The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 972: Front and rear pinch

A loud bang was heard.

A heavenly battleship was hit by a huge flame beam, and the bridge suddenly exploded with a huge flame of flowers. A tragic sound rang and hundreds of people flew out from the battleship.

"Ximen will, immediately take people to remove those flies." Pilu God will look badly.


Simon Snow responded with a sigh of relief and immediately flew up with two gods and flew out of the battleship.

Followed by thousands of heavenly battles, they also flew down and went straight to those round battleships.

Ximen Xuemei glimmered in the light, the light in his hand lit up, and a golden blade like a sword appeared in his hand.

His figure flashed several times in mid-air and went straight to the top of a round battleship.

I saw that both hands clasped the blade, and the high-lifted, the golden light flashed above the blade, and a huge shadow of the blade emerged.


A sound like a thunder sounds like a sound.

The Ximen snow wrist turned down, and the shadow of the blade was suddenly cut on the protective light curtain on the periphery of the round battleship.

The light curtain trembled, breaking a huge hole from it and splitting it toward both sides.

The shadow of the warrior did not stop, and he chopped heavily on the bridge of the round battleship.

A loud bang of "Boom."

The light on the bridge burst and the hull suddenly broke a big hole.

Several of the soldiers of the Alliance were too late to escape, and they were swept in by this illusion, and they were torn into pieces.

The remaining Alliance fighters saw the situation and rushed out of the battleship and rushed to the West Gate.

However, without waiting for closeness, there will be more than a thousand heavenly battles that will be surrounded and battled with them.

After Ximen Snow broke open a warship, it was not involved in the chaos, but flew to another round battleship, and the other battleship was defeated as usual.

In a short while, several warships were successively attacked by them.

Anwar saw the Ximen Snow smashed the Alliance Battleship, his brows were tight, and his body shape flew out of the battleship and went straight to Ximen Snow.


A series of violent bombardment from the two sides of the warship simultaneously launched, collided in the starry sky, bursting into a huge group of sparks, the wind from which the shock came out swept out, and the battleships of both sides swayed one after another.

After Anhua and Ximen Snow battled several rounds, the look on the face was still calm, but the heart was more shocked.

He can feel that Ximen Snow is the same as himself, but he is the same as the early stage of the gods, but his combat power is obviously higher than himself. He knows that although he can support himself at this moment, he can continue to fight for a while, he will The defeat is no doubt.

Ximen Xuebing's blade turned, and a golden light burst out. It turned into a jagged golden light wheel in midair, and it hit Anhua pale.

Anwar’s hand in the face of the blade, facing the golden light wheel.

However, the golden light wheel burst open when it touched his blade.

A huge wave of air struck, and numerous golden lights were shot from the blast.

Anwarton was shocked, his body suddenly lit up, and a set of flame armor covered the whole body, blocking the golden light.

A loud bang was heard.

Under the impact of this force, Anwar’s body flew out and slammed into the hull of a heavenly battleship.

He bit his teeth, one-handedly supporting the battleship, re-flying, and wanting to go forward, but suddenly felt a sense of heart, stopped.

After a while, his eyes flashed a glimmer of joy, and suddenly he turned and flew toward a round battleship.


Anwar figure fell on the battleship, biting his teeth and shouting loudly.

The remaining warships under his arm immediately alternated from the battleships between the heavenly warships and retired back to the fleet of the Mitian Alliance in an orderly manner.

Ximen Xue looked at this scene, and Xiumei picked it up and did not continue to pursue it. Instead, he immediately flew back to a warship.

At this time, the distance between the two fleets has been shortened a lot, and the coverage of each other's artillery is also more dense.

"Offensive!" The elders ordered to shout.

All the battleships of the Mitian Alliance made great achievements, and the speed of forward advancement doubled. The ship fired on fire and pushed over to the heavenly army. It did not care about the fierce bombardment of the battleship of heaven.

"They had been huddled in the squad for so long, and we couldn’t help them. Now they take the initiative to attack. What is this going to do?" A heavenly **** will be somewhat puzzled.

"Is it difficult to think that the fish is dead and broken, and die with us?" Another **** will guess.

"Admiral Pilu, I think this is a bit embarrassing. The harassment before the Alliance is not like an attack, it is more like distracting our attention. Only then did they suddenly withdraw the small fleet, fearing that there is fraud." Snow came to the side of the disclosure and said.

Pilu heard the words, and he had a trace of hesitation in his eyes, but then he was replaced by a fierce momentum.

"No matter what the conspiracy, now they attacked the front, it is a rare opportunity, we just took the opportunity to defeat them. The order went on, the whole ship attacked, quick-fix," said Lu Lu.


Ximen Xue heard the words, but the worry of his heart was not reduced.

The Heavenly Fleet received a war order, which was also doubled in speed, and went to the fleet of the Mi Tian Alliance.


The sound of the gunfire of the sky was so loud that the two warships finally reached each other.

