The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 926: Danger

The broad-faced man’s face sank. I didn’t expect Shi Mu’s hands to do it. The arm fluttered, the blue-colored sword light suddenly bloomed, and hundreds of blue-colored swords condensed into a huge sword-like lotus flower. The weather was full of red fire clouds. Welcome.

Shi Mu did not say anything, one pointed out, a red light flashed into the fire cloud.

The red fire cloud suddenly rolled over and over again, and it once again rose a lot, and the light shined, faintly spreading a suction.

As soon as the blue-colored Jianqi lotus touched the fire cloud, it immediately seemed to fall into the mud, and it did not enter it. It disappeared.

"What!" The unrecognizable look appeared in the wide-faced man's eyes.

The red fire cloud kept going, slammed under the cover, and covered the wide-faced man.

The broad-faced man had a flower in front of him, and the next moment appeared in a red space.

"Where is it here!" He looked around and was shocked and embarrassed.

"This is your place of burial!" Shi Mu's figure flashed, emerged out of thin air, and both hands made a tactic.


The red space swayed slightly, and the next moment there were countless bright yellow flames. It was the sacred flame of the sky, and the temperature in the space suddenly increased.

Shi Mu waved with both hands, and countless sacred flames swelled, and the tides generally rushed toward the wide-faced men.

The red space also showed a huge space, squeezed in the middle, so people could not dodge.

"Ah!" The wide-faced man saw this scene, and his eyes showed a desperate color.

However, as a strong god, he is not an easy-going person. His hands are smashed, his body is flashing, and he has a piece of magic weapon. In an instant, he has opened more than a dozen body guards to protect the whole body.

Numerous sacred flames slammed into the body of the broad-faced man.


As soon as the body aperture hits the sacred flame, it immediately melts like a wax block.

Less than two breaths, the wide-faced man's bodyguard aperture dissipated seven or eight layers, and the remaining pieces of bodyguard magic were obviously more powerful than the outside, but they only dissipated slowly, and there was no way to resist it. Heavenly Flame.

In Shimukou, there is a word in the mouth, and a slap in the face, and those sacred flames once again flourished. There are countless red runes in it, and the power suddenly increases.

The last few magic weapons of the wide-faced man also quickly turned into ashes. Even the cyan flying sword was soft and muddy, and several breaths melted.

"Ah!" The broad-faced man made a scream in his mouth, and his body was shrouded in countless sacred flames, and quickly disappeared into ashes.

Shi Mu shouted a sigh of relief and waved a law to smash, and countless sacred flames disappeared quickly. The red space trembled and the disintegration disappeared.

Shi Mu figure appeared in the starry sky, and his face was somewhat white again.

Just restored the infuriating, and consumed a lot again.

Although he solved his opponent with the thunder of lightning, the movement between the gods is too big, and it has already attracted the attention of the distant heavenly army. Several teams quickly swooped here.

At the moment, time is precious, and it must be race against time. He can't care too much.

Shi Mu turned over and took out a few pieces of the best Lingshi, crazy to capture the spiritual power inside, while running the water, the body lit up a layer of blue light, then the shadow disappeared, turned into a shadow that could not be inspected, circled a circle, toward Wuyan star flies away.


At this moment, the people of Wuyan, Tianfeng and Dilong, also quickly discovered the anomalies in the sky and gathered together.

Above the square, all the strong people of the two races have gathered here, looking at the distant sky.

“What happened?” asked an elder of the Dilong family to look at the drastic changes in the distance.

"It seems that there is a problem with the big star. The guy of Lu Yuzhong, who is still convinced that this big battle is absolutely foolproof, is not out of the situation!" Di Yan saw the situation, cold and shouted.

Aside from the side, Zhao Wei held his hand and looked away, his eyes flickering.

"Zhao Xiong, what do we do now? Or do we both..." Di Yan looked at Zhao Wei, and his hand was a gesture of leaving.

"Now what is the situation is not understood, I am afraid that it is not appropriate to leave. We are still in the past to see what happened. If things are unharmonious, our two communities are planning." Zhao Wei said with a sigh of relief.

"Alright." Di Yan brows and picks, nodded and said.

"Go!" Zhao Yi waved his hand and first flew toward the northwest. The two ethnic groups immediately followed.

At this time, the change suddenly occurred!

A sudden large earthquake in the distant sky, the sky burst, and the center of the huge vortex flashed, and then a huge hollow with a width of more than ten feet was revealed.

The original Xuanwu Panyun, which was originally a solid soup, was finally broken!

Tianfeng, the people of Dillon's two people changed their faces!

"Fast!" Zhao Wei looked shocked and shouted, shouting, and the golden light was released, and the idling was almost half faster.

Others have also accelerated their idling and followed.

In the yellow vortex, although the huge hollow in the middle breaks open and forms a channel, the space in the channel tears and merges, and the cycle reciprocates. The black cracks in the channel, the chaotic space is like a sharp blade with numerous handles, swirling in the vortex. , willingly cut.

Outside the Wuyan Star, hundreds of heavenly battles from the space channel will be seen, and the face will be full of joy, flying in and out, and wanting to fly into the Wuyan Star from that hollow.

