The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 1121 Ready to return to Beijing

Dingjing used to be a city with a population of more than one million, and houses in the outer city were lined up.

Since Dingjing was destroyed, many houses in the outer city were burnt down, and the people were killed and taken away.

As a result, there are only more than 300,000 people left in Dingjing with a population of one million. Dingjing is no longer as prosperous as it used to be, and the entire outer city is a dilapidated scene.

When the sage saw the memorial of the grandfather of the country, he was even more determined to return to Beijing as soon as possible.

If the holy car returns to Beijing, the officials must return with him.

Some smart businessmen will definitely seize the opportunity to go to the capital.

Some of the people who escaped will also return.

It will take at least a few years for the entire Dingjing to be fully repaired before returning, and when the officials, commoners, and businessmen return to Dingjing, they will soon be able to reinvigorate the dilapidated Dingjing, with sufficient manpower and faster repairs.

After the sage made a decision, he announced when he went to court on the second day that after the first month, the entire court and all the officials would be relocated back to Beijing.

The sage did not say the specific date, but such a major event must be calculated by the supervisor Qin Tian.

The voice of opposition was still there, so Han Ge came out and said: "Sir, Dingjing has not been won soon, and the north is not stable. Go to this time. In case the Jin army makes a comeback, I am afraid..."

Han Ge didn't finish his old words, but everyone knew what he didn't say.

The sage said loudly: "If the Jin army hits Dingjing again, I will personally stand at the top of the city and lead the army and the people to resist the enemy."

"Since Dingjing is back in the hands of Great Chu, I will never let it be lost again."

Jiang Youzhi came out and said: "Sage Shangzhen is a wise ruler through the ages, and there is an emperor who guards the country's gate, and the Great Chu Jiangshan will be safe!"

The saint slapped the handrail suddenly and stood up, "Jiang Aiqing said it well, the emperor guards the gate of the country, I am the emperor of Great Chu, and I will protect the country and people of Great Chu!"

"Qin Tianjian is in charge, I order you to calculate the auspicious day as soon as possible, I want to return to Beijing!"

After the court, the news of the saint's decision to return to Beijing spread everywhere.

It's only the twelfth lunar month, and although there is at least a month left before returning to Beijing, for the big family, this is not a trip that just goes away.

The farm shops in Xiangcheng have to be taken care of, and some should be dealt with as soon as possible.

It all takes time.

For a time, there were many shops in Xiangcheng.

With the departure of Shengjia and Baiguan, after Xiangcheng lost its role as the capital of the country, there is no doubt that housing prices will drop rapidly.

The dental people in Xiangcheng are so busy, but they sell more and buy less, which has led to the price of the shop continuing to drop, and the price of the shop has not fallen back to the price of more than ten years ago.

The Guogong's mansion was also preparing to go to the capital. Gu Yunjiao did not plan to sell several shops in her hands, and the land near Xiangcheng was handed over directly to her cousin Gu Tang, who asked him to collect the rent and rent it to him. 30% of him is hard work.

As for Renxintang, Gu Yunjiao decided to leave it to A Tie to take care of it.

She doesn't need to take care of the perfume workshop, she still manages it together with the Shen Qing father and son and the queen.

She entrusted the Baiyao Workshop, but she instructed Shen Qing that the secret recipe could not be passed on or passed on, and it was only known to him.

After so many years, she is still assured of Shen Qing's character.

After the New Year, Gu Yuheng and Aunt Hua Wufang went to Hexi County with their two children.

In the first month, officials from the Ministry of Rites and Households of the Ministry of Industry went to the capital first.

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