The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 980: Xuanmen plan

After Shi Mu returned to his own house, he found that the elders and Lu Yuzhong did not know when they came here. It seems that they have waited for a while.

"See the lord!" The two met Shi Mu, greeted them and took a ritual.

"You don't have to pay more, sit down." Shi Mu put his hand on it, let the two sit down, and he also walked to the main seat.

"How is the situation in the league now?" asked Shi Mu.

Although this battle two days ago completely defeated the heavenly army, the loss of the alliance was not small, but in the past few days, the entire league was in a state of cheering and celebrating. Shimu was not very adapted to this atmosphere, and all the things of the alliance were handed over. Handle to the elders and Lu Yuzhong.

"The leader of the alliance, now the army of all ethnic groups in the alliance has been rectified, and they can be heard at any time." The elders looked at Shi Mu and said with some fanaticism.

The defeat of the Tianting army in one fell swoop depends on the planning and strength of Shi Mu.

The scorpio giants have now become the first big family in the Tianhe domain, regaining the glory that has passed away in the millennium.

He has heard about Bai Hong’s white things. For the death of these two traitors, the elders will not care.

"Although we have defeated the heavenly army, but now it is not a time to relax, we need to be on the lookout for the Tianting to send people back again. You immediately led the Alliance army to the strategic area of ​​the Tianhe area where it was occupied by the heavens. At the same time, the extra large call, as much as possible to invite more ethnic groups to join the alliance, in case of any accident." Shi Mu said awe.

"Despite the reassurance, since the news that the heavenly army was defeated, more and more ethnic groups want to join the alliance. These ethnic groups were previously afraid of heaven, so they were in a wait-and-see state. Now we have defeated the heavenly army, they naturally Know what to do. The alliance is now stronger and stronger, even if the heavens send another army to come here, we also have the confidence to resist the living." Lu Yanzhong smiled confidently.

Although he said so, his heart was secretly glad that he resolutely led the Turtles to join the Alliance.

For example, today, the river star field has undergone earth-shaking drastic changes. The original Tianhe tribes, the Tianfeng people suffered a great disaster, their strength has been greatly reduced, and the decline has become unstoppable.

Although the strength of the Dilong people is still there, but because of the conflicting relationship with Shi Mu, it is not very popular in the Alliance.

Among the three major ethnic groups, only the Turtles still maintain their previous status. Although they cannot compare with the Giants, but the complete recovery of the Tianhe Star, the influence of the Turtles should not be reduced, and may even be improved. It is much better than the Tianfeng and Dilong.

"That's good, these things are left to the two of you to do it." Shi Mu nodded and said.

The two agreed, and saw that Shimu had something to deal with, and he immediately stopped saying more and left.

Shi Mu quietly sat for a little while, stood up and walked inside, and soon came to a secret room.

He waved to open the door of the Chamber of Secrets and gave a slight glimpse.

Yan Luo actually sat inside.

At this moment, she has taken off her silver armor, replaced by a white palace dress, black and black shawl, exudes a touch of flattering.

Shi Mu looked at the smoke at the moment, slightly lost, but soon recovered.

"You sent her away? Can't see it, you still care about the old feelings." Yan Luo looked up and looked at Shi Mu, and said a faint sentence.

Shi Mu heard this, and his face showed a strange look.

"Although I and Simon Snow have already stood in opposition, she has helped me before, but she is still a human being, and it is useless to stay with her," he said with a wry smile.

Yan Luo snorted softly, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Shi Mu’s face showed a trace of embarrassment, and he did not know what to say at the moment. The two men suddenly became silent.

"Right, I haven't congratulated you yet. It's been upgraded to the end of the gods. It seems to have restored the previous strength. But what happened to you over the past few days? I have been unable to reach you." The brain was turned and quickly found a topic.

"There are some problems, but I have already solved it." Yan Luo did not blink, said.

"That's good." Shimu nodded and couldn't find a new topic, so he had to stand there.

The smoke sighed and sighed and opened his eyes.

"It's not a big deal, it's not worth mentioning. It's on your side. There have been many things happening during this time." Yan Luo stood up and said.

"There is nothing, but it has always resisted the invasion of the Tianhe Stars by the heavens. The old ancestors of Baiji gave me the scorpio, and they could not be buried in the hands of Tianting." Shi Mu said.

"White 猿..." The smoky eyes flashed a complex color and sighed.

"Smoke, do you think of it again?" asked Shimu.

Yan Luo reveals an unrecognizable look, does not answer Shi Mu, seems to be thinking about it.

