The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 973: Desperate (on)

In the eyes of Pilu, he showed a big look, but he did not wait for him to do anything. The five-color flame giant who had shrunk half of it was shot on his body with lightning speed.


The body of Pilu was directly hit by the air, and flew out of the area where the two armies fought, and the blood in the mouth was mad.

Without the support of Pilu, the black fog wall slammed away, and the fleet of the Alliance of the Heavens immediately chased it up.

On the other hand, the warships of the Tianfeng and the two races have also adjusted their direction and rushed over, and they have succeeded in catching up with the Heavenly Fleet.

The streamer above the three-party fleet obscured the sky, and thousands of heavenly battles and the alliances of the Alliance rushed out, and the chaos was smashed together.

For a time, killing the sound!

"It's the stone lord!" The elders and others saw Shimu appear, and one hit and flew to Lulu, and suddenly he was overjoyed.

"Is there a problem with the stone lord alone to deal with the Pilu? Is it necessary to send two people to support it in the past?" Lu Yuzhong said with some concern.

The method of Pilu is so powerful that he has personally experienced it and is still unforgettable.

"No, the stone lord has advanced to the middle of the gods, and it should be enough to deal with Pilu. We can do our best to kill those who are in heaven." The elders sank and looked at the heavenly army, and they said in a flash of color.

Lu Yizhong did not pay attention to the things that Shi Muxiu had done. Hearing this, he gave a slight glimpse, and immediately he felt the breath of Shimu, and his face suddenly became overjoyed and he let go of his heart.

He knew the strength of Shi Mu. In the early days of the gods, he was not weaker than Pilu. At this moment, he was advanced to the middle, and there was no problem in dealing with Pilu.

"Kill!" Lu Yanzhong looked at the heavenly army, his face flashed and shouted, and he first entered the heavenly army.

The other Turtles saw the patriarchs flying and rushing to catch up, and immediately followed, the momentum was flourishing.

The Tianting army was attacked by a sudden mutation. At this moment, Piluxian will also be attacked by people. The morale will be weak and weak. In the face of the attack of the Alliance of the Heavenly Alliance and the Tianfeng Earth Dragon, the festival will be defeated.

Among the heavenly army, Zhong Xiu saw the figure of Shi Mu far away, and his eyes showed a hint of color.

However, the pressure around it was getting bigger and bigger. She took a quick glance and immediately regained her gaze and waved her golden long-blade magic weapon to resist a wave of attacks.

There was a **** light on Pilu, and the drip slid down in the air and stopped. Although there was a blood mark on the corner of his mouth, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with his look.

He stared at the chaos of the battleship over there, and his eyes rose with a sigh of anger.

But he has no time to take care of it.

Shi Mu’s figure was swaying and his body fell in front of Pilu.

"I haven't seen it for a while, and Pilu Xian will be as good as ever. It's really gratifying." Shi Mu's face showed a hint of laughter, and the old **** was saying.

As he spoke, his eyes turned around in the face of Pilu, and he was shocked.

The power of the Xuanhuo big handprint should be more than that, and Pilu took a hit and it seemed that there was nothing at all.

"Get out of the way!" Pilu snorted, his body flickered, and nine magical powers emerged again.

Each one has a length of twenty or thirty feet, and the size of the house is like nine huge tentacles.

Shi Mu saw this, and the pupils shrank slightly.

Wherein we rolled up the sash of the two-six, and we swept across the shingle.

Halfway through the road, the nine magical lights flashed black, and the metallic luster appeared, as if it had turned into nine huge iron pillars in an instant.

Not yet commonly hit, a strong wind pressure has taken the lead.

The strength of Shi Mu, he has clearly perceived it, so one shot is full!

Shi Mu gave a low drink, one hand and one slap, and twelve red rays flew out. It was the 12-faced Xuan Huo, one flashed dozens of times, and the words lined up and blocked in front of him. .

He quickly made a slap in the hands, and lightning did not enter the twelve fires.


The twelve-faced Xuanhuo smashed up a large red flame and condensed into a huge wall of flames.


Nine tentacles hit the wall of the flame and made a thunderous bang.

The wall of the flame trembled violently and was sagged down, but it did not collapse.

Shi Mu’s eyes flashed and there was a word in his mouth.

The ends of the long fire wall are closed toward the middle, and you want to surround Vil.

Only by the fire wall, he will be able to lay down the Dudutian Xuanhuo Fire Array, and like the fire paint on the same day, will reinforce the Pilu.

Seeing this in Pilu, I have a glimpse of my heart. Although I don’t know what will happen when I am surrounded by a fire wall, it will definitely not be a good thing.

The fire wall is fast, and there is only a small gap left in the blink of an eye.

When Pilu’s body was full of black light, he would have to fly away from the gap.

The figure flashed, and Shi Mu’s figure appeared in front, blocking the way of Pilu.

The golden light flashed in his hand, and he took out his hand and swept it out.

"Get out!"

"Get out of the way!" In the eyes of Pilu, the light flashed and passed, and the mouth sighed with anger. He even ignored the sky stick. The whole body was full of strange blood, and it was condensed into two blood-colored wings behind him. There were countless blood-colored spurs on it. Exudes a strange array of red awns.


