On the bed, Mr. Jiang was not dizzy. He was just unwilling to face all this. At this moment, listening to Zhao Lizheng's words, the tears from the corners of his eyes flowed down silently.

At this time, there was a scolding from Zhou's outside, "Stinky mother-in-law, howl early in the morning, howl!"

Yang shi was rolling on the ground while crying, but when she heard this, she quickly got up, slammed open the door next door, and shouted to the room, "It's a mourning!"

"Your son is dead! My head of the family is dead, can I still howl?"

"Things that are immortal, my men are all harmed by you immortal!"

Zhou Shi scolded angrily in the room, "You mother-in-law, you dare to curse your man! You don't want to live you!"

Zhao Lizheng listened to the two scolding, shook his head and said to Jiang Hua: "Your father's biggest mistake in his life is not marrying a good wife."

"Your father himself is confused, it's no wonder that this family is not defeated."

On the bed, Mr. Jiang suddenly opened his eyes and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Zhao, I don't blame your family for what happened in the past, it was Erlang's own fault."

"You also saw that this family is like this now. You gave an idea, what should we do?"

Zhao Lizheng squinted at Mr. Jiang, "Do you really listen to me?"

The old man propped himself up from the bed, "what do you say, what do I do."

Zhao Li was busy waving his hand, "You can lie down."

He said, "Let your third child go to Xiangcheng to get the second child back for burial."

He pouted, "Those two, don't let them go. They are greedy, and they don't have the ability to see. If they go, something bad will happen."

He said to Jiang Hua: "You go to Xiangcheng to find Saburo first. You can do what Saburo says about this. Don't say anything that shouldn't be said."

Jiang Hua looked at Zhao Lizheng, "Is this the end?"

Zhao Lizheng nodded, "If you want me to say it again, then I will say something else, in the future, don't let your family go to Xiangcheng to find Saburo, don't go, don't go to any of them!"

Jiang Hua shuddered, "I, I, I will get my second brother back and never go again."

Zhao Lizheng said: "That's right. Live honestly at home and keep the family safe."

Mr. Jiang closed his eyes, "Thank you, brother."

Zhao Lizheng waved his hand, "You don't have to thank me."

"I just see it better than you."

He paused, "These things, in the final analysis, are all because you didn't do them well."

Zhao Lizheng continued: "I heard that Saburo wrote you an IOU for two hundred taels of silver? Your family raised him, and it cost less than twenty taels. You really dare to ask for it!"

"Brother, you are too confused. This IOU will write off the previous kindness."

"The worst thing you have done is that you only want to benefit from Saburo, you don't understand a truth, no one in this world is a fool, you treat people with sincerity, and people will treat you with sincerity, not just thinking Take advantage of others."

"What do you think, just Saburo's brain, what do you think he can't see through?"

"Brother, I'm not talking about you. If you've been sincere to Saburo and Doctor Gu over the years, you wouldn't be at this level today."

"Look at how Saburo treats his mother and his younger brothers and sisters with them when he goes to study in Xiangcheng. Isn't he afraid of being bullied by your family? It can be seen that he is not a ruthless child."

"You guys, you have chilled his heart!"

The old man Jiang closed his eyes and couldn't stop crying, and murmured in his mouth: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong-"

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