Chapter 26 - Where am I?

When Jiang Hong came with assistant, he hooks up the IV drop and fed her medicine. Then took a seat beside the bed watched her.

"How did she ended up having a high fever"

"I don't know. She called me. And she sounded so anxious. So, I came to see her. When I came, she already having a fever."

"Something must have happened to trigger her."


Liu Lian woke up in the afternoon. When she opened her eyes, she saw an unfamiliar room.

"Where am I? I was in my hotel room? What happened?" wondering she got up from bed.

"Don't stand. Go back to bed and lie down baby girl." Said a manly voice behind her. She turned see the source of the voice.

"Gong gege?" Liu Lian was shocked.

"What are you doing here? Wait! where am I? Am I in China?"

"Relax! Baby relax! We are still in New Zealand."

"But not in your hotel." Another voice came from the door.

Liu Lian turned and saw Wang Qiang leaning to the door frame.

"Qiang gege." She ran to his embrace.

Wang Qiang tenderly hugged her and carried her to the bed.

"Don't run around little princess." He said while tenderly c.a.r.e.s.sing her hair.

Mu Gong who was sitting on the sofa pouted.

"Ah Qiang you rascal. You stole a hug from my baby girl." Then he ran to Liu Lian.

"Baby Girl give a big hug to your Gong gege."

Liu Lian chuckled at his childish ethics and hugged him.

"Now can anyone cay me what is happening here?"

"You were having a fev.."Suddenly Mu Gong stopped talking and turned to Wang Qiang. Wang Qiang also looked at him.

"We forgot to inform ah Tian." They said unison.

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