Jiang Hua stood there with remorse in his heart.

Although he was not bad for Saburo and Gu Yunjiao, he was definitely not good.

When Saburo left last time, he shouldn't be making trouble.

It's too late to regret now.

Zhao Lizheng shook his head and walked out, and Jiang Hua suddenly said: "Uncle Lizheng, I am going to Xiangcheng alone, and I am very flustered. Otherwise, Uncle Lizheng will let Brother Jinsuo go with me?"

Zhao Lizheng paused and shook his head again and again, "Jin Suo is not a sensible person, you don't have to be afraid, if Saburo is here, he will arrange it."

After Zhao Lizheng finished speaking, he left quickly.

How dare he let his son follow him into this muddy water, now, the more he thinks about it, the more afraid he becomes.

Saburo is so cruel, this will kill another one!

Thinking about it at the time, he dared to threaten Saburo without knowing his life and death, and asked Saburo to promise him a condition. Now that he thinks about it, he really thinks his life is too long.

There is also Dr. Gu, who once promised him, he never dared to mention it again.

Mr. Jiang gave Jiang Hua money for the toll. Jiang Hua came out of the back room and called out to Mrs. Yang, who was still arguing with Mrs. Zhou, "Second sister-in-law, stop making trouble."

"I'll go to Xiangcheng and bring my second brother back."

Yang turned his head, "I'm going to Xiangcheng too!"

She took a few steps and pulled Shiro up from the chair, "And Shiro, we mother and son will go with you."

Jiang Hua looked at her gloomily, "What are you going to do? Are you going to make trouble?"

Yang shi shouted: "Of course there will be trouble!"

"People die in the casino, and the casino can't pay a lot of money?"

"Also, the letter clearly stated that the dead ghost lost a thousand taels of silver!"

"One thousand taels!"

"He may still have a lot of money on him! Don't let us go, do you want to swallow all the money?"

Jiang Hua stared at Yang stubbornly, "So far, Erlang is dead, and so is my second brother, don't you understand?"

"You still think about silver!"

"When my second brother left, he took a few taels of silver with him. You don't even think about it, where did the money come from, and how did he die!"

He pointed at the Yang family, "You don't know anything, you know how to make trouble! Do you think Xiangcheng is a rural place? Are you afraid of making trouble?"

"I heard that there are thugs in the casino, you dare to make trouble? No one will know if you beat you to death and throw it at the mass grave!"

"How the second brother died, it's hard to say now!"

Yang Shi shook a little, "You know shit, you haven't been to Xiangcheng, stop talking nonsense!"

At this time, Mr. Jiang suddenly came out of the room and looked at Mrs. Yang with a gloomy look that had never been seen before.

He said coldly: "You better listen to the third child, otherwise, you will get me out of this house!"

Yang shi then howled, "I'm dead, my man's bones are not cold, there is no place for me to stand in this house!"

"Is there any reason in this world-"

As if in response, Zhou Clan's shout suddenly came from the room, "Retribution - this is all retribution, one by one is dead, you wait, there will be retribution!"

As if he couldn't hear this, Mr. Jiang looked at Shiro coldly, "What do you say, do you listen to me and your uncle, or your mother?"

Shiro shook his head, "I, I don't know."

Jiang Hua said coldly: "If you listen to your mother, I'm not sure you will end up the same as your father and your brother."

"If you listen to us, your mother will remarry in the future, and my uncle will also promise to marry you and divide the family property in the future."

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