The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 915: See the old man

"It seems that there has been an extremely fierce battle, and the spirit of the entire planet has been destroyed." The elders looked at the desolate scene in front of them and sighed.

The planet seems to have been smashed a whole layer of skin.

"Tianting this is not to completely destroy the Tianhe star field!" Anwar clenched into a fist, biting his teeth and hate.

Others are also full of resentment and gnashing their teeth.

"You, as long as the people of heaven are driven out of the Tianhe domain, it is not impossible to rebuild their hometown. Now is not the time to hurt, first find the people of Tianfeng tribe and heaven." Shi Mu said that he is not good. Premonition.

"Yes!" everyone agreed.

Five warships were scattered and searched around the planet, fearing that the people of the heavens would attack, and the five warships were not far away.

After looking for a small half day, five warships parked above a huge deep pit.

Shi Mu and a group of gods left the battleship, standing on the open space in front of the deep pit, the face is somewhat unsightly.

"Strange, I basically searched for it, not even a living person."

"The same is true of me."

"The area we are responsible for has not found a living."


"It seems that after the Tianfeng tribe and the Tianting war, they have already left here." After listening to the situation collected by the people, Shi Mu said that he was slightly indulged.

"Yes. In addition, everyone can pay attention to the fact that many battlefield debris can be seen in the battlefields of the planet. Most of them are tri-families. It seems that this tribe has been defeated by the tri-family." The elders said.

Everyone heard the words, and my heart was a sinking.

What the great elders said is indeed what they saw with their own eyes, and all kinds of signs on the surface, the loss of the three major tribes will not be small.

The three major tribes mean a solid barrier to the Tianhe domain today. Once defeated, it will be a disaster for the entire Tianhe star.

If they say that their previous estimates of the power of the heavens are somewhat conservative, most of them still have a trace of luck. After all, as long as the forces of the three major groups are still there, the heavens will at least have the scruples and will not be so fast in their race.

Today, the truth is in front of you.

Once the three majors are really defeated, they will be spared.

Fortunately for them, the Miyi giants took the alliance with them at this time and added a few more chips to the war.

"The most important thing now is to find the Tianfeng tribes, I hope they have not been eliminated by the heavens. You, in addition, can you find any clues?" Shi Mu sighed and looked at everyone.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads. No one spoke.

"The planets near the ink star are all dead stars. There are no living creatures. It is not good to ask people to ask for an estimate." Anwar is familiar with this star field and said.

"Everyone spreads out and searches in the nearby star field to find the traces of the heavenly court or the tri-family alliance." Shi Mu said after he sank.

A moment later, five warships dispersed and flew towards other nearby planets.

"The patriarch, such a searchless target, I am afraid that hope." On the top of a battleship, the elders and Shi Mu stood together and said.

"First look around here, we can't find anyone. We go directly to the Tianfengzu Suzaku Star." Shimu looked light and said.

Suzaku is relatively familiar with him. As one of the three tribes, he is also the core of this war. He can quickly grasp the current situation and reverse the passive situation.

In addition, he went to Suzaku Star for another purpose, that is, Zhong Xiu.

At this moment, he has advanced into the realm of the gods, and he has become a patriarch of the celestial giants, and the lord of the Heavenly Alliance, the Tianfeng family has nothing to say.

Even if they continue to oppose, with the strength of Shi Mu, you can also take Zhong Xiu forcibly!

The elders heard this and nodded, no longer saying anything.

Five warships quickly rushed to the nearby planet, knowing that the people in the heavens were no longer there, and Shi Mu and others also let go of their hearts, let everyone spread out and find them.

Shi Muben intends to go out together, but the elders and others have persuaded him to say that he is a lord and needs to be in the center of the town, as long as he stays.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and the people worked hard for a few days, and the result was nothing.

"It seems that it is not a way to find it in such a chaotic way. I will go directly to Suzaku Star tomorrow." Shi Mu stood on the battleship and looked at the sky and the darkness in his heart.

At this moment, a ray of light flew from a distance and landed on the battleship. A figure appeared, but it was Bai Hong.

"The patriarch, good news, the elders found a person in the nearby star field. It is said that this person witnessed the battle between Tianting and Tianfeng before the family. The elders are bringing the other party, let me tell you first. One voice." Bai Hong said respectfully.

Shi Mu heard this and suddenly became overjoyed.

"okay, I get it."

He walked toward the front hall, and Bai Hong was two steps behind and followed.

A moment later, a white light flew down in front of the main hall, showing two figures, one is a great elder.

The other is a gray robe woman. The middle stage of the holy step is a very graceful figure. Although wearing a loose robes, it can clearly see the double peaks on the chest and a gray veil on the face. It seems to be also a piece. The magic weapon, even the eyesight of Shimu could not be seen.

