Seeing his appearance, Da Ya said, "Madam, does he want to talk?"

Madam Wu said in a cold voice, "I gave him a chance not to talk about it, hehe, I'll beat him to death first, and then let him talk!"

Da Ya picked up the whip and whipped it down.

She is strong and has martial arts skills. As soon as the whip was pulled down, Zhang Zhuang's head rolled all over the ground, and a "woo woo woo" sound came out of his throat.

The big girl turned left and right, until Zhang Zhuangtou on the ground had no strength to howl, and then pulled the cloth from Zhang Zhuangtou's mouth.

Zhang Zhuang lay his head on the ground, struggling and said, "Madam, please spare my life."

"My mother actually left a sentence."

Madam Wu just looked at him coldly.

Da Ya's whip hit the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust. Zhang Zhuang's head trembled and said, "My mother said, in case one day, Madam asks about what happened eighteen years ago."

"Just let me tell the lady."

"Speaking of that child, when she went to throw it, she came back to life."

"It was said that Madam was her grandmother. She didn't start again, and she didn't bury the child, so she put it under the tree by the roadside. If the child is dead, it should be able to survive."

"My mother said, I beg Madam to see her save the child's life, and let me have a small life as well."

Zhang Zhuangtou kowtowed again and again after speaking.

Mrs. Wu's voice was extremely cold, "She is so thoughtful!"

"She didn't say it, who ordered her to do it?"

Zhang Zhuang kowtowed and said, "She really didn't say anything, she just said such a stupid thing, she asked me to recite it twice, and then gave me a 500 tael silver note. Just, let's go."

Mrs. Wu raised her lips, "One thousand taels is indeed enough for her to betray me."

At this moment, she believed Zhang Zhuangtou's words, because he no longer had to hide anything.

She motioned for Da Ya to lift the person into the carriage, and she also got into another carriage, and the two carriages went back to the other courtyard.

Back in the other courtyard, Mrs. Wu remembered that she hadn't eaten at noon, and hurriedly ate the meal, and hurriedly asked the girl to pack her bags.

She held the lamp herself and sorted out the things she had accumulated over the years.

Mrs. Wu's dowry includes fields and shops, and she has been prosperous over the years. She herself doesn't like those jewelry and clothes, so she has almost no use for it.

There are more than 100,000 taels of silver in cash, all of which are the rent of the shop for more than ten years, as well as the income from the field, and the tens of thousands of silver that she brought back when she married, all of which are here.

These silvers, all cash silver, were placed in the middle of the walls of other courtyards, and no one knew about them.

Her dowry consists of five shops in the capital and three villages in the suburbs of Beijing, with a total of more than 2,000 mu of land.

There are also some gold and jewelry given by the emperor and the eldest princess, and she intends to give them all to Jiang Youzhi.

Even so, Mrs. Wu still felt that it was not enough.

What she owes her son is not what these things can make up for.

Mrs. Wu packed her things overnight and explained to the housekeeper,

Then he and Daya rode a horse alone, carrying two burdens on their backs, and went to Kang Wangfu.

King Kang received a notification from the servant in the mansion that Mrs. Wu was coming, and he was a little surprised, "Come in quickly."

After a while, she saw Mrs. Wu and a tall girl beside her, all dressed in men's clothes.

King Kang asked, "Madam is this?"

Mrs. Wu said, "Everything is arranged at home, and I can go with you at any time."

King Kang blinked, Mrs. Wu was still doing her business in such a hurry.

He smiled and said, "I'll have someone take you to Youzhi's yard."

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