Jiang Youzhi and Gu Yunjiao both shook their heads.

Caught Kuai again: "Doctor Gu, think about it carefully, since that person wants your prescription, could that person be a doctor or work in a pharmacy."

"After all, most people don't want a prescription, do they?"

Like he doesn't think a prescription has much value at all.

Gu Yunjiao felt that what Cha Kuai said was reasonable. She always felt that the accent of that person was a bit similar to deja vu.

She suddenly said: "I remembered, the one who asked me to write the secret recipe, I'm afraid it's Shopkeeper Sun!"

Jiang Youzhi narrowed his eyes, "The former shopkeeper Sun of Qilintang?"

Gu Yunjiao nodded, "It should be him. I used to hear him speak a bit strange, because his accent, at first glance, is a Xiangcheng accent, but some pronunciations are actually different."

She also went to the 99-year-old Mrs. Zhang's house last time, only to find that the Zhang family's accent was very similar to that of Shopkeeper Sun.

Several of the arresters glanced at each other and immediately said, "Who knows where Shopkeeper Sun's house is?"

Gu Yunjiao said quickly, "My guy Zhang Shun should know about his family."

"Zhang Shun is now in Renxintang."

Zhu Kuai nodded, and separated a few people to carry the three to the yamen, and the other two went to Renxintang.

Lin Shuo also got up, "I'll follow along."

When they arrived at Renxintang, they found Zhang Shun, and the group went straight to Shopkeeper Sun's house.

Knocking on the door, the two arresters rushed in.

The old man who opened the door didn't dare to make a sound, and quickly avoided the side.

After entering the main courtyard, Lin Shuo and Zhang Shun heard rhythmic sounds coming from the Dongdao wing.

This voice, which Lin Shuo had been in the drugstore for so long, was very familiar to him. It was the sound of rolling grooves.

Zhang Shun pointed to the east wing, and a catcher kicked the door open, and saw shopkeeper Sun standing on the mill slot. When he turned around and saw the catcher, he fell from the top in fright.

Zhu Kuai asked Zhang Shun, "Is that him?"

Zhang Shun nodded with a complicated look.

Chu Kuai quickly grabbed Storekeeper Sun's shoulder, then pulled him away.

Da Chu has nothing to say about human rights, let alone show an arrest warrant. If the government wants to take you away, you have to follow along obediently.

Unless you are a person with fame, the government will be polite to you.

Although Shopkeeper Sun guessed that the kidnapping of Doctor Gu was revealed for some reason, he still had some fluke thoughts. After struggling a few times, he shouted, "What are you doing to arrest me?"

"I haven't violated the king's law!"

Lin Shuo stood outside, holding his arms and looking at him coldly.

Shopkeeper Sun was pushed out, and when he saw Lin Shuo, he immediately became miserable.

Now there is no doubt that it must be the kidnapping.

At this time, Mr. He, the wife of Shopkeeper Sun, hurried out of the house. Seeing that the official was a little scared, he still asked, "What are you doing?"

An arresting officer gave her a cold look, "He is suspected of being involved in a kidnapping case, we are going to take him back for questioning."

He Shi said in astonishment, "No way."

Zhu Kuai snorted coldly, "Not only did he kidnap the ticket, he also killed people."

"A little girl died."

Shopkeeper Sun was stunned, "Impossible, I didn't let them kill people, I just let them watch them!"

His legs are weak, Gu Yunjiao is dead?

Has he had a life lawsuit?

What the hell are these people doing!

He never said that he would kill her!

He opened his mouth wide, listening to what his man said, did he really kidnap the ticket?

Oh my God!

Chau Kuai just sneered and pushed shopkeeper Sun out, "If you have something to say, go to the court and talk about it."

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