The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 979: Send away

Two days later, Wu Yanxing.

There is a quiet cave house in a quiet valley in the Turtles.

In a secret room in the palace, the moment is full of Yingying green light, and the rhythm flashes, making the original cave wall mirrored like emerald.

In the center of the green light, Shimu's eyes are closed, sitting cross-legged, and there is a green and oily Ding virtual shadow floating in front of him, which is slowly rotating, emitting a blue glow from the middle, lingering around his body.

In the past, there was a lot of fierce battles. Although the end of the league was a big victory, both the body and the mind suffered a lot of loss. It took some effort to cultivate for a while before it could be restored.

After a while, Shi Mu’s brows moved slightly, and the green light in the house gradually disappeared, and the shadow of Xiao Ding on his chest disappeared.

"If there is anything, let's talk about it." Shi Mu opened his eyes and said lightly.

Then, the sound of a stone door friction sounded, and a enchanting woman came in, but it was Jin Xiaoyu.

"Shimu, Xueer has been shut down for a few days, how are you going to deal with her?" Jin Xiaoyu immediately asked when he entered the secret room.

"What do you want me to do?" Shi Mu looked up at her and asked.

"I don't have to say much about how to treat Cher, I naturally hope that you can let her go," said Jin Xiaoyu.

"Take me to see her." Shi Mu smiled and said nothing.

Jin Xiaoyu saw that he did not give an answer. He also wanted to ask again. Shi Mu had already stood up and walked out of the dense room.

Shi Mu and Jin Xiaoyu came to the outside of the room and flew up and turned into two rainbows, flying out of the valley.

Along the way, the two did not say a word and continued to fly west.

After a fragrant incense, the two landed in a remote courtyard under a low mountain.

The courtyard is covered in a layer of pale gold forbidden light curtains. It covers an area of ​​seven or eight acres, quite quiet, surrounded by an ancient wood forest.

The two came to the door and stood side by side.

Two tall ginkgo trees are planted on the left and right sides of the door, and two stone stools are placed under the tree.

These two stools are engraved with some simple runes, and the Rune Gully is covered with dust and looks very ordinary.

Shi Mu knows that this is the two pivots that banned the entire courtyard.

This method of banned bans is made by the Turtles. It has its own extraordinary features, but for today's Shimu, it is nothing.

The light flashed on his fingers, and he tapped a few times in the void, and a few rays of light immediately flew into the stone stool under the ginkgo tree.

Just listening to the sound of "嗤", a stool is offset a few feet to the right.

Then, in the big array, a few feet wide was opened.

"Go, go."

Shi Mu said a word and walked in.

When Jin Xiaoyu saw it, he quickly followed up and walked into the courtyard.

The two passed through the courtyard and the hall and came to the front of the main house.


Shi Mu raised his hand and tapped a few thresholds.

"Come in." There was a slightly cold sound in the door.

Shi Mu pushed the door open and walked in.

Jin Xiaoyu followed him behind him, hesitated for a moment, but did not go in, but raised his hand and closed the door, sighed.

Entering the room, Shi Mu saw that Ximen Snow was sitting at the round table, holding a roll of ancient scrolls in his hand and watching it quietly.

There is no magic weapon in her body, but Shimu can see that in her spirit sea, a very powerful prohibition has been laid down, which has made her spiritual power blocked. Transfer is divided.

The reason why Shi Mu sees this prohibition is because this prohibition is unique to the giants.

In other words, the ban in Ximenxue was made by the elders of the day.

"Snow Master." Shi Mu was silent for a moment, and called for a voice.

"I didn't expect that this time I met, I actually became your prisoner." Ximen Xue put down the ancient scroll and looked at Shi Mu, some said with emotion.

"You know, I never thought about imprisoning you." Shimu asked.

"But you and me, now standing on the opposite side." Ximen Xue smiled and said.

Shi Mu looked at her beautiful smile, but she clearly saw a trace of desolate.

"Since you have chosen heaven, why did you tell me about Wuyanxing?" Shimu sighed and asked.

Ximen Xue listened, but looked away from Shi Mu, looking to one side, the eyes of the beautiful stagnation, like falling into meditation, did not speak for a long time.

Shi Mu saw this, and did not say anything to urge what, just quietly looking at the other side, the same silence.

At this moment, it seems that the time in the whole room has also solidified.

I don't know how long it took, Ximen Snow's long eyelashes trembled a little, seemingly back to God, laughing and shaking his head with a smile, the smile is very good.

But she did not go to see Shimu, nor did she explain anything.

"I can let you go, but you have to tell me, what is your real purpose?" Shi Mu continued to ask.

