Chapter 2 - Hello , baby sister.

After conference Liu Lian went to her hotel room which is one of the most luxuries room in the hotel.Her assistant Zan LiFeng also came with her.

"Ma'am ,party will start at 6.30.You dress is also ready."

"Hmm.okay.You can go.Come back at 6.15."

"Yes ma'am. Please take a rest."

She briefly left the room giving time her boss to take a rest.Liu Lian went to the bathroom and took a quick bath before settling beside the sofa in the room for handle her work. She is the founder and the CEO of the world famous technical and gaming company Liu Coperation. But only the top level directors , most important businessmans who have big colloborations with her and her best friends know this. Apart the top level directors who she personaly hired others in the company know her as the Planning director of the company.

She worked in the laptop until 5.30 in the evening. Then she took a shower and changed in to the dress for the party and went to the party hall with her assistant.

Li Cheng was dressed in a sapphire blue suit. He was talking with some investers. While talking her searched for the girl who stole his heart in the afternoon. "She had done a presentation afternoon. If she want to promote her company plans she has to come to the party for meet the investers. But party is almost to begin. Why she isn't here yet." When he is thinking a girl who dressed in sapphire blue gown with blue color high heels, holding her blue color purse and her phone came in with her assistant. Li Cheng watched her with a broad smile in his face.

Liu Lian went to meet the host and then few investers came to talk about some colloborations. She talked with them while maintaining a polite smile. Calming background music was playing. Felling tired she went out of the hall holding a red wine glass in her hands. She went to the corridor. She was looking at the street lights when her phone rang. It was a group call from her friends.

"Hello guys."

"Hello baby sister. How are you doing"

"ah Qiang stop calling me baby sister. I'm not a baby anymore"she roled her eyes.

"Eventhough you're 21 this year you always our baby sister. It would never change."said Jiang Hong.

"That's true."Hu Tian also agreed.

Knowing she never win against them Liu Lian sighted.

"Baby Lian what are you doing? Are you in the party."

"How are you know it. Tian are you spying me?"

"Hehe. I don't want to spy. I guessed it my darling."

"How was your day ah Lian"asked Jiang Hong.

"Fine. I had done the presentation in the afternoon."

"Oooo. How was it?"asked Mu Gong.

"Fine. I met some Amarican and Europian investers. They are like to invest for my new game."

"That's great then."said Wang Qiang.

"How was your day guys? Anything special?"

"Nothing special. As usual meetings,paper works blah blah."said Jiang Hong.

"Me too"added Mu Gong.

"Hehe."Liu Lian laughed hearing their nagging.

"As always training"said Wang Qiang

"Whole day in the hospital."sighted Hu Tian.

"Looks like without me you guys was bored."

"That's correct baby"it was Hu Tian.

"When will you back?"Wang Qiang asked in concern.

"My flight is on tomorrow afternoon. I'll be back around 7.00p.m."said Liu Lian.

"Okay then. I'll pick you from airport."said Mu Gong.

"It's okay. Wei Song will be there to pick me. You guys don't worry"

"It's not a big deal. Anyway I'm free tomorrow"

"Then lets have dinner together. I'm also free."said Wang Qiang.

"That's great. How about you ah Tian?"

"I'm fine with it. Then lets meet in fuji restuarant."

After talking with them for another few minutes she hang up the phone.

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