At this moment, Gu Yunjiao and Mrs. Tian looked at each other, and the lightning sparked fire.

Mrs. Tian smiled and said: "My grandson is also eighteen, but this marriage has not been decided yet, I am worried every day."

Gu Yunjiao pursed her lips and smiled.

Mrs. Tian's eyes turned into crescent moons, "Your family, Ru Ru, was likable when she was a child."

"I'm becoming more and more provocative now. If this is my granddaughter-in-law, I still don't know how to hurt her!"

Gu Yunjiao smiled: "Thank you for the good family style, and your old man is kind and gentle, but I don't know if she has the blessing to be your granddaughter-in-law."

"Hahaha..." Mrs. Tian laughed, "I see that Ru Ru's heaven is full and the pavilion is full, and the blessing is great."

"If Madam doesn't despise my grandson, why don't we get married?"

Gu Yunjiao smiled and said, "Young Master Xie is also considered to be the one I grew up watching. The character and talent are the first share of Xiangcheng. Our family is too happy to tremble, so how can we dislike it."

Mrs. Tian laughed even more happily, praising her grandson was even more pleasing than praising her.

She stood up, "Then it's settled. After three days, it will be a good day, and my old age will make people come to propose marriage."

Gu Yunjiao smiled and nodded.

After sending Mrs. Tian away, Gu Yunjiao finally let go of her dangling heart.

Then he sent someone to the military camp to deliver a letter to the grandfather of the country, asking him to go home.

Grandpa Guo went home in the evening, and when he heard Gu Yunjiao's intention to marry Ruru, he felt extremely complicated for a while, "This, Ruru is still young, so it might be time to get married after she is married."

Gu Yunjiao knew that Grandpa Guo had found out that his daughter was going to get married when she grew up, so she couldn't bear it.

She smiled, "Father, it's just getting married first, as for getting married, it's still early."

"At least it will take a year or two. When the time comes, the man's family will definitely need your consent."

Grandpa Guo couldn't bear to bear such a good son-in-law as Xie Heng, he hesitated, "Well, then, let's get married."

Gu Yunjiao only felt that Grandpa Guo's tone was filled with deep disappointment.

On the third day, Gu Yunjiao didn't go to Renxintang either. She put on clothes for seeing guests early in the morning and waited for the matchmaker to come.

Ruru also knew the news, and quietly sent Xiaolu to look ahead a few times.

When we arrived, a well-known official media in Xiangcheng came to our door.

It was the first time for Gu Yunjiao to handle such a big event, and she specially called Mammy Su to give instructions.

After receiving the gift from the Xie family, Gu Yunjiao gave Ruru's birthday to the matchmaker.

Next, we will look at the situation of the eight characters.

Mrs. Tian looked for the abbot of Kaiyuan Temple, and the abbot approved the eight characters, "Shang Shang Daji, a hundred years of harmony."

Mrs. Tian asked Gu Yunjiao to read these eight characters, and then the two families began to go through various marriage procedures.

The days also slipped away day by day, and in a blink of an eye it was a year.

Jiang Youzhi returned home that day, and his expression was uncontrollable excitement.

Without waiting for Gu Yunjiao to ask, he couldn't wait to say: "In two days, the Imperial Army will hold an all-army competition."

Gu Yunjiao was surprised that the whole army was not so excited.

Jiang Youzhi then lowered his voice, "The whole army is to test the results of these years of military training. After that, the forbidden army will arrive at the border in several ways, and then the sage will send a letter to declare war on Dajin."

Gu Yunjiao couldn't help but get excited. After waiting for more than ten years, the sage finally decided to use troops against Jin.

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