The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 927: sneak

"Rarely, I don't think you are the running dog of heaven! I will kill you today!" Lu Yanzhong made a roar of roaring anger, and rushed toward the wind.

His figure has not yet fallen, his wrist has turned over, and a yellow axe with a long handle has appeared in his hand.

I saw that the whole body of the light rose, and the giant axe in his hand slammed up and slammed into the front.


A huge yellow axe suddenly emerged from mid-air, and numerous yellow runes flashed in it, emitting a powerful law. Under the flash, it came to the front and fell down like a teleport.

In the middle of the heart, I was shocked, and the green steel vine spears of the fingers were thrown into the ground.

On the ground in front of Zhang Xuyuan, a circle of cyan ripples illuminates.

"Booming" sounded.

When the ripples are bright, the rock and soil are ruptured, and the thick green cactus grows out from the ground. In the blink of an eye, it merges into a huge ivy forest, and the tight discs are wrong and go straight into the sky.

A huge tremor sounded, and the blue axe suddenly fell into the vine forest.

Numerous green vines are broken into pieces of debris, which are scattered with the scattered sand and gravel.

There was a violent wave in the ground, and an invisible giant force rolled in. The rattle spear that was inserted into the ground was shocked, and the body was shaken out.

The face was reddish instantly, and a mouthful of blood was spurted out. It was obvious that Lu Haozhong had a blow, and there was such a great power.

He was still carrying some dark injuries on his body. Naturally, he did not dare to succumb to Lu Yuzhong and quickly retreated toward the rear.

At the same time, with one hand and one wave, five purple symbols fluttered out, and there were countless purple runes engraved on it. It was no simpler than the real magical phantom, and it gave off a thunder and silence.

Bang! The five-way symbol is broken, and the purple electric awns of the five buckets appear out, and Lu Yuzhong will block Lu Yizhong.

"The Lu nationality, now the two positions have been destroyed, and your big battle will not last long! When the Tianting army arrives, it is your last day. In my opinion, you still return directly." Incomparably flew away in the distance, laughing in the mouth, full of sarcasm.

"Hey! Even if the big squad is broken, the thief of the heavens will attack Wuyanxing. I will swear to the **** battle with the turtles. I will never back down after a war, but before that, I must first remove you." This shameless traitor." Lu Yanzhong said coldly, the yellow axe in his hand flashed, swept out, a large piece of yellow mans appeared out of thin air, sweeping five purple lightning.

I saw this scene with great disdain. I took out the cyan gourd and turned the gourd mouth to catch up with Lu Yuzhong. The lips fluttered quickly.

A "call" sounded.

A large piece of Qinglian holy fire rushed out and went straight to Lu Yuzhong's chest.

Lu Yanzhong saw it, but he avoided it. The empty left hand had a faint gleam of light, and the palm of his hand swept out of the void, and the flame was suddenly taken into the palm of his hand.

I saw that his fist was tight and he was constantly grinding. The blue flame was turned into a blue smoke in his palm, and disappeared.

"Because of death!" Lu Haozhong turned to catch up with the moment, roaring.

His body is quite awkward, and his body is full of yellow mansions.

At the same time, seven or eight axe shadows were shot at the same time, and the faintly sketched into a fierce beast of a dozen feet.

This animal shape is a mysterious turtle with all four limbs. The yellow light pattern on the back is high, but it is different from the shape of the tortoise shell. It looks like it is carrying a huge mountain.

The mysterious tortoise has a myriad of yellow runes, a faint scent of the law, a huge mouth, and a slap in the face.

Fantastically, I couldn’t see it, but I couldn’t blink it. I turned around with lightning. The four colors of the chest flashed, and four light and shadows appeared behind my back. At the same time, the light flashed in my hand, and a silver long scorpion appeared in the palm.

At this moment, he has a blue-handed thorn spear in his left hand and a silver tremble in his right hand. Both sides of the blade have a blue-colored gold stream.

With his arms waving at the same time, the spear flew out two counts of four-color virtual shadows, which were mixed with some red runes, emitting a faint force, but with the law of Lu Yuzhong’s mysterious tortoise Power is not the same.

But the ability to fight against the power of the law is only the power of the law!

Two four-color virtual shadows form a huge scissor ghost, with an indescribable strong breath, staggered toward the shadow of the mysterious turtle.

In the eyes of Lu Yanzhong, the cold mans flashed, and the palm of his hand lifted slightly. The head of the Xuan turtle suddenly exploded, and a big mouth, a terrorist suction broke out, and a pair of scissors and shadows swallowed into the abdomen.

As soon as he entered the beast of the beast, he was immediately bent and half-squatted.

There were countless yellow runes tumbling around, and it only felt like a mountain with a lot of weights, so he couldn’t stand it.

At the same time, he felt that there was an invisible big hand that was smothering his throat and making him unable to breathe.

"Although I can't compare the real law with the real world, it is more than enough to deal with you this kid!" Lu Yanzhong laughed.

As the sound of his voice rang, his raised palm suddenly clenched.