"Slow! At this moment, the big bang has just broken open, and the spiritual power in the passage is still chaotic. If there is no magical cultivation, it is tantamount to finding a dead end." The sound of Ximenxue sounded in the sky.

These hundreds of warriors will listen, and suddenly stopped and returned to the battleship.

Ximen Snow turned to look at the Pilu Xian and Nan Gongjing.

"Simmon God will say yes, you continue to attack the whirlpool, expand the passage, all the gods will follow us first! Fast!" Piluxian will scream.

"Yes!" All the people on the nearby battleships agreed in unison.

The statues of Pilu and Nangong flew out, and all the divine powers immediately followed, and they flew into the space channel below.

At this moment, near the bottom of the whirlpool of Huangyun, a glimmer of light flew from a distance, and it quickly reached a close, flashing a figure, it was Lu Yuzhong.

He saw the space channel and the outside situation, his face changed dramatically, shouted, waving in both hands, dozens of yellow awns flew out from his hands, but it was a yellow flag, immersed in the yellow cloud near the huge vortex.

Dozens of yellow light emerged from him and connected to the flag in Huang Yunzhong.

The huge vortex suddenly flashed, and the rotation speed slowed down immediately. The space channel in the center of the vortex trembled, and the thin yellow light appeared, and there was a tendency to close.

Pilu Xian will wait for someone to fly into the passage, and immediately feel a huge resistance, the body is blocked, and all the gods will change their minds and make a wrath.

"Damn, just a little!" Nan Gongjing face ugly, roaring.

His white light is flourishing, and the horror of the ice glare is flashing again and again, but it cannot go any further.

"You don't have to panic, Lu Yuzhong has to support himself with his own strength. It is simply a car, everyone listens to the order and attacks the passage!" Pilu looked calm, not seeing the slightest panic, shouting.

"Nine deaths are lifeless, reincarnation of the demon!" When the voice fell, he waved his hand, and the void suddenly burst open behind him. Numerous black gas emerged from the inside and turned into a pure black gas column with a thick disc, and slammed toward the lower channel.

This black gas is very dark and black, without a trace of light, giving people an incomparable breath, as if the magic of **** is deep in the world, to swallow everything into it.

Countless black runes flashed in black air, making a long, loud sound, like a thousand ghosts crying, letting people listen and scared.

The magic is awkward, and the world must be turned into a demon domain.

The nearby gods left the subconscious and left the side of Pilu, seemingly afraid of the magic.

Nangongjing looked at the dark magic, and the eyes of the eyes flashed past, and they slammed and slammed.

A thick hail of light flew out, followed by a black light column.

Other gods will scream out and make a series of attacks, slamming the channel.

There are more than twenty gods in the heavens, so many gods will attack together, and the entire space channel will suddenly sway, and the thin yellow eyes inside will be blasted again.

The horrible attack passed along the dozens of yellow awns to the body of Lu Yuzhong. His body could not shake, his face turned red, and the blood of the seven scorpions flowed out.

However, he still bites his teeth.

In the distance, a ray of light can be faintly visible. As long as those strategists come over, they will be able to close the space channel.

At this moment, Lu Yuzhong flashed behind him, and a figure appeared out of thin air. It was a rare fold. The blue steel vine spear in his hand once again showed the red, golden and golden light, and lightning-like to Lu’s body.

Lu Yanzhong's face changed greatly. At this moment, he is fully controlling the Guardian's big ban and can't return to meet the enemy.

However, Lu Yizhong did not panic, Huang Mang flashed, and a turtle-shaped shield magic weapon emerged, emitting a substantial yellow awn, and behind it.

This is his magic weapon at the bottom of the box, and his defensive ability is extremely good. Even the same-order monks can be shaken by others, not to mention those who have entered the sacred world.

The blue steel vine spear stabbed the turtle shell shield, and the next inch of the broken inch broke into a stream of fire.

The body is also the same, dissipated in the air, and a white symbol appears in the air, with countless mysterious and complex runes.

But the next moment, the symbol is also broken and scattered.

"The real spirit phantom!" Lu Yanzhong's face changed.

The figure in front of him flashed, and the figure of the rare fold appeared again. The blue steel vine spear in his hand only emits a large red light at this moment. Although the power is not as good as the four-color ray, the speed is much faster, and the lightning is stabbed. Lu Yanzhong chest.

The Qinggang Fujio spear only penetrated a few inches and stopped. It was impossible to go one step further, but Lu’s body was also shot and flew out.

His body moved, and the slender yellow mangs connected to the sky suddenly shattered.

The yellow whirlpool of the sky flashed yellow and swayed, and a burst of sound came out. The next few dozens of flags fell from the yellow clouds, and all the flags had broken into several pieces.


The yellow awns in the vortex of the yellow cloud were smashed in the rumble of the rumbling, and the passage was once again opened.

In addition to the more fierce space cracks in the channel, the Vil and others rushed into the space.

Lu Yanzhong saw this scene, his face was terrified, and there was a hint of despair.

But then, he suddenly looked at the fold.

Very rare at this moment, pale, I do not know when it fell on the ground below, just want to turn and want to escape.

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