Jiang Youzhi grabbed Gu Yunjiao's hand, "The sage originally thought he wasn't quite ready."

"I said, there is no foolproof preparation in this world. Now that the weather in Great Chu is good, and the Emperor of Jin is seriously ill, it is a good time to send troops."

There was a smile on his lips, "Besides, explosives and cannons have also been developed. If we don't fight at this time, we will wait."

He dragged Gu Yunjiao into the house, "However, only me and the sage know about this matter. Once we decide to send troops, there will definitely be opposition in the courtroom."

"Da Chu will never be without bones!"

Gu Yunjiao nodded, "I see, I won't leak the news."

Jiang Youzhi continued: "Father should be named the Great Marshal of the World's Armed Forces, and master the overall situation of this war."

He stared at Gu Yunjiao, "Also, Qi'er and You'er will both be on the battlefield this time."

Gu Yunjiao's heart twitched, since they entered the barracks when they were young, she knew this day would come.

Knowing to know, but when the day really came, she was still unbearable.

All her excitement just now vanished, and her mood dropped instantly.

Once the war starts, it will not be a day or two, at least one or two years, and as many as three or five years. They have to constantly face danger.

Think about it and know that in such a war, it is almost impossible for them not to be injured, and it is good to save their lives.

Jiang Youzhi clenched her hand, "Don't worry, now that the two children are taught by Senior Duanmu, their martial arts are no longer comparable."

Gu Yunjiao nodded vigorously, "Well, I know."

Although she was extremely worried, she knew that at this time, she couldn't cry, she had to laugh and send the children to the battlefield.

In the next few days, Gu Yunjiao pushed all the patients away.

In the backyard of Renxintang, I personally made Baiyao, Dieda Oil, and Dieda Pills.

That's all she can do for them, and she only hopes that these things can save their lives at a critical time.

The whole army competition will start soon.

The saint went to the large campus outside the city early in the morning.

It was a warm April day, the sun was shining brightly, and on the high platform at one end of the school grounds, the Holy Master stood in front of the battle, and all the officials stood behind him.

On the school field below the high platform, there are dark soldiers.

Seen from above, the team is horizontal and vertical, neat and tidy.

All the soldiers wore armor and held weapons, the cavalrymen rode warhorses under the crotch, and the warhorses of the heavy cavalry were also covered with armor.

You'er and Qi'er each carried a cavalry.

Qi'er led a heavy cavalry of a hundred people.

You'er led a light cavalry of a hundred people.

The two stood in front of the team with solemn expressions on their faces.

Sheng Shang looked at the army like a steel jungle below for a long time, and he was extremely relieved.

The military discipline alone gave him incomparable confidence that Da Chu's iron cavalry will surely break through the enemy's territory and wash away the shame of the past.

He didn't say anything inspiring, he knew it wasn't time yet, he waved his hand vigorously, "The competition begins!"

The grandfather of the country, standing behind Sheng Shang, gestured to Commander Yuan.

Commander Yuan stepped forward, holding the horn and shouting in full force: "The whole army competition, start now!"

The army below suddenly separated to both sides like a black tide.

The sage sat down slowly, turned his head and asked the grandfather, "What is the first level?"

The Grandpa said, "Ride and shoot!"

Mounted shooting is to shoot a moving target while riding on a horse.

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