The bones of the body are squeaky, and the sound of "咔咔" is heard in the throat, as if the next second will break.

He had injuries on his body. After repeated battles, the infuriating body of the body also had some shortcomings. At this moment, he could not break away.

Its face has changed dramatically, and it is obviously unexpected.

At this moment, a thick black smoke suddenly fell from the sky, turned into a black giant hand, and explored the shadow of Lu Yuzhong's mysterious turtle.

I saw this black giant hand flashing a lot of black runes, faintly can see the inside of the clowns, the face of the thousands of people face, all twisted, giving a cry of painful crying, creepy!

When the black giant hand touched the shadow of the mysterious turtle, the virtual shadow immediately seemed to be corroded, and there was a burst of blue smoke, and the yellow runes inside were also scattered.

The black giant hand came to the side of the fold, and covered it, making a hemispherical barrier and shrouded him.

"This is... A nose magic! Nine deaths turn back to magic!" Lu Yanzhong's face changed.

"Call..." Han Fen felt that the huge force of the body disappeared, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He was half-squatting in the hemisphere barrier, his eyebrows were lifted, and he looked at Lu Yuzhong, and his mouth was mocking.

When the sound of the air broke, a tall figure descended from the sky, which was the Pilu.

"The ninth celestial fairy will be, Pilu!" Lu Yuzhong looked at the Pilu Xian, the pupils shrank, cold channel.

At this moment, a burst of light flashed, more than 20 figures flashed out, headed by a white dress in the South Palace.

Lu Yanzhong's face changed again, his thoughts flashed, his body reflected more than a hundred feet, and Huang Mang flashed in front of him. The mysterious turtle shield was once again sacrificed, and his body swiftly revolved around him.

Pilu silently swept Lu Yanzhong, and stretched out his palm toward a rare trick.

The hemispherical barrier immediately flew over to the side of the Lulu.

The spherical barrier disappeared, and the Hanzhan stood up and bowed to the side of Pilu and Nangong.

"See the two immortals."

"Zhao Wei, you still have injuries on your body. Let's retreat to the side." Pilu said, one hand and one lift, a golden light flickered and flew to the end.

Han Fen was lifted with one hand and Jin Guang was in his hands. At the same time, his body flashed and his body was blurred. He became a young man dressed in white robe.

Its face is elegant and elegant, and if it is Shimu, it will be recognized at a glance. This person is Zhao Wei.

"This time you have a lot of credit, you will return to heaven in the future and honor your own reward." Pilu said with a faint voice, Nan Gongjing looked at Zhao Wei's gaze and also included a few appreciations.

Ximen Snow, standing behind Pilu, heard this, but there was a glimmer of light in the beauty, but it was just a blink of an eye, and she was well hidden.

She looked at the side and looked at the distant star, and the anxious color flashed past.

At this moment, two streams of light from far away in the sky flew from different directions, and came to a nearby place. One wave was the person of the tortoise family, and the other wave was the Tianfeng and Dilong.

Lu Yanzhong saw Tianfeng, and the people of the Dilong family also arrived, and his eyes showed a big joy.

Among the three tribes, the gods who are present at the moment add up to only seventeen or eight, which is a little less than the heavenly gods, but there are hundreds of them in the presence of the holy steps, and the back of the road is flying, the reinforcements There is a steady stream of ships and some warships are flying.

Tianfeng, the landlord and the two people, as soon as they landed, they saw more than 20 people in the whirlpool of Huangyun, and their faces changed dramatically.

"Lu brother, what is going on?" Zhao Wei asked immediately.

"The frivolity of the Lingfu people is the undercover of the heavenly court. What is the name of Zhao Ting? It is he who caused his two planes to be destroyed by the opportunity, so that Tian Ting opened the breach." Lu Yuzhong looked at the interest rate adjustment. Zhao Wei, a cold flash in his eyes, said his teeth.

Zhao Yan’s face changed color and exchanged a look with Di Yan.

Han Fen has been following them since the Tianfeng Nationality Code, and the latency has been so long. The heavens are so sophisticated.

"Lu Xiong, at this moment, the big star of the Guardian Star has already broken, and the other side has many gods. I am afraid that it will be difficult to continue to stick to it, or temporarily retreat as well." Di Yan looked at Pilu and others and immediately said.

"The big rupture has just formed. Unless the gods are strong, the people in other heavens can't pass. At this moment, only these people come in. There are more gods, but our number is absolutely dominant. They are shackling this time! Elders, you immediately take people to cast a spell to block the passage, others kill with me, now is the best time for me to annihilate them!" Lu Yuzhong screamed, the yellow giant axe in the hand, the first to fly, Take an axe toward Pilu.

Everyone from the Turtles saw the patriarchs start to shoot, and they immediately flew out and rushed to the heavenly gods.

A white-haired goddess of the old man and a dozen of holy steps were repaired. The Turtles who wore the costumes of the Master did not rush out. Instead, they rushed to the sky and flew toward the Huangyun vortex.

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