The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 974: Desperate (middle)

"Shi Xiaozi, be careful, although I don't know what means this Pilu used, but looking at this situation, he has some magical powers that are not mortal." The sound of the water spirit sounded in Shimu's mind.

"I don't die? You mean the eighth realm of the ancient body repair?" Shi Mu was shocked and asked quickly.

"Not bad. But this Pilu has the resilience of the undead body, but there is no power of 'the body of immortality.'" said the water spirit.

Shi Mu’s heart was shocked, and his face showed a hint of joy.

For the realm of ‘the body of immortality, he had tried to guess many times before, but he had never been able to take it. He couldn’t think of a half-dead body here.

If you can understand the mystery of some ‘immortal body’ from Pilu, it will be of great help to his future cultivation.

When Shi Mu’s heart was thinking, Pilu had already shot again.

But seeing the whole body blood flow, the body seems to inflate and swell up quickly, and it turns into a size of nearly one hundred feet.

At the same time, behind him, "噗嗤" burst into a muffled sound, and there were nine large **** tails of several tens of feet long, waving in the sky, but the **** wings disappeared.

Shi Mu's eyes are condensed, and the nine tails emit a completely different atmosphere. It is the magic of the nine dead reincarnation.

At the moment, Pilu’s breath rose, and faintness touched the later stages of the gods.

The blood on the giant tail flashed, and a large piece of blood-red sharp crystal appeared. It was just the **** bone spur.

"Kid, let me die!" He screamed, and the nine giant tails slammed.

The sound of "嗤嗤" is constantly ringing!

Numerous blood-colored bone spurs flew out and hit the Shimupu.

This time, the **** bone spurs were faster than before, and they cut through the air and made a harsh squeaking sound. In the blink of an eye, they reached the front of the stone priest.

Shi Mu's face changed slightly, but he did not panic. His white eye flashed, and a white ball slid and flew out.

The surface of the bead shines with a large amount of white light, which turns into a white spherical shield, which protects the whole body from dripping.

It is the nine-day Xuanyuan hood!

On that day, the fire was smothered, the things on the fire, the magic weapon, the storage ring, etc., all annihilated by the stick, only the white ball stayed.

This white bead is illegal, but the above-mentioned magical rune of the nine-day Xuanyuan hood is burned. Just injecting the infuriating, you can automatically open the nine-day Xuanyuan hood.

Shi Mu was overjoyed and looked at it.

It is a pity that this bead has also been damaged by the heavenly stick. It needs to be warmed up slowly with the infuriating gas. It takes a long time to recover. At this moment, it can only exert half the power.


The innumerable bone spurs were beaten on the nine-day Xuan Zang hood, and then burst into a mass of blood, sending out a series of roaring loud noises.

The nine-day Xuanzang slammed violently, but it still resisted the attack of the **** bone spur.

At this moment, the shadow of Shi Mu’s eyes flashed, and the figure of Pilu appeared not far from the air. The nine giant tails lingered, and the nine-day Xuanzang cover was entangled in lightning, wrapped in layers.

Shi Mu's face changed slightly, but before he did anything, the nine **** giant tails melted and turned into a thick **** liquid, and the stone animal was drowned together with the nine-day Xuanzang cover.

Seen from the outside, the nine-day blood color giant tail melted, forming a huge blood ball of several tens of feet in size, the surface of the thick blood and blood flow continued, emitting a pungent smell.

In contrast, the nine giant tails behind the blood-colored giants of Vilu’s incarnation disappeared.

His expression did not relax at all, and there was a word in his mouth. The whole body was **** and black, and he formed a field of black and red.

"go with!"

Pilu mourns the ancient mysterious mantra, and the black and red field is flying away from the body, blending into the blood.

At the same time, he grabbed it with one hand, and the blood cloud that was not far from the battle with the fire cloud broke away from the battle, and it was launched into the blood.

Without an opponent, Huoyun suddenly felt overwhelmed. The fire cloud did not have self-awareness. Without the control of Shimu, he stayed in the same place and did not move.


Incorporating the black and red field and the blood cloud, the blood cell has undergone a drastic change again, and it has grown rapidly and quickly condensed into a blood sea of ​​several acres in size, making a rumbling sound, and numerous **** runes flying in the blood.

Although the blood sea is suspended in the air, it gives a feeling of illusion at the moment. It seems that this blood sea has left the space and is in another time and space.

A series of spells made Pail's face pale again, but there was a hint of joy on his face.

Fortunately, the Emperor of the Emperor gave the Blood River Crystal to himself. With this treasure, he finally cultivated the Blood River Dafa in one fell swoop and made great progress. Otherwise, he really could not clean up Shi Mu.

Pilu looked at the battlefield in the distance. Although the Tianting army retreated, it will not be defeated for the time being.

He breathed a sigh of relief and flew straight into the blood.

At this time, Shimu's brow was crumpled, and his eyes looked around.

