Gu Yunjiao took her housekeeper and maids to meet her father outside the city.

The father and daughter hadn't seen each other for several years, and Gu Yunjiao's first impression was that her father was getting old.

Gu Yuheng is almost 60 years old. Because he is a doctor himself, he pays attention to health preservation and maintains it better than his peers. Even so, his hair is almost half white and his face has a lot of wrinkles.

The father and daughter couldn't help crying.

After crying for a while, everyone quickly boarded the car and went home.

As soon as she entered the courtyard behind Ren Xin Tang, Gu Yunjiao had already been cleaned up.

Just check in with the bag, and the maid will deliver the hot tea to her hand after entering the door.

For the next few days, Gu Yunjiao would have lunch with her father every day, teasing her nephews and nieces, and she was in a very good mood.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the twelfth lunar month is entering. At this moment, there is news from the front line that the subjects of Great Chu are ecstatic. The prince of the state led 100,000 soldiers to capture the Ding capital!

In the past ten years, Xiangcheng has played the role of a national capital all the time. However, from officials to pawns, no one has ever called Xiangcheng the capital.

In the hearts of the people of Great Chu, only Dingjing is their capital.

Taking back Dingjing is of great significance to the entire Great Chu.

The sage was in the early morning, and the urgent battle report came from 800 miles away. The moment the sage saw the battle report, he burst into tears in the Golden Palace.

Then the whole hall was full of crying.

The well-dressed ministers on weekdays now burst into tears, and they don't care about their images at all.

The sage quickly recovered from his gaffe, and immediately ordered the yamen at all levels to announce.

The news of the withdrawal of Dingjing must spread to every corner of Great Chu as soon as possible.

On the official roads of the entire Great Chu, the couriers galloped day and night, sending news to various places.

The yamen at all levels who got the news immediately posted a notice outside the yamen.

With Xiangcheng as the center, the news began to spread to the whole country at an unprecedented speed.

The people of Xiangcheng, who were the first to get the news, set off firecrackers in almost every household.

Soon the firecrackers were out of stock.

But this did not affect the enthusiasm of the people in Xiangcheng. They found pots and pans from their homes and beat them.

After all, the fun is right.

Ren Xin Tang grabbed a few hanging firecrackers and set them off at the door.

The red confetti scattered on the ground with the smell of fire filled with a festive atmosphere.

And above the court, there was soon a quarrel over a topic.

That's back to Beijing!

Everyone knows that returning to Beijing is inevitable, but when to return to Beijing has become a problem.

Almost more than half of the courtiers believed that the situation was not stable, and now was not the best time to return to Beijing. What if the Jin army counterattacked?

Others think that the palace and many places in Dingjing must be repaired, and they must be repaired before they can return to Beijing.

If it is repaired, it will be at least one or two years, and as many as three or five years.

The sage wanted to return to Beijing immediately, but he suppressed his urgency. Now there is still a lot of information he doesn't know, and he can't make a decision.

Soon, he received a memorial written by the grandfather of the country himself.

The memorial describes the situation of Dingjing in detail. The imperial city is not much different from before. Because the palace has always been inhabited by King Liang of Jin, it has been well maintained and repaired.

Most of the mansions of the former dignitaries in the imperial city were also inhabited by officials of the state of Jin. They were basically very good, and some mansions were even newly renovated.

However, the situation in the outer city is not optimistic.

Dingjing was originally divided into an inner city and an outer city. The inner city was also the imperial city. The dignitaries basically lived in the inner city, and the outer city was where ordinary people lived.

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