Shi Mu looked at the woman in the gray robe, her brow was slightly wrinkled.

This person somehow gave him a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it before.

I heard that I found clues. At the moment, there are many people from all ethnic groups in the hall. There are some of them who have great powers.

The gray robe woman faced this battle, and it seemed that she was not at all stunned. Instead, she was very interesting and swept the audience in the hall. The final look fell on Shi Mu, and it seemed to flash a trace of awn.

"The elders, this Taoist friend saw the Tianfeng tribes and the people in the heavens fight?" Shi Mu recalled the memories of the past, thought for a while, and found nothing, then gave up the unnecessary thinking and asked.

"Exactly, the lord," said the elder.

"This Taoist friend, I am the chief of the giant alliance, Shi Mu, do not know the name of the friend?" Shi Mu looked at the woman in the gray robe, asked.

"The little girl surnamed Jin, I have seen the stone lord." The woman in the gray robe showed a smile like a smile, and said, the voice is crisp, as if the spring water.

Shimu’s mind suddenly crossed a lightning bolt, his face changed and he stood up.

"You..." He finally remembered who this person is.

"The stone lord, the little girl did see the heavens and the Tianfeng tribe in the past few days. If the lord wants to know, the little girl can tell you all, but I only tell you that I know, I don't know if Take a step to talk?" The gray robe woman quickly opened her mouth and interrupted the words of Shi Mu.

Shimu’s eyes flashed slightly and nodded. “You can, naturally, please. You are here.”

The last sentence of his words was to the elders and others. As soon as he reached out, he walked toward the inner room with a gray robe.

The elders and others looked at each other and noticed the weird changes in Shimu’s expression.

However, Shi Mu does not say that they are not good to ask.

"Bai Pu elders, the man and the lord alone entered the inside, will there be danger?" Fang Wei asked with some concern.

"No problem, the woman is only a holy order, and the alliance is not the same, there will be nothing." The elders shook their heads and said.

His thoughts turned and looked at Shimu’s expression. He seemed to know the gray-haired woman. They didn’t know what to talk about.

Shi Mu and the gray robe woman came to the inner room. He waved dozens of blue lights and landed in the room, opening a blue array, and then turned to look at the gray robe woman.

"Sister Jin, I really can't think of seeing you here. How are you here?" He smiled on his face, he said with a smile.

The gray robe woman whitened Shimu, and took off the veil on her face, revealing a charming face that reversed the sentient beings. It was Jin Xiaoyu.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for many years. You have become more and more powerful. You have reached the level of the gods and become the ally of the giant python. It is no wonder that our family is still worried about you." Jin Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Shimu's eyebrows were picked, and there was a trace of awning in his eyes.

"Jin Shijie has not answered my question yet. How can you be in the Tianhe Star Field?" He did not seem to hear Jin Xiaoyu's words, and he continued to ask.

"This is the name of the sister, I can't dare to do it. You are now repaired as a sacred god. I can only do it for the holy step. Just call my name. As for why I came here, I naturally come to you." Jin Xiaoxiao laughed.

"Looking for me? What are you looking for?" Shi Mu was surprised.

"I just didn't say it outside. You are not looking for someone in the heavens. I know where they are now, can tell you." Jin Xiaoying revealed the eccentric smile of the elf and said.

Shimu’s eyes flickered, and the feelings of this were not changed at all, and nothing was revealed.

"You seem to know very well about the situation in the Tianhe Star Field. What is the identity now? Why do you want to tell me the direction of the heavens?" He looked at Jin Xiaoyu and asked several questions.

"Oh, I used to see our acquaintance and want to help you a favor. You doubted me. If you forget, I am too lazy to talk about it. You can talk about it yourself." Jin Xiao snorted and waved to take out a white symbol. A crush.

A white air flow emerged from the air, with a little white starlight flowing, slowly condensing a white girl figure.

Shi Mu sees this, a slight glimpse.

This white girl is not someone else, it is Simon Snow.

Shi Mu looked at Ximen Snow and immediately recalled the scene in the Seventh Reincarnation. There was a complicated look in his eyes.

However, with his current cultivation, the mood control has reached a very high level, and his mind has moved, and immediately healed the inner feelings.

Shi Mu swept Jin Xiaoyan, it seems that Jin Xiaoyu is now with Ximen Xue, listening to her meaning, it seems that Ximen Snow let her come here.

"Ximen Daoyou, I haven't seen you for a long time," he said.

Ximen Xue looked at Shimu, and his eyes passed a trace of color, but he immediately resumed calm.

"Shidaoyou, I haven't seen it for many years." She nodded and said.

The two men greeted each other and didn’t know what to say for a while. They were silent and the atmosphere was awkward.

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