Jiang Youzhi didn't expect Mrs. Wu to come so quickly.

He invited Mrs. Wu into the hall, and Mrs. Wu told him what Zhang Zhuangtou said, "I wanted to find out the mastermind behind the grandmother, but now it seems that there is no proof."

"I have a personal choice in my heart, but there is no evidence."

"But it's not urgent, we'll talk about it later."

She now feels that nothing is more important than her reunion with her son.

After the mother and son talked for a while, Jiang Youzhi went to King Kang's yard again.

He bowed to King Kang, "I still have something to ask the lord."

King Kang smiled and said, "You say it."

"My life experience, please tell the prince to Mr. Du, and don't tell the British for the time being."

Kang Wang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Why, this biological father should not be welcomed by you?"

Jiang Youzhi was indeed very dissatisfied with his biological father.

Now that you have a wife, why do you want to provoke other women?

Anyway, except for Jiaojiao, he didn't even look at other women too much.

The next day, King Kang and his party set off for Xiangcheng.

Mrs. Wu originally rode a horse, but Jiang Youzhi's legs could not ride a horse, so she also sat with Jiang Youzhi in the carriage.

How did her son grow up in the eighteen years he left her, and how he lives now, she kept asking along the way.

She was eager to get involved in her son's life.

The son patiently talked to her a lot, and she found that her son mentioned the name "Jiaojiao" many times.

When the name is mentioned, the expression on the son's face becomes softer, and even his voice is much softer.

Mrs. Wu is a very affectionate person, otherwise she would not have made such a fuss because of her husband taking a concubine.

For another noble lady, the husband will take a concubine, and he will take the initiative to send his dowry girl to the husband's bed.

She then understood that this Jiaojiao must be the girl that her son likes.

As for Jiaojiao's previous status, what does Mrs. Wu think it is?

In short, as long as her son likes it, she likes it.

Especially when Jiang Youzhi gave her a bottle of mosquito repellent toilet water, saying that Jiaojiao made it herself, she fell in love with this girl named Jiaojiao more and more in her heart.

In mid-September, the group finally returned to Xiangcheng.

It was the end of the afternoon, and Renxintang had no customers. Gu Yunjiao and Lin Shuo were playing Gobang.

Since Jiang Youzhi left, without his guidance, Gu Yunjiao is not Lin Shuo's opponent at all, so at her strong request, the two of them played backgammon.

As he was going down, Lin Shuo suddenly raised his head to look outside, and then said something in disbelief, "Mrs. Wu?"

Gu Yunjiao followed his gaze and turned back, and saw a man standing in the lobby—oh, no, it was a woman.

A woman with a sword-brow and star-shaped eyes, a heroic woman in men's clothing.

It suddenly looks like Sister Qingxia's undefeated Dongfang!

Looking at the age, a woman looks like she is in her thirties, which is the best and most attractive age for a woman, and she moves her hands, calm and free, without a sense of chic.

It was the first time I saw such a wonderful character Gu Yunjiao, so that Jiang Youzhi, who was standing next to the woman, was ignored by her.

Lin Shuo stood up nervously, hurriedly walked over, and saluted, "Mrs. Wu."

As soon as he saw Mrs. Wu, he remembered the days when he was trained, and his whole body suddenly ached.

Ah Hu had also stayed with Lin Shuo in the Imperial Army, and had already stood by and bowed his head.

Mrs. Wu was also surprised to see the two.

She also heard about Lin Shuo's family, but she didn't expect him to come to Xiangcheng.

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