didn't expect that there was such a thing hidden in the patriarch's beacon." The elder's brow wrinkled and muttered.

"Great elder, what is this god?" Shi Mu could not help but ask.

"This is an ancient magical power, the cultivation method of the sacred fire." The elder said.

“昊天圣火?” Shi Muyi.

Some disappointment in his heart, I thought that the secrets recorded in it, the news such as treasures, turned out to be just a magical power.

He is the most lacking in the practice. The enemies who died in his hands in these years do not know how many, the gods are also powerful, and there are at least dozens of various exercises in the storage ring.

The problem is that he doesn't have much energy to cultivate his enlightenment.

"The patriarch, you can't underestimate this magical power. The sacred flame is a famous supernatural power in ancient times. The power is not under the glare of the ice, and I think this magical power is very suitable for the patriarch." The elders seem to see the stone. The disdain in the pastoral voice said.

Shi Mu heard this, his face was a bit strange, and asked: "Why do the elders say this?"

The elders opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but closed their mouths.

"I can't explain it for a while. I will translate this **** into a general text first. You can see it later," he said.

"Okay, then there is a big elder." Shimu blinked and nodded.

The elders took out a blank jade, and the fingertips lit up a little white light and burned it quickly.

"Stone, what are you doing?" The belly of Cai Er’s stomach was round, and some of the cockroaches flew over and asked, and asked.

"I know to eat, don't bother the elders." Shi Mu squeezed the mouth of Cai Er, and then through the heart and voice, the simple things of the sacred flames and the children said.

"What! 昊天圣焰!" The color of the child was stiff and his expression was stagnant there.

But the next moment, it slammed.

"Stone, you didn't get it wrong, is it really a sacred flame?" Cai said excitedly.

"Yes, why, have you heard of it?" Shi Mu asked a little strangely.

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