The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 916: Rape

"Hey, why, do you want to say something about each other? Is it because I am embarrassed to speak here, then I will avoid it." Jin Xiaoyan flashed a glimpse in his eyes, said with a smile, stepping up I have to go outside.

"You have to talk nonsense!" Although Ximen Xue is a manifestation of mana, but his face also passed a trace of red glow, said with shame.

Jin Xiaolu is a smile, and some fear that the world will not be chaotic.

"This is the spirit of the spirits of the West. The friends of the West Gate can show the body through the air. It seems that the cultivation is already a big advance. I am afraid that it has reached the level of the gods?" The stone animal voice is calm and calm, and the mood is as good as the waveless ancient well. .

Ximen’s snow fingers shook a little, and when he lowered his eyes, he looked up and calmed down.

"Your cultivation is also not progressing slowly. It is not a descendant of the white ancestors." She faintly opened her mouth.

"Oh, it seems that my things, you all know clearly." Shi Muhehe smiled.

Ximen Xue heard the words, the eyebrows glimpsed slightly, but then stretched out.

"While the sacred spirits can be visible from a distance, but to cross the star field, even the mid-term power of the gods can not be done, it seems that the Simon Road friends are also in the Tianhe star field at the moment." His eyes flashed Continue.

"Yes. Now I am the **** of heaven under the heavens." Simon Snow said faintly.

"Yu Tian Shen will?"

Shi Mu’s eyes were awkward, although he had already guessed a bit, but after hearing this, his heart was still shocked, and there was a sense of unclearness.

"My current identity, I must know that you and I stand against each other. I can actually meet and even start to meet in the future. Why do you want to meet me?" He asked, blinking, one word at a time.

As a result, Ximen Xue’s answer allowed Shi Mu to swear: “I will meet you this time to tell you where the heavenly army is.”

"A month ago, the Tianfeng tribe and the heavenly court fought a battle near the ink star, and the three tribes were defeated. Now they have retreated to the Wuyanxing of the tortoise family. The army of the heavenly court has also chased it there." Speaking, Ximen Xue said from the self.

Shi Mu heard this, his expression changed for a while, and it took a while to restore calm.

He looked at Ximen Snow and frowned. "Why are you telling me this, are you not the **** of heaven?"

Ximen Xue suddenly smiled, and his appearance was beautiful. At this moment, this smile is more like a hundred flowers, and the look of Shimu is also a stay, but it will return to normal as soon as possible.

I noticed the change of Shi Mu's look, and Ximen's snow-eyed eyes flashed a hint of darkness.

"I have my own plans, you only need to know that I have not lied to you, just fine." Simon Snow said slowly.

"Are you deceiving me, how can I know, maybe this is the conspiracy of your heavens." Shi Mu said with a turn.

Ximen snow brows slightly wrinkled, then coldly screamed, said: "If you want Tianfeng tribes to be destroyed by heaven, I have nothing to say, just when I just lie to you."

After she said this, her body flashed white, and it drifted away in an instant, and her figure disappeared.

Shi Mu brows up and sinks.

"Oh, yeah, you kid, let me say what is good for you? This is a bit too difficult to listen to, but Cher wants to help you, but you have gasped her away." Jin Xiaoyan said, shaking his head again and again.

Shi Mu did not pay attention to Jin Xiaoyu, standing in the same place, and his thoughts turned.

Standing for a quarter of an hour, his eyes must be determined, and made up his mind.

Regardless of whether Ximen Xue said it was true or not, he could not watch the tribes being wiped out by the heavens.

Wu Yanxing is the risk, he must take it!

And he intuitively, Simon Snow should not lie.

"Golden Road Friends, thank you for coming to report to me, but it is related to the Tianhe Star Field, I can't let you leave like this, trouble you to stay here." Shi Mu said to Jin Xiaoyu, turned and walked outside.

"Wait, you are going to Wuyanxing? Xueer wants me to tell you that if you decide to go in the past, you must first control a few people. They are the undercover of heaven, and will report any movements of your alliance to heaven." Jin Xiaoyu said quickly, taking out a piece of jade.

Shimu was shocked in the eyes, took over the jade slip, and the gods explored it, his face changed slightly.

“Thank you.” He said, waving his hand and making a law.

The blue light curtain in front is retracted towards both sides, revealing a passage.

Shi Mu went out and the blue light curtain closed again.

Jin Xiaolu did not show any anxious and angry look. It seems that this situation has already been expected. The mouth sang a song and waved out a white gum bed covered with soft brocade satin. The whole person lay comfortably on it.

Shi Mu quickly returned to the front hall, and everyone waited here. When they saw Shi Mu, they stood up.

"The lord, who can say where the heavens and the tribes go?" the elders asked first.

Shi Mu eyes glanced at the people in the hall, and there seemed to be a deep flash in his eyes. "The girl saw the heavens and the tribes, but she did not know where they went."