Behind the Pilu, there was a shock in the wings. Numerous blood-colored bone spurs immediately flew out, turning into a smashing arrow, making a harsh blast, and hitting Shimu.

A series of movements are lightning fast and complete in an instant.

Such a strong close range is inevitable.

It turned out to be a plan to lose both!

Shi Mu's eyes are cold, and there is no meaning to stop the hand. If the sky is full of gold, he will fight with this person to see who is attacking.

With his physical strength at the moment, these blood-colored bone spurs hurt him the most, but the one-shot shot can definitely make the Pilu powder broken.

"Shi Xiaozi, fast to avoid, these **** gods stabbed! In a trick you will not die, the body will be abolished, and your stick power is large, but still can not kill each other!" At this moment, The sound of the water spirit sounded, and it was very fast.

Shi Mu heard this, his face changed, and his thoughts turned.

The sky stick stopped a few feet away from Pilu, and at the same time he twisted his body, and the whole person turned into a residual image, which quickly disappeared from the place.

The sound of the air broke out loudly!

The dense bloodstains suddenly shot.

There was a pity in the eyes of Pilu, and the blood was shining, and the whole person turned into a vague blood shadow, which quickly flew out of the gap of the fire wall.

As soon as he flew out of the fire wall, he turned and walked toward the battlefield again.

However, Pilu had just flown a short distance, and the front sky flashed. The image of Shimu appeared again out of thin air, blocking his way.

"Vi Lu Xian will, you and I won't be divided, this is where I want to go?" Shi Mu sneered.

While speaking, his arms jerked forward and the rods in his hands were already bombarded.

The dense golden sticks appeared out of thin air, as if they were rushing to the sea.

Pilu’s eyes twitched, and the situation in the distant heavens became more and more serious, and it has not been long.

In the next moment, the eyes flashed in a stern color, and a mouthful of blood was squirted in the mouth. A blood-colored ball of thumb size was faintly visible in the blood.

He waved a slap in the face, and the **** bead smashed and shattered. In the huge muffled sound of the rumble, it turned into a huge cloud of several acres.

A fierce and incomparable breath came out of the blood cloud, and faintly heard the sounds of countless evil spirits crying.

The huge sticks of the shadows were bombarded above the blood cloud, and the blood cloud suddenly shocked, but then suddenly rose and swallowed all the sticks.


Although swallowing the shadows, but the blood cloud violently vibrated, and constantly increased deformation, there was a thunderous loud noise inside, it seems that the next moment will burst open.

In the eyes of Pilu, there was a flash of light, and he pointed to a stroke. He suddenly smashed the entire left arm and pointed it out.

With a bang, the left arm burst open and turned into a **** light, which was integrated into the blood cloud.

The blood cloud suddenly shines, rolling for a while, as if chewing, and soon recovered calm, apparently has worn away the shadow inside.

Shi Mu was shocked by the heart, and the attack of the sky stick was blocked by the first time.

Pilu's face was a little pale, obviously it was just a series of spells that cost a lot of energy, but he looked coldly at Shimu, and he had words in his mouth, pointing out again.

The blood cloud rolled up and rushed toward the stone pastor. In the meantime, more than half of the stars were stained with scarlet, and the blood was swelled, like an open **** mouth.

After doing this, Pilu’s body was twisted and turned into a **** light, bypassing the huge blood cloud and flying towards the battlefield.

Shi Mu saw this scene, sneered, waving with both hands, and playing a law.

The fire flashed, and the twelve-faced Xuan Huo slammed from his hand and stopped in front of him.

When Shi Luxian will cast a blood cloud, Shi Mu also took the opportunity to recall twelve Xuan Huo.

A large piece of flame emerged from the twelve sides of the Xuan Huo, instantly forming a huge cloud of fire that is not inferior to the blood cloud.


The two behemoths collided and burst into a horrible bang.

This time, the blood cloud was finally blocked, and there was no way to go further.

Shi Mu’s feet jerked a little, and the figure disappeared from the place.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Pilu out of thin air, once again blocking the way of Pilu.

"I just said that you and I have not yet won the game. You still have to stay." Shi Mu smiled and shook his hands and shook the stars, and again, dozens of golden sticks. Hit the wind.

Pilu’s face sank, his eyes were bright and bloody, and the whole body’s blood was once again flourishing, condensing into a bright red blood wall.


The golden stick shadow hit the blood-colored wall, and the blood-colored wall insisted on a few breaths, and it burst into tears, but those sticks also exhausted the power and disappeared.

Under the giant earthquake of Pilu, he even stood back for more than a dozen steps. When he looked at Shimu again, his expression was completely dignified and he did not immediately attack again.

He already understands that the strength of Shimu’s strength in front of him is not under him. If he does not solve this person, he will think about the past.

During the thought, the blood of his left shoulder flashed, the granulation grew fast and intertwined, and a brand new arm immediately grew out and recovered.

Shi Mu saw this, his face flashed a trace of surprise.

He was very puzzled from the beginning. In the last Wuyan Star War, although he did not play against Pilu, he also saw this person and Zhao Wei, Lu Yuzhong and others played against each other. At that time, Pilu did not display these strange things. Bloody magical powers.

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