Wherein they spread from the two-party warship, and the squall area was hit.

Pilu's dark green armor surging on the black air, is about to fly into the starry sky, and sees that there is a silver armor behind the battleship that fled back from the emperor, almost half-down and returned to the battleship.

As soon as he fell, he shouted: "The people of Vilu are not good, and there is a situation behind."

Bilu heard the words and suddenly became shocked.

In order to prevent being attacked, before the attack on Wuyanxing, he reserved a small fleet of defenses around him, and he did not think that the Alliance would have a backhand.

Pilu Horan turned his head and saw that in the distant sky, he could already see the golden light of the stars, very dense, obviously not starlight.

"How much combat power does the enemy have?" Pilu's face was gloomy and his voice was low and dumb.

"There are fewer than a hundred warships. The combat power is still unclear. I only know that a young man headed by a young man is very good at repairing. Only one person has almost destroyed all of my subordinates. If I take a step away, I will be killed on the spot. "This **** will obviously be very scared and said in a hurry."

"Admiral Pilu, the situation is not clear, it is better to retreat temporarily." A **** will look uneasy.

Bilu heard a sudden turn to look at him, his eyes were strong and his face was so dark that he could almost condense water.

"Admiral Pilu, now we are enemies in the back, the two-line warfare is extremely unfavorable, depending on the next opinion, or temporarily retreat, and then plan." Ximen Xue also came forward and said.

Pilu was silent for a long time, and gritted his teeth and said: "Retreat."

The battleship of the Tianting battle slowed down, and all the warriors who rushed out of the battleships rushed out of their opponents and flew back to the warships.

The fleet also began to retreat and moved towards the right.

The Mi Tian Alliance found that it intended to retreat and immediately accelerated to catch up.


Hundreds of flames of light were constantly coming and bombarded in the heavenly fleet.

While the Tianting Fleet retaliated and retreated, the life was dragged down and the speed of escape was very slow.

"The Simon will, you will lead the fleet to evacuate."

Pilu dropped such a sentence, and the whole body was black and violent, and the whole person flew out and went straight to the Alliance.

I saw that he flew to the front of the fleet, his hands flying in front of him, and the black mist around his body suddenly overflowed, and a black fog wall was formed in front of him, blocking between the two fleets.

The black misty surface of the fog was surging, and thousands of black faces appeared on the top of the wall. Each of them looked like a nine-faced evil spirit, and it was extremely painful.

Under the circumstance, there seems to be a cry of ghosts and screams.


Hundreds of flames of light flew into the fog wall, but they broke into a black giant net. After shaking a few times, they burned on the fog wall.

As the flame rose, the ghosts of the ghosts on the fog wall were even worse, and the face of Pilu, standing behind the fog wall, became pale.

Without the artillery pursuit of the Alliance of the Heavens, the speed at which the heavenly fleet fled, suddenly accelerated a lot.

Shi Mu stood on a battleship of the Tianfeng nationality. The golden light flashed in his eyes. Looking at the situation here, his brow slammed slightly.

"The heavenly fleet is going to flee. Let me go one step at a time. You go to intercept the heavenly fleet and don't let go of any one!" said Shi Mu.

"Stone, you follow the big forces to intercept the fleet, you should be careful." Cai said, and flew down from Shi Mu's shoulder.

Shi Mu nodded and jumped into the Xinghai.

Shi Mu body turned into a strong extreme fire, instantly spanning hundreds of feet, appeared on the top of Pilu.

The five fingers suddenly opened, and the fingertips fired five hundred feet of flame.

Every flame is completely different. The sacred flames of the heavens, the Nirvana phoenix flames, and the power of the nine turns of fire are all in it.

The five flames entwined each other in a lightning bolt, forming a five-color flame giant, and grabbed it toward Pilu.

Instead of conflicting with each other, the five flames complement each other and exude an extremely strong flame force fluctuation.

A large red rule rune flies out from the five-color giant. Unlike the previous state of distraction, this red rule of the rune has been condensed together to form a line of different lengths of law.

The lines of these laws exude a force that is several times stronger than before.

"Death!" Shimu's eyes burst into cold, and a cold drink was heard in his mouth.

This is a secret technique he learned from the "Xuanhuo Secret Record": Xuanhuo big handprint.

Convergence of five different kinds of flames, condensed into a great supernatural power, the greater the power of the five flames, the stronger the power of this magical power.

Bilu’s eyes flashed in black light, and the whole body was full of black light. The nine magical spirits flew up and blocked them all over the head.

He changed his hands and hands and made a law.

The sound of "嗡", the nine pieces of magic gas all condensed into one, turned into a black giant shield of a hundred feet.

The black magic lines on the shield are flashing, thick and incomparable, giving an indestructible feeling.

The five-color flame giant slaps on the black shield and makes a loud noise.

"咔嚓", the black shield broke directly, but the five-color giant also shrank more than half.

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