The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 913: Twin fire

"Wow, haha! I have to go for the great fortune, and I have let the cricket find the lost sacred flame, wow haha!" The screaming screamed, as if mad.

"Don't scream!" Shi Mu frowned, grabbed the color, and pinched his mouth.

The color child was pinched, and the emotion of excitement remained unabated. The body twisted and twisted and seemed to dance in joy.

Shi Mu’s thoughts turned and looked at the elders.

The elders were engrossed at the moment and did not seem to hear the movements here.

He sighed and took the color to the next room.

"Cai Er, what is the sacred flame of the sky?" Shi Mu let go of the color, asked.

The color is always normal at the moment, but the eyes are still full of ecstasy.

"Stone, you don't know, this heavenly flame is too important for our dry parrots. The dry parrots have been searching for the ancient magical power of this heavenly flame for thousands of years." Cai Er said, Wow, I laughed.

"What is the relationship between your dry parrots and the sacred flames?" asked Shi Mu.

"Is there a stone you have heard of the ‘fire of twins?’” asked Cai.

"Nature has heard of it." Shi Mu blinked and nodded.

There are countless kinds of flames in the cultivation world. Occasionally, there are two kinds of flames of opposite nature. The two flames are opposite each other, and some fusions will occur with some magical extremes.

However, this twin fire is very rare, and there have been few pairs so far.

"昊天圣焰 is a kind of yang flame, and the sacred fire of the scorpion in our body is called the 乾元妖火, it is a kind of yin flame. 昊天圣焰and our 乾元妖火It is a twin flame, and the phenomenon of yin and anode changes when it fuses with each other. If there is a sacred flame, it will almost be able to stabilize the world!"

Hearing this, Shimu’s eyes also lit up.

At this moment, the footsteps sounded and the elders came in.

"The patriarch, already translated, you have to look over." The elders handed over two jade slips.

Cai Er's eyes fixed on two jade Jane, eager to try, but was firmly grasped by Shi Mushou.

"The trouble is a great elder." Shi Mu took over the jade, and the gods explored it, and soon his face showed a hint of joy.

Haotian Shengyan is really a superb magical power, but the cultivation conditions are very harsh. It must be cultivated to the Yanggong method. The people who have the yang flame in the body can cultivate.

Cultivation to the perfect state, the heavenly flames are incompetent, even if Lingbao can melt, it is a terrible magical power.

However, the use of this kind of flame supernatural power is very burdensome on the infuriating and physical, and the person who is not strong enough can not exert the power of this holy flame.

Shi Mu quickly withdrew from the gods and smiled on his face.

Although the cultivation conditions are extremely harsh, but these are basically the same, it is no wonder that the elders said that this supernatural power is very suitable for him.

"The great elders really have a good eye, this magical power is really suitable for me." Shi Mu said.

"The patriarch's approval is good. I will wait for the existence of the gods. Basically, I will cultivate several kinds of magical powers that suit my own. First, I will fight against the enemy. I can also try to understand the mysterious power of some laws by practicing these magical powers." The elder said.

"Encourage the power of the law! Really?!" Shi Mu face suddenly moved.

The name of ‘the power of the law’ is that he is a long-awaited, long-awaited, but the ‘law’ is too mysterious. He has never been able to get started. I didn’t expect to hear the method of enlightenment today.

"Oh, the patriarch has just advanced into the gods, and it is normal to understand. I am waiting for the existence of the gods to be the top monk in this world. All kinds of exercises, magical powers have also cultivated to the top level, and naturally can gradually reach some worlds. The original law of the avenue." The elders laughed and said, talking.

"This is the case, please also ask the elders." Shi Mu quickly and humbly ask for advice.

Shi Mu is now the patriarch of the tyrannical family, and is the alliance ally. It is the most important thing. The elders are also happy to share their cultivation experience with Shi Mu.

He slowly told me that he had unreservedly explained his understanding of the divine and the understanding of the power of the law.

"...the middle of the gods is to sculpt the body, to raise the cost of life, if you can enlighten some rules and mysterious, it will be of great benefit to concise the sacred gods... I thought that the patriarchs used to cultivate a lot of fire attributes. There must be a unique understanding of the law of fire. If there is a chance, you can practice a few flames of magical powers and touch the analogy." The elders said that they had stopped for half an hour.

Shi Mu was silent for a moment, stood up, and gave a deep gift, saying: "The grace of the great elders, the stone will never forget!"

This small half hour, he helped him a lot. Although he cultivated into the early days of the gods, he still had a black eye on the subsequent cultivation, and the power of the law was ignorant and ignorant.

The words of the elders gave him a direction.

A person's cultivation experience is the most important thing. It can be said that it is produced, even if it is a teacher and a child, it may not be shared with it.

Shi Mu is not a person who knows not to report, and the great elders will remember this kindness in his heart.

"The patriarch is polite, these are just some of my cultivation, I can give you some help." The elders quickly gave a gift, but the heart was dark.

