The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 914: Rapid advance

Cai Er looked at the scene in front of him, could not help but sigh of relief, the original dignified look like the enemy, also disappeared, and a little more joy and joy in his eyes.

Shi Mu first was a slight glimpse, with one hand and one yang, so that the sacred flame of the sky flew toward him and stopped in front of himself.

His eyes fell on the sacred flames of the sky, revealing a happy color.

At the moment, he spent a lot of energy and condensed his fist-sized scorpion sacred flame. At this moment, he even rose a lot, and he was full of laps.

You must know that this sacred flame is not an ordinary flame martial art. The more difficult it is to practice condensing, the more difficult it is to practice, and there are still some opportunities to do it. It is not just time-consuming, it can be inseparable.

In contrast, the color of the child, the scorpion scorpion fire also rose a big circle, is flying towards its mouth.

As the scorpion scorpion fire was sucked into the mouth by the color, the brilliance of the body circulated, the feathers on the top of the head became brighter, and a glimmer of color appeared in the eyes.

"Sure enough! 昊天圣焰 and 乾元妖火 is the fire of twins, can actually produce such magical extreme changes!" The color of the demon is exhausted, but the body is fascinated by the fire, the mouth screams excitedly.

Shi Mu nodded slightly, and his face was full of excitement.

He carefully looked at the group of sacred flames hovering in front of him, confirming that it was actually augmented.

According to his estimation, this moment of effort is almost worthy of his at least one year of hard work.

Although Cai Er had explained it before, he had psychological preparations, but the scene in front of him was still greatly unexpected.

The two instruments are twins, and the anode and the cathode are changed. This is the result of the mysterious mystery of the heavens and the earth, and the infinite mystery is not what you can speculate.

Just, don't know if this extreme change is only one time, or can it be repeated many times?

As soon as I read this, Shi Mu looked up at Cai Er, and Cai Er just watched it. Both of them saw this worry from the other side's eyes.

"Cai Er, hurry and recover quickly, let's try again!" Shi Mu slightly indulged, throwing a Lingshi to the color, said.

Cai Er three, five and two will be engulfed in the entrance, then took a deep breath, began to run the exercises, and restore vitality.

Shi Mu also raised his hands and raised the sacred flames, and took a few pieces of Lingshi, closed his eyes, and restored the infuriating consumption of the body.

After an hour, one person and one bird have already recovered.

The two look at each other, Shimu runs the exercises, with one hand and one wave, a group of sacred flames fly out.

Cai Er also squirted a scorpion demon fire.

Shi Mu was concentrating on the practice of meditation, while at the same time staring at the sky in the air, the sacred flames approached a little bit of fire.

As the two flames collide in the void, the familiar scene reappears.

After the two groups of flames were entangled, they entwined each other, began to slowly merge, and gradually turned into a gray flame.

Shi Mu looked at this scene and his eyes were loose.

For the time being, this extreme change has no limitation on the number of fusions.

The color of the child is bright, if it is not the key moment of cultivation, I am afraid that it will fly again with excitement.

After the gray flame is condensed, another invisible force of phagocytosis is released, which absorbs the vitality of Shimu and Cai.

After a while, the demon power of the color child bottomed out, and the gray flame stopped consuming, and once again split into two, turned into a sacred flame and a scorpion.

The two groups of flames are the same as the previous one, and they are a full circle. .

Shi Mu waved and took back the sacred flame, and his mind turned.

Qitian Shengyan is divided into entry, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and four realms. According to the current situation, he is now fully introduced, and he is not far from entering Xiaocheng.

Such a speed of cultivation cannot be described by leaps and bounds.

"Cai Er, restore vitality, continue!" Shi Mu took a deep breath, depressed his heart ecstasy, one hand and one Yang, all the spirits of his body were divided into half, said Shen Sheng.

At this moment, it is not a few days before arriving at the front line. Before that, he should increase the power of the Holy Flame as quickly as possible.

Cai Er nodded like a garlic.


In the next half of the month, Shi Mu did not step out of the room.

Although the elders and other people came over several times, the door of Shimu was closed, and the door was laid down.

Although from time to time can feel the turbulent breath fluctuations inside, it is obvious that Shi Mu cultivated what exercises in it, but the elders and others did not dare to bother.

Five warships marched steadily, and on this day, they finally reached a planet on the front line, the ink star.

According to the memory left in the emperor's holy embryo, the Tianfeng tribe was once stationed on this planet.

The warship did not land on the planet immediately, but stopped in a nearby nebula.

"At this moment, I have already arrived at the front line. The lord is still in retreat. Grand elder, do you want us to try again?" The alliance of the gods gathered together to discuss whether to wake up Shimu.

"The lord should cultivate some secrets in the house, and rush to disturb..." Anwar said with some hesitation.