Everyone heard the words and suddenly showed the color of disappointment.

"No matter what, we can't continue to delay the time here, call all the people searching outside," said Shi Mu.

The people agreed in unison and walked outside.

"The elders wait a minute." Shi Mu stopped and was about to leave the elders.

"The patriarch, what's the matter?" The elders stopped and waited for the crowd to leave.

"I really have something to do here." Shi Mu walked to the elders, his lips moved slightly, and he said a few words.

The elders were surprised.

"The patriarch is assured that I will do it for this matter," he said quietly.

"Good." Shimu nodded and went to the seat and sat down.

After a small half day, all the people searching outside have returned.

The heads of the league gathered again in the main hall, waiting for Shi Mu’s orders.

However, Shi Mu was in the main seat, but he was closing his eyes and sitting quietly.

Although everyone is strange, but it is not easy to ask, they have to sit side by side.

Time passed a little bit, and after a little half an hour, a footstep came from the outside, but it was a great elder.

Shi Mu opened his eyes and looked at it.

The elders nodded insignificantly and walked over to sit down.

In the eyes of Shi Mu, a loose, Yang said: "The girl who knew the movements of Tian Ting and the three tribes did not know much, but after my speculation, they are very likely to go to the main star of the tortoise family, Wu Yanxing. ”

"Wuyanxing? It is not very far from here, and the guardian of the tortoise family is famous for the Tianhe Star Field. If the three tribes are defeated, it is very likely to go there." A goddess of the Flying Rats said.

Others have nodded.

"Since everyone thinks so, the order is going on, the battleship goes to Wuyanxing!" Shimu Shensheng ordered.


The order was passed on, and the five warships quickly turned their directions and flew toward Wuyan.


After a quarter of an hour.

Shi Mu and the elders came to the front of a battle room at the bottom of the battleship and pushed in.

The room was a little dim, but Shi Mu and the big elders could naturally see everything in the house.

In the room, there are three wooden chairs, three people sitting on the chair.

Judging from the breath of these three people, the three are only holy.

However, if you look at the appearance and dress, you can clearly see that one of them is a demon, one is a rat demon, and one is a horse demon.

Everyone's head is covered with a dark red aperture, and his eyes are empty, seemingly lost consciousness, or being manipulated by humans to control the soul.

"That's fine, don't kill them, just control them." Shi Muguang slowly swept through the three people and nodded.

These three people are the spies of the heavens mentioned in Jin Yuxi’s jade.

"I don't think that Tianting has put an eye on our alliance." The elders sighed.

"This is normal. The Nangongjing came to the chaos on the same day. It was to destroy the alliance. Later, the plan was not successful. He naturally had to insert his eyeliner and monitor our every move. Or, it was not impossible to lay down these eyes. "Shimu blinked and said.

The elders are nodding.

"The patriarch, you guessed that Tianting had put in the eyeliner in the league, and all the way to see the unannounced visits, did you find them three? The patriarch is really a godsend." He admired the incomparable.

Shi Mu opened his mouth and twitched his mouth.

"...almost," he said vaguely.

"Right, how do they contact Tianting, have you checked it?" Shi Mugan coughed and asked.

"It has been found that the message is transmitted by the communication array." The elders waved and took out three white arrays.

"Well, the elders will use your mystery to control the three of them, and send false news to the heavenly court, to confuse the other side, and let the heavens master our movements." Shi Mu said.

"The patriarch is assured," said the elder.

"Then it will be handed over to you here." Shi Mu said, turned and walked toward the outside.

He immediately went to Jin Xiaolu and wanted to slap on the side of the door to inquire about some Ximen Snow, the things in heaven.

However, although Jin Xiaoxiu was not as good as him, he was very cunning and incomparable.

As a result of the investigation, he not only failed to find the most useful information, but his own foundation was almost put away by Jin Xiaoyu, as long as Jin Xiaoyu’s narrow eyes narrowed away.

After Shi Mu returned to his room, he took a deep breath and smiled and shook his head. He sat down on his knees.

It takes more than ten days to arrive at Wuyan Star, and this time cannot be wasted.

After a long while, a layer of bright yellow light appeared on the body, and then turned into a bright yellow flame, burning, it is the sacred flame.

The sacred flames of the heavens circulate around the body of Shimu, as if it were flowing gently.

Just sitting quietly for seven or eight days, Shi Mu suddenly opened his eyes.

After a slap in the air, a group of sacred flames flew out, turned into a flame of a few feet, swam in the room, vomiting snakes in the mouth, screaming, it seems to be chosen, and live Extremely.

He sighed low and reached for a finger. The flame slammed into a rolling body and turned into a fierce tiger. He swam in the air and made a deep snoring in his mouth, as if he were a real tiger.

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