"Your strength is very good now, and you are qualified to know these things. Do you know why the emperors of the heavens invaded other stars in the past years and plundered the stone?" Half a sigh, the smoke turned around and looked Said Shimu.

"Although I am not very clear, but Heaven seems to be doing something big, so I robbed the Lingshi everywhere." Shi Mu heard this, but it was a glimpse.

"You know a little." There was a hint of accident in the smoke.

"I was told by someone." Shi Mu said.

These things are told by the water spirit, but the water spirit knows little about the plan of the heavens.

"Yes, Tianting is doing a big thing. The emperor has been quiet for a thousand years, and what he is doing now is to reopen the Xuanmen plan." Yan Luo said.

"Xuanmen plan? What is that?" Shi Mu heard a cry and asked quickly.

"The so-called Xuanmen, the full name should be called the door of the mysterious world. The world of the stars we live in, the Miyang star field, the Tianhe star field, and other major stars, in fact, there is a collective name, it is the mysterious plane The person of our plane wants to fly to the upper bound, there is only one way, that is to open a legendary door, in order to find the opportunity to fly. This door is the door of the mysterious world." Road.

Shi Mu heard this and was amazed, but finally knew the purpose of Heaven and Emperor.

"It’s so difficult to fly up the upper bound..." he muttered to himself.

Indeed, with his current understanding, this sector is the highest, it is the gods.

Even if the cultivation is to achieve the gods, for the Terran, Shouyuan is not endless.

Among the books he had read before, there was no record of flying up the upper bound, nor did he see in the classics that there was a record of the sky in the world.

"Where did the door of the mysterious world come from?" Shi Mu indulged and asked.

"This is unknown, only knowing that it has existed since ancient times." Yan Luo said.

"The door of the Xuanjie is so wonderful, even with the upper bound, it is not too costly to open it?" Shi Muwei silently asked.

"When you want to open the door of the mysterious world, you need to be so powerful that you can't imagine it, so the heavens have been digging for Lingshi for thousands of years." Yan Luo said.

Shi Mu’s face changed slightly, and this was a mystery in my heart. This turned out to be the reason why Heaven’s earth was digging everywhere.

"If you just need the vitality, the opening of the door of the mysterious world will produce a strong spatial shock, which will have a great impact on the metamorphic plane, resulting in the collapse of many stars, the burning of charcoal, and even some unpredictable results, most The bad situation destroys the mysterious plane and it is not known." The smoked eyes stunned and said coldly.

Shi Mu heard the words, his face flashed a hint of indulgence, seems to fall into meditation.

"As far as I know, after thousands of years of plunder, Tian Ting has almost gathered together, and is preparing to open the door of the mysterious world. If the door of the mysterious world is opened by the emperor, the entire Xuanjie plane will have to go through a day. The big catastrophe, so stop the emperor anyway." Yan Luo said quietly.

Shi Mu looked up and looked at the smoke, and did not speak.

"Shimu, I intend to gather all the fighting power in the near future, attack the heavens, and prevent the emperor from opening the door of the mysterious world. Are you willing to stop him with me?" Yan Luo looked at Shimu and asked.

"Well, I will go with you!" Shi Mu blinked and said categorically.

He didn't have the idea of ​​using the world to be the responsibility of the world, but if the major stars really collapsed, he would not be able to stay out of the way and ignore it.

Whether it is a giant family or a blue starfish, he is concerned about it.

When he accepted the robes of the ancestors of the day, he vowed to kill the heavens, and naturally he could not violate the test.

The most important thing is that Zhong Xiu’s whereabouts are unknown now, and he is very likely to be arrested by Heaven. He has to go to heaven to rescue him anyway.

Moreover, he can't let Yan Luo go to heaven for danger.

Yan Luo heard words, a smile on his face, it seems a little gratifying, but also some happy.

However, these expressions are only a flash, and they disappear from the smoky eyes.

"I am very happy that you will help me. However, the strength of our two present is not enough. Even if we join hands, it will not be the opponent of the Emperor." Yan Luo said immediately.

Shi Mu heard the words, and suddenly there was a scene in the mind where the emperor was showing a shocking blow.

The emperor is just a singular projection, and there is such a strength. The real emperor does not know how powerful it is.

Moreover, there are still twelve cents in the imperial concubine. Although he has killed a few of them, he is expected to be ranked lower. The top few will not be so easy to deal with.

"What should I do? Since the court has opened the door to the mysterious world, we have no time to continue to improve our strength." Shi Mu frowned.

"No problem, there is still some time. You need to train the nine-turn Xuan Gong to the nine-turn Dacheng as soon as possible. When the two join forces, there will be a possibility of a battle with the Emperor!"

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