"Now we are already at the forefront of the battlefield. Along the way, we have traced many traces of the forces of the heavens. The battle may break out at any time. It is imperative that we must wake up the lord, let me go." The elders were slightly indulged, saying so.

He suspected that Shimu may be practicing the sacred flames of the heavens, but it is very difficult for the ancient gods to cultivate, and Shimu is so fascinated.

Several other people looked at each other and nodded.

The elders walked toward Shimu’s residence and took a few steps.

A loud bang came from the blast, which was the direction of Shi Mu’s room.

The elders and other people were shocked and hurriedly flew there, and soon arrived near the Shimu room.

The whole room has disappeared, and a group of bright yellow flames floating there are floating there, burning and emitting terrible heat.

Everything disappeared within a few square meters, and even the lower battleship was burned out of a big hole.

The elders and others stood outside the dozens of feet, still feeling the rush of hot air, and their strength is not too close.

"What is this flame power, it is so powerful!" said the elder of a flying rat.

Everyone else is also amazed.

However, everyone in the room, the most surprising is the elders.

He has always been as stable as Taishan, and he is not shocked. At this moment, his mouth is slightly surprised and he looks like a ghost.

That bright yellow flame is the sacred flame of the sky, this power and momentum, indicating that its distance is full, it is not far away.

How can this be! Shi Mu was only a few days ago, just beginning to cultivate this magical power!

After only less than 20 days, I will practice an ancient supernatural power to the realm of Dacheng.

The elders shook their heads and suppressed the horror in their hearts, revealing a complex look in their eyes.

Although this kind of thing is theoretically impossible, it is an indisputable fact.

Then, the look of the elders quickly turned into a joy, no matter how Shimu did it, but the stronger the strength of Shimu, the better for the Alliance and the Giants.

In particular, it is at a critical moment when the war is approaching!

"The elders, the lord seems to be at a critical moment of retreat, what should I do now?" Anwar asked.

"First wait, the lord should wake up soon." The elders said without hesitation.

His voice just fell, and the flames of Ming and Qing tumbling suddenly, and a hot and hot wave broke out, pushing the elders and others back again.

The bright yellow flame slowly shrank, and the appearance of Shimu was soon revealed.

Near Shimu, there is a cluster of green flames of size, and there is a vague bird.

The elders and other people immediately thought of the parrot around Shi Mu, and there was something wrong with it.

The green flame should be the color.

As the last point of the yellow flame also flew into the body of Shi Mu, he slowly opened his eyes.

Shi Mu glanced around and saw a glimmer of surprise in his eyes and stood up.

"Lord, are you okay?" The elders and others flew over and asked with concern.

"No problem. I was practicing a mystery before. I didn't control the power to break down the room and disturb everyone. I am really sorry." Shi Mu said with a light weight.

These days and the children are suffering, and his sacred flames have been thoroughly completed, and only one step can reach the perfection.

The sacred flames of the heavens are the ancient magical powers. They are about attacking power and destructive power, far exceeding the power of nine turns of fire and the flame of the sun.

"The lord has nothing to do, right. We are now on the front line, and the front is the ink star." The elder said.

"Oh, has arrived at the front line? Stone has forgotten the time in the cultivation, it is damn." Shi Muhehe laughed.

He moved and flew in the air.

But before he flew, he turned his head and looked at the green flame that was on the side.

Cai Er was helped by the sacred flames of the heavens, and the demon fire in the body was also close to perfection. He looked at the mystery of enlightening the gods, and the advanced gods were just around the corner.

Shi Mu waved a dozen flags and landed around the green flame, opening a blue light curtain and shrouded the green flame.

After doing this, he flew into the air, looking toward the front of the planet, his brow wrinkled.

A group of gods also flew up and stood next to Shi Mu.

"Since I have already come to the front line, I don't want to hide. I pass on the order, set off, and target the ink star." Shi Mu Shen stunned and said categorically.

Everyone has been hesitating before entering the ink star. Some people agree that there is opposition and no choice.

At this moment, Shi Mu ordered that the people no longer hesitated. Five warships drove out of the nebula and thundered over the ink star.

"How could this be?"

Everyone flew down the battleship and looked at the ridiculous planet in front of him, and could not help but face each other.

Mercury was once a planet that was quite good in every respect.

However, what everyone saw at the moment was a scene of yellow sand everywhere, some desolate scenes.

The ground is pitted and there are huge pits everywhere. Obviously, it has experienced extremely fierce battles. Even the entire planet has a number of huge and extremely strong winds, and there are some signs of division.

The spirit of the entire planet has been completely destroyed, full of desolate and dead, everywhere can not see the slightest smoke.

Not only that, but here is very quiet here, whether it is the Alliance Army of the Tianfeng tribe, or the army of the heavenly court, they can't see the trace.

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