What he wants is this result.

"If the patriarch has nothing else, I will retire first." He said, and he got up and left.

Sending away the elders, Shi Mujing sat for a moment and waved a few gongs, opened a blue light curtain, and enveloped the entire room.

"Stone, let's see the sacred flame of the sky." Cai Er flew over from the side, and grabbed Yu Jian in one bite.

Its strength has not yet reached the divine situation, and there is no clue to the law. Just as the great elders said, Shi Mu heard that it was a supreme treasure, but for Cai Er, it was a wordless book.

It waited for half an hour for the temper, and fell asleep.

"Haha, it really is a sacred flame, it is so good!" The color of the child's knowledge into the jade, laughed.

What rules of his law are not lawful, for the children, the heavenly flame is true.

"Okay, don't worry." Shi Mu shook his head and took it back from the mouth of the child.

"Stone, you must cultivate this magical power. When you help you, you can't use it for a long time. You can make a great achievement with this magical power. You can also hit the bottleneck of the gods smoothly," said Cai.

Shi Mu nodded and listened to the words of the elders. Even if there were no children, he would cultivate this magical power.

What's more, the battle with Tianting is still long, and one more magical power will have more chances.

He put the jade on his forehead and learned it in detail.

Going to the front line, it takes a lot of time on the road, just to understand this magical power.

Time passed a little bit and it took a long time in the blink of an eye.

Shi Mu's hands suddenly touched, and he held it on his chest, and he formed a strange handprint with a flame shape.

A white flame emerged from his palm, it was the fire of the sun.

Shi Mu body slowly emerged with a bright yellow glow, gathered toward his hands, and entangled with the fire of the sun.

The fire of the sun was dyed with a layer of bright yellow.

Cai Er stood quietly, looking at Shi Mu quietly, his eyes full of sparkling light.

Time flies past, and it takes more than a dozen days to pass.

Shi Mu has always maintained this movement, but the pure white flame of his palm has now completely turned into a bright yellow color, gently jumping.

Although it was only a fist-sized one, it exudes an extremely high temperature, and the whole room seems to have been brought to the volcanic lava.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and showed a hint of joy on his face.

After spending ten days, I finally condensed a little sacred flame.

This holy flame is an introduction.

This is also thanks to the fact that he has cultivated a lot of fire attribute exercises, and he has been turned into a nine-turn Xuan Gong, cultivated the power of the fire and the fire of the sun, and has an extraordinary understanding of the flame, which can be successful.

Otherwise, at least one and a half years, it is only possible to get started.

"Stone, your sacred flame is also an introduction, we will combine this pair of fires to try?" After waiting for half a month, Cai Er has already been itchy, flying to the side of Shi Mu, shouting.

"Good." Shi Mu is also very curious about the phenomenon of yin and anode, nod.

Cai Er took a deep breath, a mouth, and spewed a green flame.

Although the green demon fire also exudes heat and heat, but I do not know why, but also give people a sense of cold.

Shimu's eyebrows were picked and some accidents.

In the past, he had seen the colorful children fighting many times. His display was a colorful flame, which was quite powerful. He thought that it was the demon fire of the colorful children.

It seems that today, it does not seem to be.

The green demon fire slowly approached, and met with the sacred flame.

Shi Mu quickly took the mind and left the distracting thoughts in his mind to see what kind of extreme changes can be produced by the two twin flames.

The scorpion sacred flames and the scorpion scorpion fires came together, and both sides were shocked.

In the next moment, the two flames seem to be yin and yang magnetic poles, entwined with each other, and then slowly merge.

Both Shi Mu and Cai Er have wide eyes and watched two kinds of flames.

The sound of "嗤嗤" came out, and the flames of green and yellow slowly merged into a half-gray and half-white flame.

The gray flame tumbling for a while, suddenly a powerful force of engulfing, the surrounding heaven and earth aura swarmed into, and blended into the gray flame.

The infuriating body in Shimu was like a flood in the flood, and was swallowed by the gray flame, and suddenly he was shocked.

The eyes of Cai’s eyes are also shocked, and obviously the same is true.

This power of engulfing is extremely powerful, with Shi Mu's current amount of infuriating, but a few breaths, it was extracted by a third.

A sigh of sorrow came, but it was issued by Cai.

There was a hint of pain in his eyes.

Shi Mushen swept away and immediately understood the situation of Cai Er.

Cai Er is only the peak of the holy step at this moment, the body demon power is far from being comparable with Shi Mu, and it has already bottomed out.

When Shi Mu was shocked, he would have to take back the holy flame.

The gray-white flame seems to feel the situation of the colorful children, the power of swallowing suddenly disappears, and then suddenly rises and rises, and the internal rolling is beating.

The next moment, the "bang" sound, the gray flame was once again divided into the sacred flames and the scorpion scorpion fire, each flew toward him and Cai.

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