Ximenxue is still silent, as if he did not hear it.

"What is the purpose of the heavens to dig out the Lingshi?" Shi Mu then asked.

Ximen Xue listened, simply re-raised the ancient scroll, and did not look at Shimu.

"What is he planning for the emperor?"


Shi Mu asked a number of questions in succession. Ximen Xue was ignored and even his face did not change.

"Sister Xue Xue, I finally asked, what is your pursuit?" Shi Mu brows slightly wrinkled, asked.

Upon hearing this question, Ximenxue was no longer silent, looked up, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Shimu. He asked: "What am I pursuing, don't you know it already?"

Shi Mu heard the words, but it was a burst of gloom, his eyes became very complicated.

After a long while, he sighed and said: "After all, the thing about Wuyan Star was told by you, otherwise Wuyanxing will be broken, and the Alliance will not have today's situation. In terms of public, You have not made any unforgivable mistakes, but have a great grace for us... In private, I am not willing to be difficult for you."

After all, Shi Mu’s hands fluttered in front of him, and he made a complicated method. Then his hands merged and his index finger stood out, pointing in front of Ximen Xuexue.

A slight fluctuation in the "嗡".

Ximen Xuexiu suddenly wrinkled, and it seemed to be a bit painful, but there was no snoring.

Then, her body lit up with a radiance of light, and the dark gold lines lit up from its lower abdomen. After three flashes, it slowly disappeared.

As the dark lines disappeared, Ximen Snow looked loose, and obviously felt the spiritual power that was previously imprisoned, and it was restored.

"Do you really want to let me go?" Ximen Xue sighed like a big bang, and asked, there was no unexpected color between the looks.

"The ban on you has been removed, and you will stay in the future." Shi Mu said, turned and walked outside the door.

When he reached the door, he stopped and did not look back. He said:

"The elders who live in the North Wucheng North Transmission Hall are not here today. There will be a handover at midnight. There will be a fragrant free time. You can repair it with your own hands. No one can find it."

After that, Shi Mu raised his hand.

"Oh," a soft bang, the door was opened, and the figure of Jin Xiaoyu was exposed at the door. She looked at the Ximen snow in the house and looked at the stone grazing again.

Shimu turned to the side and gave up the passage.

Ximen Snow got up and walked to the door, stopped again, and suddenly turned to look at Shimu, and said:

"Tian Ting digs the mines in these stars. I don't know what I am going to know. I am afraid that only twelve cents will know this existence. However, no matter what the plot is trying, they are not far from success."

"Thank you for your reminder." Shi Mu listened, his brow slightly picked, and said.

Ximen Snow did not say anything, and walked outside the door.

Shi Mu suddenly thought of an extremely important thing and quickly chased it out.

"Sister Xue Xue, I still have one thing, I want to ask you for proof." Shi Mu said.

"What is it?" Ximen Xue turned back and asked.

"Before the Suzaku Star was broken, and Zhong Xiu was arrested by Zhao Wei, you know?" asked Shi Mu.

"Oh, Suzaku Star was broken? What time?" Simon Snow asked with some surprise.

"You don't know about this?" Hearing Ximen Xue said, Shi Mu was even more surprised than her.

"Xue said that I don't know, naturally I don't know. Can she still lie to you?" Jin Xiaoyu saw it and said something a little angry.

"Jin Shijie should not misunderstand, I am not skeptical of Xue Shijie, I am just a little surprised." Shi Mu explained.

Immediately, Shi Mu would attack the Suzaku star with fire, and the following things were told by Ximen Xue.

"I am afraid that this matter will be done by the fire. If it is the life of the heavenly court, then it should be that Pilu will lead the army to attack, so I don't know about it." Ximen Xue listened and said.

"I understand." Shi Mu had such a judgment before, so he nodded.

"After returning to heaven, I will help you to pay attention. When there is news, I will find a way to inform you." Ximen Xueluo said, said.

“Thank you.” Shi Mu’s heart could not help but rise a little grateful and nodded.

Jin Xiaoying stood in the same place, looking at the scene of the two strangely, and immediately thought of something, the look changed, could not help but sigh.

Ximen Xueyan looked at Shimu intricately, slightly decapitated, then turned and walked outside the courtyard.

This time, she did not look back.

"These days have been taken care of, and now just go with Cher, do not continue to harass, your kid is also careful." Jin Xiaoyan said with a smile.

After all, it was not waiting for Shi Mu to speak. His enchanting body turned and chased the past toward Ximen Snow.

Shi Mu stayed in the same place for a while, then smiled and shook his head.

The next moment, the black and white wings of the back flashed out, and the figure flew up and flew toward the east.

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