Lin Shuo watched Chu Kuai escort Shopkeeper Sun away, and turned to go to the south of the city.

Gu Zuo had already experienced corpses, so he put Gu Mei in the coffin.

The coffin was chosen by Jiang Youzhi who accompanied Gu Yunjiao to the coffin shop. A heavy camphor wood coffin cost forty taels of silver.

Gu Mei walked in front of her parents. According to the customs here, it was considered a child of transformation, and she could not stay at home overnight.

I didn't dare to move last night because I was waiting for the official to come.

Now that the government has examined the corpse, Gu Lian and sister Gu Yunjiao discussed it, and then they searched for the neighbors to carry the coffin out.

Carrying the coffin all the way out of the city, in a burial area on the outskirts of Xiangcheng, I bought a place and buried Gu Mei.

In front of Gu Mei's grave, Gu Yunjiao and Gu Chuan burned a lot of gold ingots.

Gu Yunjiao also bought a big house made of paper, and a lot of clothes made of paper, and burned them together in front of Gu Mei's grave.

She was afraid that when Gu Mei went there, there would be no house to live in and no money to spend.

When she got home, Gu Yunjiao lay down.

Chen shi came over and looked worriedly, "How about you take a pulse for yourself, prescribe medicine, and I'll fry it for you."

Gu Yunjiao shook her head, "No need, I'll just take a rest."

She knew she was not sick.

Rather, it is the traumatic stress response after being frightened and subjected to a huge shock.

There is no psychiatrist here, she needs to make psychological self-adjustment.

Not long after she lay down, Gu Yunjiao fell into a drowsy sleep, but she woke up after a while.

The scene of Gu Mei being stabbed by the old woman and the scene of Gu Mei lying on the ground alternately appeared in her dreams.

Maybe it wasn't a dream, it was just her own thoughts, she didn't know whether she fell asleep or not.

After waking up, Gu Yunjiao calmed down, comforted herself, and continued to sleep.

Sanya stayed in Gu Yunjiao's room, watching her with eyes open and closed for a while.

During dinner in the evening, Gu Yunjiao didn't get up, everyone was silent, and the atmosphere at the table was a little depressed.

After dinner, Jiang Youzhi called Sanya aside, "How is your sister Jiaojiao? Did you sleep well?"

Sanya shook her head, "Not good."

"I see Sister Jiaojiao, she will wake up after she can't sleep for a long time, and sometimes her head is full of sweat."

Jiang You was so anxious that he wanted to see Gu Yunjiao and enlighten her, but he was not easy to enter the backyard as a man.

At this time, Mrs. Chen shouted from the kitchen, "Sanya, come and bring this bowl of chicken noodle to you, Sister Jiaojiao."

Sanya ran over and carried the tray carefully to the backyard.

Jiang Youzhi didn't go back to the house, he just stood in the yard and looked at the Moon Cave Gate leading to the backyard.

Sanya went for a while before she came out with a tray.

Jiang Youzhi stopped Sanya and looked at it, there was still more than half of the bowl of noodles.

When Sanya put the tableware and chopsticks out of the kitchen, Jiang Youzhi said to her, "Wait a minute, see when Master Bai has stopped, come out and tell me."

Sanya nodded obediently.

Jiang Youzhi wanted to go to the backyard, but he was worried about Master Bai.

After all, Master Bai is not the female family member of the family. It would be bad if he ran into him.

Lin Shuo saw that Jiang Youzhi's eyes were about to see through the gate of the Moon Cave, and he walked over and said, "Don't worry too much."

He smiled bitterly, "It's all my fault, I was going to go with me at the time, but—"

Jiang Youzhi gave him a surprised look and frowned, "Brother Lin!"

"Why do you blame yourself for this?"

"It was shopkeeper Sun who instigated the kidnapping of the ticket, and the mother-in-law who committed the murder. Why don't you blame those bad people, but instead hurt yourself after being hurt by those bad people?"

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