Chapter 25 - An intruder.

Unknown to Jiang Hong there was a person who heard his whole telephone conversation.

Li Chen was working in his laptop. There were some doc.u.ments in his desk. Suddenly the papers were blown away to the wind. He looked back to see the source of sudden wind. Li Chen saw that the window which led to his balcony was open. He stood up from his seat and gathered them. Then he went to close the window.

Suddenly he heard a male voice from the next window.

"Isn't that Xiao Lian's balcony? How come there is a male voice?"

"Did someone intrude to her room?" By this thought he was petrified.

He silently went near to the balcony and hid in a dark corner so the intruder could not see him. He quietly listens to Jiang Hong's conversation.

After hearing whole conversation, he was surprised and also worried.

"Who is having a fever? Could it be Xiao Lian?"

"But she was fine in the evening? How come there is a sudden fever?"

While this Jiang Hong took Liu Lian to the Hu Tian's villa which was in the northeast part of the city. Liu Lian's temperature was rising nonstop. Jiang Hong was worried.

After arriving in the villa, he directly took her to the master bedroom and lay her down in the bed. Then he went to the washroom and brought wet towel and soaked her forehead with it.

After 3 hours Hu Tian arrived. He jumped out of his car and ran towards the master bedroom.


The door opened with a loud sound.

"How is she?" Hu Tian asked while sweating profusely. Anxiety was well written all over his face.

Jiang Hong who was soaking Liu Lian's forehead was stupefied. He looked at Hu Tian who barged in.

"Can't you act civilized?" He asked.

"How can I care about those nonsense when my precious angel was sick?"

He ran towards Liu Lian's bed and touched her forehead.

"She is burning. Give me the thermometer." Then he took her temperature.

"41 Celsius. This is not good."

"Ah Hong my assistant is in downstairs. Call him and tell him to bring my briefcase and an IV drop."

"Okay" Jiang Hong went downstairs.

Hu Tian stayed by her side and stroked her hair.

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