Chapter 3 - Lonely Angel.

Without her friends she felt lonely. Her friends was her life. Without them she is like an empty shell. They are her best friends since her childhood. She grew up with them. Every secret in her life was shared with them. All of them are big shots in the world. Jiang Hong the eldest among the group is a businessmen. He is the CEO of the JL coperation which is the biggest property dealing company in China. Wang Qiang the second eldest among the group is a well known general in military. He has his own bodyguard firm and an intelligence agency. World famous resource gathering agency LIA, the most trusted and powerful bodyguard firm LS is Wang Qiang's. Hu Tian the third in the group is a world famous cardiologist surgeon who is the CEO of the Lian hospitals which is the biggest hospital chain in the world. Mu Gong, the fourth one among the buddies is a famous singer and the CEO of the Lotus Flower entertainments, which is the top entertainment company in China. Liu Lian is youngest among the them and they care about her as their own sister. Any of them are not related in blood. But in their hearts they all is a one family.

Remembering their conversation she felt warm inside her heart. "You're always our little baby sister" those words were like a mother's love for her. She missed them so much. Remembering her own parents she felt sad, lonely. Sipping her wine she looked out of the tall glass window.

After looking for her everywhere in the hall Li Cheng couldn't find her. Then one of the CEOs came to him for a business talk. While talking with him he came out of the hall. When he was talking he saw a familiar figure in the warrendar looking out of the window. While talking he observed the familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

She was like an angel dressed in blue. But he felt something wrong with her vibe. She gave a noble aura. But something missing with her. She looks rather lonely. "Yeah she is lonely. She is giving a noble but lonely aura. Is she missing someone?" Li Cheng questioned himself. He decided to talk with her. Li Cheng went to .

"Wonna give a toast?" he asked.

She was lost in her own world. From his sudden question she was shocked."Ahhh. Did you say something Mr,Li?"

Looking at her shocked expression he felt amused. "Yeah. I asked for a toast." wWhile raising his wine glass he said.

"Ohh. Yeah sure." She gave him toast.

Liu Lian laughed."Who doesn't know your name in China? Even an idiot know that you're the next president in China Mr.Li" she said as matter of fact.

Li Chen smiled for her answer. "What are doing alone in here?" he asked curiously.

"Observering the beauty."she said.

"Is it that much beautiful even to neglect the party,"

"Of corse. The party is great. But it never gives peacefulness to the mind. Also we can learn more in here than in the party."she said.

He was suprised from her answer." We can learn more in here."

Looking out of the window she answered him. " In the party we can only make business coloborations and connections. I don't want those stuff. In here looking at the sky we can learn abot life. As example look at the sky. There are so many stars. They are beautifull. But those stras aren't brighter then the moon. Those stars can't wipe out the darkness in the sky. Even though moon isn't brighter than sun but in the night moon can wipe out the darkness . We have to be a moon. Which can wipe out the darkness. Not like a star which will eventually lost it's brightness."

"Those buisy streets says us peoples hard working. It convay to us that if we want to survive in this high speed marathon world we have to work hard. Those tall buildings says us how many people are in the world who greater than us, how many poeple had won their place in this world and their succesfull life stories. They says us that we have to make our own place in the world."

"Those beggers in the streets teach us the hardsh.i.p.s in the life. It says us every one have their own hardsh.i.p.s in there life. But we have to fight with them if we want to live better life like those poeple who are now sleeping peacefullly in their houses. It convay us if we stop fighting because of those hardsh.i.p.s that we will end up like those beggers who even don't have money to eat a simple sandwitch."

"Also those houses says us the warmth of a family." She went silent after saying it. Li Cheng looked at her.He saw the sadness on her face. But it changed quickly in lightning speed. Eventhough he was able to catch up it. "She is in pain. And she is hiding something." He thought but didn't ask why. Because he can feel that she is trying hide it from others and her unvillingness to say it out loud.

"You have a great mind." He commented.

"Thanks for the comment" she said while smiling politely.

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