He stood in a **** space at the moment, surrounded by endless blood clouds floating around, as if raging like a raging wave.

The pressure of a huge space has made it difficult for him to move his body.

Not only that, but there is still an inexplicable law force in the space, constantly pressing the law of fire in his body, as well as the power of various flames.

Shimu eyes flashed in the eyes.

This situation is very similar to his space of Xuanhuo. Obviously he was locked into a mystery space by Pilu.


The surrounding blood clouds are constantly coming in, and the impact is on the nine-day Xuanzang cover.

The nine-day Xuanzang cover continued to tremble, and the surface shimmered and squeaked.

Shi Mumei's eyebrows were picked, and the nine-day Xuanzang cover was the upper bound magical power, and the surrounding blood cloud was not so big, and the nine-day Xuanzang cover that could be played was trembled.


His face changed slightly, and his knowledge spread out. His keen sense of the blood cloud contained a strange energy. It was the constant erosion of the nine-day Xuan Zang hood, which caused the mask to tremble.

"Shi Xiaozi, that is the blood of the blood, the former blood stasis is the condensation of blood and blood, has a strong erosion, especially the physical damage."

The sound of the water spirit sounded loudly, letting Shi Mu’s heart glimpse.

"You have had a big trouble this time. You don't have to fight hard. You may really want to fall here today." The water spirit immediately said that the tone was unprecedentedly dignified.

Shi Mu heard the words, his face suddenly changed, and he was about to ask questions.

At this moment, the figure in front of him flashed, and the figure of Pilu emerged. Looking at Shi Mu, his face showed a condescending expression of pride.

"Shimu, I admit that you are very strong now, but in my blood river space, you can only die!" Pilu sneered, and immediately started.

The black light flashed on his body, and nine thick magical spirits emerged behind him.

Every road has a hundred feet long, it is the nine dead reincarnation.

He rubbed his hands and made a **** light into the nine magical spirits behind him.


The entire blood river space suddenly changed dramatically, countless blood clouds surged, and nine magical spirits merged together to form nine five-claw blood dragons.

The blood dragon has a hundred feet long, and the huge scales of the size of the grinding discs are full of blood, and each blood dragon emits a huge breath, which is quite comparable to the middle of the gods.

Shi Mu's face was dignified.

Although he had also confronted two heavenly immortals in the past, he was not as good as the neighboring Lu. At this moment, it can be said that it is the most dangerous situation in history. If it is not very good, it will fall into a state of annihilation.

Shui Lingzi said yes, this time I really have to fight hard!

"Water Spirit, how to crack this blood color space, you can have a clue?" He took out his hand and took out the mysterious **** beads, and put it into the sleeves, and God talked with the water spirit.

He is now a **** of the gods, and the resistance to the attack of the spirits such as the seizure is greatly increased, and he is not afraid of the sudden release of the water spirit.

He took out the Xuan Ming **** bead, and there is another meaning, that is to hurry to help, otherwise he will definitely pull the water spirit back.

"This blood color space is the same as your Xuanhuo space. It is formed on the basis of some magic weapon. As long as you find the magic weapon and destroy it, this space will naturally disappear." Where does the water spirit do not understand the meaning of Shimu, some Said helplessly.

"Then you may find the location of those magic weapons?" Shi Mu hearted, and quickly asked.

This is the case with his twelve-day sacred fire. It is natural to understand that the water spirit is not a nonsense.

"Yes, but it takes a little time." said the water spirit.

"Well, I will fight for time. You will find the location of those magic weapons soon." Shi Mu said immediately.

At the moment, Pilu has finished casting the law, sneer, and pointed out at Shimu.

Nine five-claw blood dragons made a roar and immediately flew out, and in a twinkling of an eye they reached the front of Shi Mu.

The three-headed, five-jawed blood dragons fluttered down before and after the stone burial.

Numerous **** runes on the surface of the dragon claws flickered, giving off a metallic luster, and three huge dragon claws hit the nine-day Xuanyuan hood.

The nine-day Xuan Zang hood resisted the blood-colored bone spur attack, which had already consumed a lot of power. With this blow, a crack appeared immediately on it, and then it broke open.

Shi Mu body swayed, turned into a residual image, a flash appeared in more than a dozen feet, escaped the pursuit of another dragon claw of three blood dragons.

Although there is space in the blood space to suppress, but his body is powerful, the power of space can only slow down his speed, and can not limit him.

Although the five-jaw blood dragon has the strength of the middle of the gods, but the speed is not fast, even if Shi Mu is interfered by the space of the blood color space, the speed is less than half of the normal day, but it is faster than the five-jaw blood dragon.

However, Shi Mu was not happy because of this, but his expression was somewhat dignified.

Without the protection of the nine-day Xuan Zang hood, a cold and chilly atmosphere around him suddenly hit, even if he fully operated the exercises, he could not completely resist the invasion of this cold energy.

The situation is getting worse for yourself.

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